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Amanda Poppe, M.S.Tim Honadel International Admissions RecruiterAsst. Director of International University at Buffalo, Services and Programs The State.

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Presentation on theme: "Amanda Poppe, M.S.Tim Honadel International Admissions RecruiterAsst. Director of International University at Buffalo, Services and Programs The State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amanda Poppe, M.S.Tim Honadel International Admissions RecruiterAsst. Director of International University at Buffalo, Services and Programs The State University of New York College of The Canyons

2 Reality of Scholarships 1. Most are academic and not need based 2. Nearly all are competitive scholarships 3. There are very few “full-tuition” scholarships U.S. 4. There are even less “full-ride” scholarships available in the U.S. 5. Often more funding at the graduate level(PhD v. Master) 6. Even if you receive a scholarship or assistantship, this will most likely be partial and you will have to look for other sources of funding

3 Types of Scholarships Merit/Academic based scholarships Financial/Need based scholarships Talent based scholarships Athletic scholarships (undergraduate) Departmental scholarships Graduate Assistantships

4 Academic/ Merit Scholarships These scholarships are for top academic students How to be considered? Strong grades throughout high school record SAT or ACT exams Personal Essay Extracurricular leadership/volunteer work Some schools may ask you for an additional essay to be considered.

5 Financial/Need-based scholarships Financial aid is need based, many universities are unable to offer this to international students Those that are will require specific documentation- contact the representatives directly

6 Talent-based Scholarships Scholarships may be awarded based on talent proven through: Auditions Music Performance Vocal Performance Theatre Musical Theatre Portfolios Art Architecture Etc. depends on the institution

7 Athletic Scholarships Depending on the Division of NCAA, athletic scholarships may be available. This is determined by the individual school and athletic department NCAA Division I Athletics is for top National and State Athletes First register at NCAA National Clearinghouse

8 Departmental Scholarships Additionally, individual departments of a specific school may have scholarships. Can be available for Undergraduate and Graduate students See departmental website for details and deadlines. Any additional requirements should be listed. Sometimes these scholarships are awarded only after you have already started attending classes.

9 Graduate Assistantships Assistantships expect you to do some work in return for the payment of course credit See department webpage for how to apply or be considered for these Assistantships Main types of Assistantships Graduate Assistantships Teaching Assistantships Research Assistantships Sometimes additional “stipends” may be available as well

10 On campus work Many campuses will allow you to work on campus jobs for up to 20 hours per week This runs like a regular job search on campus. Many schools have a specific website or “job search” day on campus to expose you to these opportunities Ask admissions counselor for details

11 Questions?

12 Thank You! Amanda Poppe Tim Honadel

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