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RJ Broker: Automating Delivery of Research Output to Repositories Muriel Mewissen - EDINA RSP Webinar - 29 May 20131.

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Presentation on theme: "RJ Broker: Automating Delivery of Research Output to Repositories Muriel Mewissen - EDINA RSP Webinar - 29 May 20131."— Presentation transcript:

1 RJ Broker: Automating Delivery of Research Output to Repositories Muriel Mewissen - EDINA RSP Webinar - 29 May 20131

2 Overview Need for a broker Development of the RJ Broker Publisher & Subject Repository Trials Future Conclusion RSP Webinar - 29 May 20132

3 The need for a Broker RSP Webinar - 29 May 20133

4 Focus Support Open Access & Funder mandates: To increase the number of deposits to UK repositories To minimise effort by depositors and IR managers Institutional Repo Subject repo Publishers Author 2 / Representative Funders Publisher System IR Author/PI RSP Webinar - 29 May 20134 Broker

5 Development of the RJ Broker RSP Webinar - 29 May 20135

6 Previous & Current Projects EDINA led several projects in the repositories area since 2006: –Prospero, The Depot,, EM-Loader, OA- RJ, UK RepositoryNet+ (RepNet), ORI and RJ Broker – RJ Broker –April 2012 to March 2013 –Extension to July 2013 –Component of the RepNet infrastructure RSP Webinar - 29 May 20136

7 Abstract Model: A Delivery Service RJ Broker is a delivery service for research output –Deposit: parcel or letter –Metadata: address –Notification: postcard Vision: – broker-a-research-output-delivery-service/ broker-a-research-output-delivery-service/ RSP Webinar - 29 May 20137

8 RJ Broker RJ Broker is an independent middleware tool –Accept deposit of research articles NLM DTD, bespoke format, SWORD, Eprints –Process the deposits into a common format RJ Broker code –Identify target repositories from metadata Organisation and Repository Identification (ORI) –Handle deposition to registered repositories SWORD, plugins (Eprints, DSpace,Fedora,…) –Provide tracking ID to content supplier URIs RSP Webinar - 29 May 20138

9 RJ Broker RJ Broker also –Allow browsing, search and download GUI & APIs (Eprints) –Notify other repositories with relevant content Monthly email “View” useful for non SWORD systems (CRIS), individuals RSP Webinar - 29 May 20139

10 Proposed RJ Broker Service RSP Webinar - 29 May 201310

11 Publisher & Subject Repository Trials with the Pilot RJ Broker RSP Webinar - 29 May 2013 11

12 Pilot RJ Broker Demonstrate the functionality Real data Test the scalability Publisher: Nature Publishing Group (NPG) Subject Repository: Europe PubMed Central RSP Webinar - 29 May 2013 12

13 Publisher: NPG Record includes –Metadata: rich, embargo, funder, multiple authors, ORCID in the future… –Content: Multi-part publication (some content may be embargoed) i.e. full text Development work: –Agree format for the record (NLM DTD based) –EDINA developed an importer for the data –Transfer using SWORD 1.3 –NPG added new stream in their publication workflow that send data to the RJ Broker RSP Webinar - 29 May 201313

14 NPG Legal agreements to respect embargo periods –Between NPG & EDINA –Between EDINA & IRs MIT signed the IR agreement –Working on data importer for DSpace Worth considering to receive: –Quality: Full text publication & rich metadata –Timely: Straight from the publisher during the publication process even if embargoed Template agreement on request RSP Webinar - 29 May 201314

15 NPG Set up took several months –Time difference –Relies on voluntary participation –Requires small amount of development work –Legal framework Successful data transfer trial between NPG & RJ Broker in February 2013 NPG ready to start continuous data feed –A couple of journals first to increase with take up Transfer to test IRs RSP Webinar - 29 May 201315

16 Subject Repository: Europe PMC Use case supported by Jisc, RepNet & Wellcome Trust –UK focus –Support funders mandate Record includes: –Metadata only: funders, grant numbers, first author only, DOI to full text… –Fully Open Access –New publication or Update to existing publication RSP Webinar - 29 May 201316

17 Europe PMC Development work: –Agree format for the record (bespoke) –EDINA developed an importer for the data –Transfer using SWORD 1.3 –MIMAS/EBI get regular data feed from PMC –Push data from their regular feed to the RJ Broker Set up took a few weeks Successful data transfer trial between Europe PMC & RJ Broker in February 2013 Ready to start continuous data feed –Average 160,000 records per month Transfer to test IRs RSP Webinar - 29 May 201317

18 Europe PMC Trial in Numbers ~67,000 ~60,000 ~58,500 ~22,500 ~14,500 1,665 RSP Webinar - 29 May 201318 67,000 records in the trial dataset (~12 days based on an average 160,000 per month) 7,000 no affiliation60,000 sent to RJ Broker 1,500 errors (bad format)58,500 successfully received by RJ Broker 36,000 with no identifiable organisation RJ Broker identifies organisation for 22,500 8,000 no repositories14,500 have repositories 13,000 worldwide (not UK)1,665 in the UK

19 Europe PMC Trial in Numbers RSP Webinar - 29 May 201319

20 Europe PMC Trial in Numbers RSP Webinar - 29 May 2013 20 Number of associated repositories for records with one organisation identified

21 Europe PMC Trial in Numbers RSP Webinar - 29 May 201321 Country Code Country Number of records usUSA5934 gb United Kingdom 1665 caCanada1099 jpJapan722 auAustralia655 seSweden313 esSpain304 nlNetherlands299 deGermany239 twTaiwan181 frFrance180 brBrazil179 itItaly176 beBelgium174 thThailand168 zaSouth Africa160 sdSudan155 55 other countries with less than 1% of records each 1836

22 Top UK Institutions DestinationNumber of records University of Oxford170 University of Cambridge139 University College London119 Imperial College103 University of Edinburgh88 University of Manchester63 University of Bristol61 University of Nottingham, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne56 Liverpool55 University of Glasgow52 RSP Webinar - 29 May 201322 Europe PMC Trial in Numbers 78 UK Institutions in total

23 Europe PMC Trial in Numbers RSP Webinar - 29 May 201323

24 RJ Broker Trial Installation GUI preview access OA records from NPG & Europe PMC are available for browsing & downloading –Check what we have for your institution! – –!!! It is only trial & development installation –!!! Not a service yet RSP Webinar - 29 May 201324

25 RJ Broker Trial Demonstrate features: Importing records from different suppliers Storing & Processing (~2s per record) Repository Identification Delivery Browsing & Download More end-to-end use cases External IRs Different IR platforms (Eprints, DSpace, Fedora…) RSP Webinar - 29 May 201325

26 The Future RSP Webinar - 29 May 2013 26

27 Immediate Future Project extension (31 July 2013) Prepare transition to service –Service installation –Add functionality Email notification to all (non-registered) IRs Improve support for different repository platforms Bulk transfer of data backlog Support RIOXX metadata export –Early adopters IRs Data suppliers to establish data feeds –Start building data store Content kept for 1 year to start with RSP Webinar - 29 May 201327

28 Future (after July 2013) Transition to Service –Within RepNet Infrastructure –SLD –Roadmap for adding further functionality Open for recruitment RSP Webinar - 29 May 201328

29 Proposed Service to IRs All IRs: –Browse and download OA content through public APIs and GUI to the RJ Broker –Ready to accept registration of new IRs –Info ‘pack’ on how to register to the RJ Broker delivery service –Monthly email notification to IRs with a list of citations for the OA publications which have been supplied to the RJ Broker in the last month and are relevant to the institution, includes instruction on how to access the APIs and GUI for browsing and downloading the content and an invitation to register to the RJ Broker deliver service. RSP Webinar - 29 May 201329

30 Proposed Service to IRs Registration process: –IR provides SWORD endpoint credentials to RJ Broker –IR is configured to accept RJ Broker data –Option to opt-in to receive embargo content requires to sign a legal agreement Registered IRs: –Direct delivery of new OA content from all suppliers to IR sword endpoint –Direct delivery of embargoed content from all suppliers to IR sword endpoint subject to legal agreement RSP Webinar - 29 May 201330

31 Proposed Service to Data Suppliers Ready to accept new data suppliers Info ‘pack’ on how to become an RJ Broker data supplier Enable regular data feed into RJ Broker Forward supplied content to registered IRs (when identification of target IRs is possible) Email notification of supplied content to relevant IRs Expose supplied OA content through APIs and GUI for browsing and downloading Allow tracking and full access to own content RSP Webinar - 29 May 201331

32 Conclusion RSP Webinar - 29 May 201332

33 Conclusion Effective solution to content dissemination Benefits all –Increase OA & transparency –Help with reporting –Support promotion –Saves time & effort (money) Appeal of service will grow Small amount of development work needed locally but it is worth it! RSP Webinar - 29 May 201333

34 Thanks You RSP EDINA Team –Ian Stuart- Cesare Bellini –Muriel Mewissen- Christine Rees –Peter Burnhill- Theo Andrews NPG, MIT, Europe PMC, MIMAS, EBI, Wellcome Trust UK RepositoryNet+ Jisc RSP Webinar - 29 May 201334

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