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Small Group Discussion Questions. Three Categories Feed-Back from ISCR Training Death Clearance.

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Presentation on theme: "Small Group Discussion Questions. Three Categories Feed-Back from ISCR Training Death Clearance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small Group Discussion Questions

2 Three Categories Feed-Back from ISCR Training Death Clearance

3 Feed-Back from ISCR What standard reports would you find helpful from the Central Registry? In what format (paper or electronic?) Would it work to put password access on website to access your own data?

4 Feed-Back from ISCR What about quarterly reports? Are they helpful? What are they lacking? What feedback would you like from the Central Registry to help you promote your registry to your administration? Should we offer a “gold” standard for hospital registries that meet certain criteria? What criteria should be included?

5 Training What advanced training would you like to see offered? Do you want computer training? Downloading, accessing reports, getting acquainted with the new Central Registry website, etc. Online training—would you use it, would you like it? What should be offered?

6 Death Clearance Project What information on the Death Clearance letter would be helpful to you? What is a good time period for you to respond? What else???

7 Ad Hoc Committee

8 Feed-Back from ISCR

9 Site distributed by county (or city). –We can distribute information by county in 5 year totals – this is already available our website. We can also provide facility specific information by county or city upon request. –Need to promote our web site with the data.

10 Feed Back Results Electronic reports with the ability to manipulate – cut and paste. –Word documents instead of PDF loses formatting and headers. –In order to manipulate these reports they would have to be distributed in MS Word or Excel. Unfortunately, many of the reports are generated automatically using Adobe Acrobate which can’t be manipulated by the end user. There was also some concern that facilities could change information on forms. –NEW: On the quarterly report we did make print bigger and have added the number of discrepancy reports we are sending to each facilities (see question 7). –Discrepancy report totals are a good idea.

11 Feed-Back from ISCR No need to access by password. –Due to security reasons you must have an ID and password. –Maybe re-enforce the importance of security

12 Feed-Back from ISCR Would like quality recognition (not as extensive as the COC). Include timeliness, accuracy, quality. Develop measurable criteria. –Casefinding is done by field staff and they do not do 100% casefinding each year. We can’t do quality recognition because not every facility get casefinding done each year. Would like to see us do something. Jan will look into this type of report with Jim. –NEW: Gold/Silver Standard – will need to check on RMCDS evaluating 04 certification at requesting certificate for gold/silver – they will need to contact us and set some guidelines like race/stage/sex/state providence county to evaluate. This has been tabled for right now. Can only affect RH and NRH hospitals. –Advisory committee Casefinding letter saying you did a good job.

13 Feed-Back from ISCR On quarterly report, use bigger print. DQI Report – add information on number of letters sent out, still missing, to show administration the work we do. –Get counts for DCO letters, number of discrepancies, number of change/delete forms. Brenda and Ginny will work on the discrepancy layout. Must remember bigger print means less room on the form, trying to keep the form at one page. –NEW: Updating progress on discrepancy letters has been added so that will appear on the next DQI report. Font has been changed. Changes will be apparent on 2nd quarter reports.

14 Feed-Back from ISCR Overall Comments: –Establish a work group that meets quarterly – talk about 1 issue – (example) how to improve DQI reports and let us know.

15 Training

16 Surgery codes with examples. –No response was made. –NEW: Have included information on different types of neck dissections in advanced training. Will include more information in basic training and advance training workshop.

17 Training Cookbook instructions for computer or submitting data. –Jan and Jim will work on instructions. Because so many facilities have their computers set up differently, it is difficult to create a “one-size-fits-all” set of instructions. We are continuously trying to update the instructions and will provide them upon request. –Run new instructions by users-get an outside opinion.

18 Training Longer training for new registrars. –We currently offer individual trainings, workshops, CA 101, CTR Prep and the new abstractor program. Also plan on providing Web conference training on issues such as Move-It, the ISCR web-site and software updates. –Promote training. Promote mentor program through CRI. –Encourage networking get involved.

19 Training Advanced one-on-one training; use field staff to answer questions. –Currently we only have 3 field staff and they are swamped!

20 Training Computer training should be facility-based. –When possible ISCR currently tries to coordinate efforts with software vendors to be as “facility specific” as possible when training new abstractors at COC hospital. Also try to work IT personnel when necessary. Due to staffing issues, we cannot come to each facility to train on software only. –Need to promote the fact we are doing this.

21 Training Online training (depends??) If it is user friendly, could do webcasts, visual aids. –Web-ex training will eventually take a much larger role in the ISCR training program. See question 3.

22 Training Questions – state response time – maybe could schedule a time for calls? –Will work on this issue

23 Death Clearance

24 Death Certificate Cover letter – revise tone, explain more clearly. –The death certificate letter and accompanying documents have been revised. Post on portal both ways, problems with attachments. –We currently do not have the technology to do this. If this technology should become available we will certainly look into it!

25 Death Certificate Can hospitals get access to Vital Records at IDPH? –No – we don’t control death certificates – vital records allows ISCR to use their information for casefinding only. –However, we have submitted a request to provide more info from the death certificate on our death certificate letters. This is currently under review by the IDPH Data Release and Research Committee. Letter should include place patient died, physician who signed the death certificate. –See question 4.

26 Death Certificate Give registrars 30 days to respond. –We can do that this year. If one hospital clears the case, notify others so they can cross that one off. –Unfortunately this is not logistically possible at this point. HIPAA issues go both ways (if CR is sending names to hospitals, is that a violation of HIPAA?) –This issue is under review by the IDPH Data Release and Research Committee.

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