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Mental Health, Dementia & Neurology Intelligence Networks Summary & overview 16 July 2014 James Seward.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health, Dementia & Neurology Intelligence Networks Summary & overview 16 July 2014 James Seward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health, Dementia & Neurology Intelligence Networks Summary & overview 16 July 2014 James Seward

2 Mental Health, Dementia & Neurology Intelligence Networks The Mental Health & Wellbeing Intelligence Network (MHIN), Dementia Intelligence Network (DIN) and Neurology Intelligence Network (NIN) launched on 18 th June The Networks operate collectively with a shared website and support team The MHDNIN is a ‘Beta’ website and tools in development pending end- user testing & development The aim to support the delivery of improved physical and mental wellbeing based on reliable intelligence by:  developing shared system-wide leadership & governance  identifying & meeting the needs of end-users through the intelligence products delivered

3 The Intelligence Hub A tour of the MHIN site, how to navigate the resources & tools (where applicable) by thematic area



6 Profiling tools & supporting guidance


8 A range of tools and documents to support use of the tool First view of the tool

9 Data is presented by geographical view Domains into which data is gathered Own data can be compared with geographical and statistical neighbours Data views, info on data and access to data for own processing

10 Significance testing to inform conclusions Data quality assessed to aid interpretation

11 Common Mental Health Disorders Depression

12 Lower level of depression identified in primary care than you may expect given that estimated common conditions prevalence is high and GP survey depression/ anxiety is high…. Why ? CCG prevalence indicators relating to depression

13 CCG quality and outcome indicators relating to depression Much lower levels of assessment and follow up in Primary Care than may be expected. Quite high exceptions for depression in primary care This might warrant further investigation

14 Severe Mental Illness Crisis and whole system measures

15 Liverpool’s position within the most deprived decile

16 Social Care service measures relating to the prevention of crisis intervention Relatively low levels of intervention given high prevalence and high health service contacts Low numbers overall and higher day care than other interventions

17 Primary Care quality and outcome indicators - preventing crisis interventions Some relatively low measures of primary care management of those with SMI Relatively poor management of physical health of those with SMI may lead to crisis

18 Suicide as an indicator of whole pathway Now starting to climb again, need to understand if change is significant, and if yes, why? Clear downward trend in suicide for 10 years until significantly below England

19 Excess Mortality in adults with serious mental illness as an indicator of work still required Trend data compared to those in the same (most deprived) deprivation decile Liverpool clearly consistently above England. And has generally higher rates of excess mortality than other deprived areas.

20 National overview – Early Intervention Teams



23 Forward Look: Delivering & developing the MHDN Intelligence Networks 2014/15

24 Developing the MDNHIN New Profiling Tools (Fingertips) –CYP, Dual Diagnosis & Suicide (Sept) –Crisis Concordat (Nov) –Dementia Roll & headache (Dec) Care Pathway and Mental Wellbeing Indicators (Fingertips & CfV) –Psychosis, Common Mental Health Disorders (Oct) –CYP, Neurology (Epilepsy) & Dementia (?) (Nov) What Good Looks Like (WGLL) Factsheets –Summaries of international best practice by care pathway Summary Reports (Analysis of Data for publication, led by NCD) –Analysis of Care Pathway intelligence against WGLL summaries Local SCN, PHE sponsored engagement and ‘consultation’ events

25 Mental Health Dementia & Neurology Intelligence Networks Mental Health James Seward, Programme Lead - Dementia Simon Rippon, Dementia Project Lead – Neurology Elizabeth Davis, Neurology Project Lead – Find out more - contacts

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