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Mohammad Khalid Sayeed Pasha CA|TS Manager WWF Tigers Alive Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "Mohammad Khalid Sayeed Pasha CA|TS Manager WWF Tigers Alive Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mohammad Khalid Sayeed Pasha CA|TS Manager WWF Tigers Alive Initiative

2 Tiger landscapes globally face several threats & management challenges

3 Informed decision for stakeholders. Need to standardise baseline monitoring & evaluation tools available for Tiger Areas across the range countries. Need for Adequate standards to instruct & guide protected area managers and policy implementers.

4  An accreditation scheme aimed to encourage PAs to meet a set of standards.  A set of standards created by experts and protected area managers to assist and guide Tiger conservation areas to a more effective level of management.  An objective way to identify and assess ‘best’ management practices.


6 Conservation Driven requirements Policy Driven requirements Sociological EcologicalLegal Security CA|TS

7 Security / Protection & Threats Tiger Population PA & Community Management Policy

8 Field Managers Management /Administrative effectiveness & gaps Ecological & Sociological monitoring Protection status Staffing issues & /performance Welfare issues Government Policy implementation effectiveness & gaps Resource allocation Other Stakeholders  Donors  Research Institutions  Other agencies  NGOs  Local Communities  Tourist

9 November 15 2013 MoU Signed Sendai, Japan

10 February 14 2014 Global tiger Forum (GTF) Endorses CA|TS and urges TRCs for its adoption & implementation

11  Phase 1: Tiger source countries India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan  Phase 2: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Russia and (Cambodia – would be a good site to test standards prior to reintroduction of Tigers and post phase)  Phase 3: China, Myanmar (Laos and Vietnam – show evidence of Tiger presence, or demonstrable presence of tigers)


13 Nov 2013 APC Launch; GLPA MoU Dec 2013 Chitwan NP 1 st CA|TS site Bhutan scope & roll-out Feb 2014 Mar 2014 Apr 2014 May 2014 Jun 2014 GTF endorsement Bangladesh scope & roll-out Malaysia engagement India scope & roll-out Chitwan NP assessment completed Russia, Thailand, Indonesia In discussion currently

14  Aug 2014 SCB Asia – Malaysia: Paper presentation on CA|TS  Sept 2014 GTI / GTF – Bangladesh: Engagements with TRCs for promotion of CA|TS  Oct 2014 CBD – S. Korea: As a tool for enhancing biodiversity (side event planning)  Nov 2014 WPC – Australia: Engagement with GLPA and other relevant stakeholders



17 Process site-based and overseen by National Committees and independent review (re dossier and process) Supported by Management Team International equivalence assured by Executive Committee

18 Two steps: CA|TS registered CA|TS approved ME a pre-requisite – an indicator of effective management and source document (MET / MEETR) Dossier records compliance with standards


20 Each element contains a range of detailed standards

21  Detailed guidance when required  As well as best practices boxes (expanded in each version)  Evidence check lists to aid the development of the compliance dossier

22  Field Assessment – tabular format – evidence for each criteria – sources and links clearly provided  Independent review of Process & field assessment- goes to National Committee – tech. Committee – In addition to this SUMMARY DOCUMENT – Intl Committee – upon clearance and sign off – goes back to national committee for final declaration (CA|TS Approved)..\Documents\TAI_Malaysia\CATS\CATS Dossiers\PDF Forms CATS\CATS assessment dossier formats.pdf..\Documents\TAI_Malaysia\CATS\CATS Dossiers\PDF Forms CATS\CATS assessment dossier formats.pdf

23  PA vs non-PA  Engagement with Country Govt. & stakeholders  Incentives to the sites  Accessibility of evidence documents – most of them are / will be in local language  Representation of National Committee within the Int. Committee & Institutionalization of the process

24  Much of the detail is site based  Realistic timeframe for assessment process  International executive committee expectations

25  Need for striking a balance between CA|TS & GLPA – communication with TRCs  Linking CA|TS sites with GLPA  CA|TS & GLPA joint Communication & promotional / marketing strategy

26 WWF-TAI Equilibrium Research (Sue Stolton & Nigel Dudley) IUCN Tiger Range Countries – Govts. Global Tiger Forum (GTF) Govt. of Nepal (DNPWC) & WWF Nepal (Diwakar Chapagain) CA|TS International Committee members NGO partners

27 WWF Tigers Alive Initiative

28 National Committee and Technical Committee have been formed to move under the CA/TS process. National Committee is represented by:  Chair – Director General, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation.  Members:  Three government officials  Two NGO representatives (WWF and NTNC)  Two professional experts. National Technical Committee is represented by :  Ecologist, DNPWC-Leader  Chief Warden, CNP  WWF representative-1  NTNC representative-2

29 Technical Committee held a meeting and discus on the report and provided comments and suggestion. With the incorporation of the suggestion of TC the report was presented at NC. NC - feedback on report and suggestions Stakeholders meeting at central level.

30 ..\Documents\TAI_Malaysia\CATS\Green List\GLPAStandard v. CATS.docx..\Documents\TAI_Malaysia\CATS\Green List\GLPAStandard v. CATS.docx

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