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Birds in Neolithic and Mesolithic graves in Northern Europe Kristiina Mannermaa Institute of Cultural Research, Department of Archaeology, PO Box 59, 00014.

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Presentation on theme: "Birds in Neolithic and Mesolithic graves in Northern Europe Kristiina Mannermaa Institute of Cultural Research, Department of Archaeology, PO Box 59, 00014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds in Neolithic and Mesolithic graves in Northern Europe Kristiina Mannermaa Institute of Cultural Research, Department of Archaeology, PO Box 59, 00014 University of Helsinki. ICAZ Paris 23rd-28th April 2010. The animal in funerary space

2 Many roles of birds in graves Decoration of the grave, garments, clothes etc. bones fashioned to beads and pendants feathers symbolic aspects In ritual and ideology power animals, help spirits totem animals color symbolism carriers, soul birds

3 Sites

4 Zvejnieki, Northern Latvia Multiperiodical site (ca. 7000-3000 cal BC) Island on Ancient lake Burtnieks 320 graves excavated in 1960, 2006, 2007 Rich burials Well preserved

5 Ajvide, Gotland, Sweden Graves ca. 2900- 2300 cal BC (Middle Neolithic) 81 graves excavated in 1986- 2009 Richl graves Well preserved

6 Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov, NW Russia Mesolithic, ca. 7000- 6200 cal BC Island on lake Onega excavated in 1936, 1938 Rich burials Well preserved Gurina 1956

7 Does the animal bone really belong to the burial or relating actions? Contexts Taphonomic history of the site C14 dates

8 Zvejnieki, grave 164 Adult male: 5230±95 BP Diver (Gavia sp.) bone 5770±55 BP Mannermaa et al. 2007

9 Zvejnieki: grave 165 Adult male: 5480±100 BP Jay bone: 5250±55 BP Anatidae: 10 690±80 BP !!! Mannermaa et al. 2007

10 Decoration Beads and pendants Wing bones of waterbirds (mainly ducks) Examples: Photo H. Birznieks Photo K. Mannermaa

11 Zvejnieki: Child grave 190 11 bird humerus pendants (e.g., Mallard, Goosander, Red-breasted merganser and indet. ducks) Zagorskis 1987 Photo H. Birznieks

12 Ajvide: Beads in a double child grave 52 Photo Göran Burenhult

13 Beads and Dentalium- shells in double burial at Ire, Gotland Beads in the head region in grave 4 at Ire, Gotland G. Janzon: Gotlands stenåldersgravar 1974

14 Jakutian shaman (Early twentieth century) Pentikäinen et al. 1998. Samaanit Uses of bead and pendants Nihlen, J. 1927. Gotlands stenåldersboplatser Zagorskis, F. 1961. Kreicu neolita kapulauks. Arheologia un etnografija 3.

15 Meanings of decoration: Aesthetic-feathers-pairs Symbolic aspects: –dual symbolism? –use of certain species and anatomical elements Voice from hanging pendants others?

16 Photos K. Mannermaa Ajvide: female grave 62 What are these?

17 Musical instruments? Wind chimes? Photos K. Mannermaa

18 Ajvide: Grave 2 Cut bird tarsometatarsi --What are they? Photo G. Burenhult Cormorant

19 Ajvide: Female grave 62 Cut crane tarsometatarsi Photos K. Mannermaa

20 Bird parts as agents of beliefs and ideology Power animals, help spirits (cf. the Saami) Carriers (soul birds) colour symbolism parts of totem animals Examples:

21 Zvejnieki: Grave 164 Adult male: 5230±95 BP Over 40 wing bones (cmc) of the Jay (Garrulus glandarius) all over the body Mannermaa et al. 2007 Near the right arm On the chest Photos H. Birznieks

22 other grave goods, e.g.: -Near the ear jewellery made of 11 mammal teeth (wild boar, elk, aurochs, dog and otter) -16 spearheads

23 Blue wings of the jay –colour symbolism? Clan of the jay? -- analogy with historical Siberian tribes? Jay carpometacarpi were found in three additional burials photo H. Hautala

24 Adult male Two ulnae and one radius in the find concentration Representing a power animal? Ajvide: Red-throated diver bones in grave 7 Photo G. Burenhult Photos K. Mannermaa

25 Metacarpi/-tarsi of the Arctic hare (Lepus timidus) Seal tooth pendants Pig/wild boar (Sus scrofa) tusk pendant Bone points Flint artifacts Stone axe Other finds in collection:

26 Early Neolithic) Zvejnieki: Young male in grave 153 (Early Neolithic 5745±65 BP) Aythya sp. Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Zagorskis 1987 Photos H. Birznieks

27 Other finds in the grave: Head dress made of animal tooth pendants animal tooth pendants all over the body wild boar tusk bone point red-ochre

28 Grave VII in Tamula, southern Estonia Grave VII in Tamula, southern Estonia (5760±45 BP) - About 7-year old child - Ulnae of the crane (Grus grus) at both hands Jaanits et al. 1982

29 Symbolic and decorative beads and pendants Use of wings or parts of wings water birds were important in ritual and ideological practices No birds of prey (some exceptions…) Common aspects on birds in cemeteries:

30 Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov… White-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) Leg elements common Interpretations can hardly be made due to lost contextual data Only unworked bird bones have been studied so far

31 Neolithic rock carving in Kanozero, NW Russia Thank you for your attention!

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