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Troubleshooting Workflow 8 Raymond Cruz, Software Support Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "Troubleshooting Workflow 8 Raymond Cruz, Software Support Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Troubleshooting Workflow 8 Raymond Cruz, Software Support Engineer

2 Agenda The installation process Common workflow problems Logs and features for troubleshooting Know what to watch out for

3 Workflow 8 Components Workflow Server Workflow Subscriber Workflow Designer Workflow Admin Console

4 Workflow Components Workflow Server and Workflow Subscriber are Windows Services

5 Workflow Designer User interface Equivalent to Workflow Manager in Workflow 7 Where you design Workflow definitions that the Workflow Server executes Drag and drop interface Very easy to use and more intuitive

6 Major Difference Alert! Workflow definitions are saved as an XML-based file WFX extension Portable! Can be transported and loaded into other Workflow 8 installations

7 Workflow Server Hub of Laserfiche Workflow 8 Windows Workflow Foundation engine provided with the.NET 3.0 Framework Compares events in a Laserfiche repository (or outside) and takes actions Runs as Laserfiche Workflow 8.x service

8 Workflow Subscriber Links the Workflow Server and LF Server Receives notifications from the LF server when a change is made to an LF entry Notifies the WF Server of the changes Runs as LF Workflow Subscriber service

9 Workflow Admin Console Summary of the Workflow server Shows current running workflow rules Lists workflow definitions Manage security settings

10 Workflow Component Overview

11 Installation

12 Installation Requirements Hardware: Workflow Server: –CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 GHz processor –Memory: 1 GB RAM –Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 Subscriber, WF Designer, and WF Admin Console requirements similar to the LF8 requirements

13 Installation Requirements Laserfiche 8 Server Microsoft SQL Server –Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (SP 3a) MSDE sp3a –Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (SP1) SQL Express sp1

14 Installation Requirements Message Queuing Windows Component –Required by the Workflow server only.NET Framework 3.0. –Required by all Microsoft Management Console 3.0 (MMC 3.0) –Required by WF Admin console only

15 Not Supported Windows XP home Windows 2000 Windows NT

16 Licensing Same as Workflow 7 –Same general rules apply –WF server is licensed per installation Multiple WF Designers allowed Multiple WF Servers require multiple licenses

17 What you need before you start Latest version of the product Latest licenses New application notes in readme.htm Latest service packs for the OS and SQL Prerequisites Microsoft Windows CD

18 What you need before you start DNS name or IP address: –SQL server –Laserfiche server –Mail server –Workflow server Instance name of SQL Port name that the mail server uses (if non-standard) LF repository names, if using multiple repositories

19 Installation Notes Install the prerequisites first Don’t forget to configure Started by autorun.exe

20 Configuration Getting each component to talk to each other Services will NOT be running after the install Need to configure by running through: –Workflow Service Configuration Utility –Workflow Subscriber Configuration Utility

21 WF Service Configuration Utility You HAVE to run this wizard at least once To configure: –Account to use to access SQL –The mail server to use –The port the mail server uses (if different) –The e-mail address to use for WF notifications

22 WF Server Configuration Utility

23 WF Subscriber Configuration Utility You HAVE to run this Wizard at least once To tell Workflow: –SQL server to use –SQL database to use –Account to use –Laserfiche repositories to connect to

24 WF Subscriber Configuration Utility Requires an SQL Server and a Laserfiche Server SQL should be specified in the usual format: –machinename or (local) for full SQL –machinename\laserfiche for MSDE –machinename\SQLEXPRESS for SQL 2005 Express Connection to Laserfiche only needed to set up the WFUSER$ account. Any admin account will do The Subscriber and Workflow server can use the same SQL database Can be the same one used by the Laserfiche repository

25 WF Subscriber Configuration Utility

26 Workflow Designer Set Connection Profile Workflow Server needs rights Dedicated, full access admin account –Full feature rights –Full privileges –Full volume access rights –All access rights

27 Why Full Access? Workflow 8 does more than Workflow 7 –Add sticky notes, field data, tags, templates, etc. –Create, delete entry, etc. –Move, rename Tracking via Audit Trail

28 File locations :\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Workflow –Laserfiche.Workflow.Subscriber.exe –Laserfiche.Workflow.Service.exe –Laserfiche.Workflow.Designer.exe –Configuration files –License –Utilities folder

29 Troubleshooting Tools

30 Workflow Troubleshooting Tools Workflow Designer search mode Workflow Designer error log Workflow Subscriber tray

31 Windows Troubleshooting Tools Application and system event logs Tracing ADPlus Export as a Windows Workflow

32 When to Use the Tools Services not starting –Application Event logs Fails to publish –WF Designer Error Log Publishes but does not work correctly: –Workflow Subscriber Tray –WF Designer Search mode –Tracing –Export as Windows Workflow Unexpected stops, hangs, unhandled exceptions –ADPlus –Tracing

33 Workflow Designer Search Mode Customize search by –Workflow name –Errors and warnings –Workflow status Running workflows Completed Terminated Suspended

34 Workflow Subscriber Tray Installed but not activated Simply run the exe to activate Appears as an icon on the Windows system tray of the Workflow Server

35 Workflow Subscriber Tray Real-time utility Can export as an XML file

36 Some Common Issues

37 Common Workflow Issues Installation or service issues Not routing documents Fails to publish Looping and spamming

38 Installation Issues Valid Laserfiche WF License Local administrative permissions Domain Admin rights, if server operating systems

39 Installation Issues Services will not start –Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion –WMI error Workflow Service Configuration Utility fails and/or Workflow Subscriber Configuration Utility fails –Check the accounts

40 General Rule For problems with the services, check the application log

41 Sample Event MachineName : CB_HPLAPTOP TimeStamp : 12/18/2007 1:40:28 PM FullName : Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ae774dc32a452c9e AppDomainName : Laserfiche.Workflow.Subscriber.exe ThreadIdentity : WindowsIdentity : NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Category: Errors Priority: 0 EventId: 100 Severity: Error Title:Enterprise Library Exception Handling Machine: CB_HPLAPTOP Application Domain: Laserfiche.Workflow.Subscriber.exe Process Id: 648 Process Name: C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Workflow\Laserfiche.Workflow.Subscriber.exe Win32 Thread Id: 2864 Thread Name: 12/18/2007 08:17:22 Type : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Message : General WMI error Source : Help link : ErrorCode : -2147217394 Data : System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal TargetSite : System.String get_Serial() Stack Trace : at LFSO80Lib.ILFServer.get_Serial() at Laserfiche.Workflow.Subscriber.Program.CheckLicense()

42 Sample Event General WMI error Service can’t connect –What service? Laserfiche.Workflow.Subscriber.exe –Why? License is bad!

43 Demo

44 Permission Denied –What to look for –What to check –How to fix Inadvertent Looping –What to look for –Search –How to fix



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