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How We Affect The World By: Emily Batley, Daisy Lopez, Lacey Bollmer, Rhena Ripley.

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Presentation on theme: "How We Affect The World By: Emily Batley, Daisy Lopez, Lacey Bollmer, Rhena Ripley."— Presentation transcript:

1 How We Affect The World By: Emily Batley, Daisy Lopez, Lacey Bollmer, Rhena Ripley

2 Overview of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

3 Constant Problems  Incensement in extreme weather:  Wildfires  Hurricanes  Floods  Drought  Tropical storms Leads to climate changes  More Technology Advances  No progress in improving energy source to be environmentally friendly

4 2001  9/11  Emissions into the air  War in Afghanistan  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)  Humans are 66% responsible for global warming  (Current statistic is 90+%)

5 2002  Antarctica  Larsen-B ice shelf break  Collapsed in one month  Arctic summer sea ice  Record low

6 2003  Iraq war started

7 2004  Global warming publicity  Cover of National Geographic  Cover of Business Week Magazine  Central theme of Michael Crichton’s best- selling novel, State of Fear

8 2005  Warmest year on record  1998 and 2007 tie for 2 nd warmest “How much are you consuming?”

9 2006  Start of energy consumption steady growth at 2.3% per year  21.3 billion tons of CO2 from fossil fuels per year  Natural processes can only absorb about half of produced


11 2007  Australia  Lost 25% of crop productions  Due to desertification  Tegua Island, Pacific Ocean  100 residents relocated  Rising sea levels  Frequent flooding

12 2009  Moscow, Russia  Extreme heat waves  33 days of heat over 91.4°  11,000 died  Forrest fires  Drought  Crop failures

13 2010  Indonesia and Australia  Unusual rains starting in May- Oct(normal dry time)  Indonesia  Almost double rainfall  June- Oct.  Australia  May-Oct.  152% higher rainfall

14 Future  2040  Predict Arctic to have 1 st ice-free summer  2030  Over a billion cars will be driving on planet earth  2050 add one more billion  2050  1billion + people with water shortage  2080  Mountain eco-systems will lose more than half of wildlife species

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