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Tutorial outline 1. Defining symbols 2. Symbols game 3. Reading ‘The Rabbits’ 4. Thinking about ‘The Rabbits’ 5. Reading images from ‘The Rabbits’ Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial outline 1. Defining symbols 2. Symbols game 3. Reading ‘The Rabbits’ 4. Thinking about ‘The Rabbits’ 5. Reading images from ‘The Rabbits’ Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorial outline 1. Defining symbols 2. Symbols game 3. Reading ‘The Rabbits’ 4. Thinking about ‘The Rabbits’ 5. Reading images from ‘The Rabbits’ Learning intention: 1. To learn how to identify symbols. 2. To learn how to define symbols. 3. To learn how to find symbols and the meaning they create. Success Criteria: 1. I can identify symbols. 2. I can define symbols. 3. I can find symbols in images. ENGLISH


3 Different definitions for symbolism Which definition do you like? 1. Symbolism is a person, a place, a thing or event that has meaning in itself and stands for something beyond itself as well.

4 Different definitions for symbolism Which definition do you like? 1. Symbolism is a person, a place, a thing or event that has meaning in itself and stands for something beyond itself as well. 2. Symbols are commonly known as representing a larger idea.

5 Different definitions for symbolism Which definition do you like? 1. Symbolism is a person, a place, a thing or event that has meaning in itself and stands for something beyond itself as well. 2. Symbols are commonly known as representing a larger idea. 3. In literature symbolism offers a meaningful link between a specific object, character, scene, action and an abstract idea, value or meaning.

6 Different definitions for symbolism Which definition do you like? 1. Symbolism is a person, a place, a thing or event that has meaning in itself and stands for something beyond itself as well. 2. Symbols are commonly known as representing a larger idea. 3. In literature symbolism offers a meaningful link between a specific object, character, scene, action and an abstract idea, value or meaning. Write down your favourite definition. 5 minutes

7 Remember what we covered about DENOTATION and CONNOTATION?


9 Let’s see if we can recognise some basic symbols!

10 Add symbols to your table. OBJECT (denotation) MEANING (connotation) heartlove





15 SADNESS or HAPPINESS? Symbols can have different meaning depending on the context or situation.





20 GOOD LUCK or IRELAND? Symbols can have multiple meanings.



23 TIME -Running out of time -Having more time than needed - The past or future Symbols can be more and more complex depending on their context.



26 (The colour white)


28 (The colour white) INNOCENCE, PURIETY or mourning? Depending on the cultural context symbols can have different meanings.

29 Symbols create further meaning. In pairs use your new skills to deconstruct what this image could symbolise. Remember, we don’t want the literal! 5 minutes

30 Interpreting Symbols: A symbol can have a variety of meanings




34 Remember, symbols need to have a shared meaning. That is, it must be generally agreed upon. ACTIVITY: Using this website find 4-7 different symbols to add to your table. 10 minutes.

35 Add symbols to your table. OBJECT (denotation) MEANING (connotation)

36 Allegory: A story, poem or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. The Rabbits John Marsden and Shaun Tan

37 Let’s read ‘The Rabbits’ to find as many symbols as we can. Online video:

38 Let’s start thinking… 1.What happened in this story? 2. Why did they use animals in the story? 3.Why did they use rabbits? What does it symbolise? 4.Why did they use bandicoots? What does it symbolise?

39 Like when we read words, we also read images.

40 Reading images: How do we do it? 1. Scan the image CLOSELY (it’s easy to miss something)! 2. Write down what you literally see. (denotations) 3. Think about the context (what the topic is and how this creates meaning). 4. Write down the meaning they create (connotations)


42 With your allocated page from ‘The Rabbits’ complete the process to find how images create meaning. Use this table to help you and my examples to help you. denotationconnotationHow does this create meaning? Giant ship Rabbits Powerful, forceful, intimidating. A pest, quickly multiplying, not native to Australia. The ship is large, and takes up most of the page, this suggests that the group invading are powerful, forceful and scary. The villains in this story are rabbits. This symbolizes that the colonization of Australia can be likened to a plague of unwanted pests. 1. Scan the image CLOSELY (it’s easy to miss something)! 2. Write down what you literally see. (denotations) 3. Think about the context (what the topic is and how this creates meaning). 4. Write down the meaning they create (connotations)

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