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Graduation Rates and Rate My Professor VIRGINIA AMERMAN & CLAUDIA GOMES.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduation Rates and Rate My Professor VIRGINIA AMERMAN & CLAUDIA GOMES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduation Rates and Rate My Professor VIRGINIA AMERMAN & CLAUDIA GOMES

2 Project Description  We wanted to find out if there is a correlation between rate my professor’s general rating for MD colleges and their graduation rate  What determines Rate my Professor scores: Reputation, Internet, Opportunity, Campus, Social, Location, Food, Library, Clubs, Happiness  14 Public 4 year Institutions, 14 Private non-Profit Institutions, 4 private, religious, non-profit Institutions

3 GRADUATION ODDS AND PROBABILITIES AMONG BACCALAUREATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES  Wanted to determine the effect of instructional characteristics that effected graduation rates  They used a logistic regression with the variables: percent of Federal Pell grants, SAT scores, size of university, how much they spent on full time students, percentage of minorities, if it was private or public, if grads received a general BA or a Liberal Arts BA ( they found the percent minorities and BA classification to be insignificant so they removed)  Largest effect= percent Pell recipients, private college status, and SAT scores.  Moderate Effect=College size and expenditures per FTE student have a

4 Variations in Student Mental Health and Treatment Utilization Across US Colleges and Universities  logistic regressions focus on associations between institutional characteristics and student mental health and treatment utilization  worse mental health: doctoral-granting, public, large enrollment, nonresidential, less competitive, and lower graduation rates.  treatment utilization is higher at doctorate-granting institutions, baccalaureate colleges, institutions with small enrollments, and schools with strong residential systems

5 RELATIVE SUCCESS? DETERMINANTS OF COLLEGE GRADUATION RATES IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COLLEGES IN THE U.S.  Logistic regression to evaluate the different populations in public and private institutions and their graduation rate  Much of the gap between the average graduation rates of public and private institutions can be explained by the different characteristics of their students  Public colleges apparently use their inputs more effectively than the private institutions  Missing data due to lack of teacher quality and salary information  Findings strongly suggest that evaluation of public colleges based on raw graduation rates is inappropriate

6 Retention of first-time degree-seeking undergraduates at degree- granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, level and control of institution, and percentage of applications accepted: 2006 to 2013  Public institutions overall graduation rate from 2012 to 2013 is: 71.4  Private, non-Profit institutions : 80.3

7 Influencing Graduation Rates through Resource Allocation: A Correlation Analysis of Institutional Expenditures and Six-Year Graduation Rates at Private Colleges and Universities in New England  Used multiple regression to find a correlation between expenditures and graduation rates, using expenditures per student and total expenditures  significant positive relationships between expenditures per student for both instruction (non-personnel) and student services (personnel) variables and graduation rate

8 Our project  Using rate my professor total ratings for MD Universities  Use for graduation rates

9 The Future  What we plan to find: a strong correlation between rate my professor and grad rates  From our lit review the colleges that provided more money per student, private college status and happier students had higher graduation rates

10 References  Promades, F. C. (2012, January 1). Influencing Graduation Rates through Resource Allocation: A Correlation Analysis of Institutional Expenditures and Six-Year Graduation Rates at Private Colleges and Universities in New England. ProQuest LLC  Morrison, M. C. (2013). Graduation Odds and Probabilities among Baccalaureate Colleges and Universities. Journal Of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 14(2), 157-179.  Scott, M., Bailey, T., & Kienzl, G. (2006). Relative Success? Determinants of College Graduation Rates in Public and Private Colleges in the U.S.Research In Higher Education, 47(3), 249-279.  Ketchen Lipson, S., Gaddis, S. M., Heinze, J., Beck, K., & Eisenberg, D. (2015). Variations in Student Mental Health and Treatment Utilization Across US Colleges and Universities. Journal Of American College Health, 63(6), 388-396 9p. doi:10.1080/07448481.2015.1040411  Retention of first-time degree-seeking undergraduates at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, level and control of institution, and percentage of applications accepted: 2006 to 2013. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2016, from

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