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Published byJonathan Stone Modified over 8 years ago
Focus on Farm & Minor B Divisions Niles-Centerville Little League P.O. Box 2604, Fremont, CA 94536 2016 Scorekeeping Clinic
2 We Appreciate You – Game officials (not umpires!) Your scorecard is the official record of the game – Record the progress of the game Balls & strikes, runs, outs, etc. – Keep our players happy & safe (pitch count, mandatory play) – Also make judgment calls – hit vs. error, fielders choice, etc Try to be consistent Thank you for volunteering to keep score – our kids need scorekeepers to play Little League games!
3 Overview Course will cover – Home Team Scorekeeper’s Tasks – Responsibilities & etiquette – Playing rules – General baseball rules – Pre-game information for scorers Game information Player information – In-game Scoring Scoreblocks Common symbols Judgement Calls End of inning Substitutions/Position changes End of game – Practice Scenarios
4 Home Team Scorer Tasks Setup – Before first game of day, get from Snack Shack scoreboard controller & adapter – verify operation as soon as possible cooler of water bottles – Before first division game of day, get scoresheet binder and supplies pouch balls appropriate for division (if necessary) Close down – Collect signatures – After last division game of day, return scoresheet binder and supplies pouch – After last game of day return scoreboard controller & adapter return cooler roll down window at end of last game of day turn off power ~15 minutes~5 minutes
5 Etiquette in the Scorebooth During the game, remain objective – No cheering or coaching Keep distractions to a minimum – No young children, cell phones in vibrate/silent mode Let the umpire know – If you need more time to record the action – Need to verify balls/strikes count, outs or substitutions NCLL bylaws on scorekeeping duties: “For all levels of play (except T-ball), both the Home and Visiting teams are to provide one scorekeeper during each game. The Home Team’s scorekeeper will be designated the Official Scorekeeper for the game. Both scorekeepers will sit in the Scorekeeper’s Shack immediately behind Home Plate for the duration of the game and shall not communicate with any individuals other than umpires and participants of the game as allowed by the Little League Rule Book.”
6 Scoreboard and Scoresheet Scorekeepers alternate responsibilities Scoreboard controller Visiting team scorekeeper Home team scorekeeper Top of inning (visitors bat) Operates scoreboard Fills in scoresheet Bottom of inning (home bats) Fills in scoresheet Operates scoreboard
7 Playing Rules FarmMinor B (MP) UmpiresOffensive team’s coaches umpire Length of gameNo new inning starts after 90 minutes (6 inning max.) No new inning starts after 105 minutes (6 inning max.) On the field10 players 4 outfielders 9 players 3 outfielders At bat3 swinging strikes = out 6 pitches max (but cannot foul out) No walks, HBP, bunts Base runningNo stealing, lead offs Play is considered dead as soon as any infielder, standing in the infield, has control of the ball… If ball is hit to the outfield, base runners advance until ball is thrown in the direction of infield (continue to base.) End Of InningThe inning ends when: 3 outs have been made 5 runs have been scored Everyone in the lineup has batted that inning
8 Baseball Rules for Scorekeepers Minimum play (IV.i) – Every player present at a game plays at least 2 consecutive innings on defense. – No player may play more than 2 consecutive innings in the infield (pitcher, catcher, shortstop, 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd base) – No player may play more than 3 (Farm) or 4 (Minor B) total innings in the infield in one game Unannounced substitutions (3.08) – Managers should tell the umpire (and the umpire tells the scorekeepers) of any substitutions. However, unannounced substitutions are legal. A run is not scored during third out play (4.09) – A run is not scored if the runner advances to home base during a play in which the third out is made (1) by the batter-runner before touching first base, or (2) by any runner being forced out (3) by any runner being tagged out before the runner advancing to home touches home plate
9 Baseball Rules for Scorekeepers 5-run rule (5.07) – The half-inning is over if 5 runs have scored, even if three outs have not been made. Batting out of turn (6.07) – A skipped batter can be called out under certain conditions (umpire handles). The scorekeepers say nothing and record the action. Base runners leaving early (7.13) – Base runners must stay in contact with their bases until the pitched ball has reached the batter. (Majors and below)
10 Filling out the Game Information What we know – On May 8, 2015, there ’ s a Minor A game scheduled to start at 5 PM on the NCLL Minor field – Yankees is the visiting team, Pat Foxx scorekeeping – A’s are the home team, Kim Myers scorekeeping – First pitch thrown at 5:05 PM front (visitors) back (home) visitors vs home (same on both sides) 5 Wang, D 3 Foxx, K 10 Armaz, O 8 Nand, R 1 Thomas, F 9 Myers, E visitor scorekeeper home scorekeeper P. Foxx K. Myers 5/8/15 5:05 Yankees A’s Date and Time Yankees A’s 5/8/15 5:05 Minor Field
11 Filling In Player Names Visitors on front of scoresheet Home on back List every player Last name first Use position numbers – Use “ - ” for bench List absent players near the bottom – Add late players to the END of the lineup (Rule 4.04) Players have up to three numbers assigned to him/her – batting order number – jersey number – position number PLAYERS NoLast, FirstPos 1 11Allen, Alex8 2 9Brown, Brandon4 3 6Clark, Chris3 4 7Diaz, Dante7 5 2Evans, Emily9 6 5Flores, Felix2 7 12Garcia, Greg5 8 1Hall, Hannah6 9 10Ing, Izzy1 10 3Jones, Jacob- 11 4Kim, Kevin- 12 ABSENT 8Lee, Louis OFFICIAL BATTING ORDER TEAM: Giants COACH:______________ NO STARTER NAME POS SUBSTITUTE 11Alex AllenCF 9Brandon Brown2B 6Chris Clark1B 7Dante DiazLF 2Emily EvansRF 5Felix FloresC 12Greg Garcia3B 1Hannah HallSS 10Izzy IngP 3Jacob Jones- 4Kevin Kim- 8Louis Leeabs Lineup (manager fills) Scorebook (scorekeeper fills)
12 Game Progression Using Scoreblocks Scoreblocks – Track balls and strikes in order – Record the plays – If batter gets on base, track progress around the base and record how batter advances Draw line connecting dots of the diamond Fill in diamond when run is scored – Credit batter with RBI by putting jersey number in RBI section – Record outs in red pencil Balls (no swings) Strikes (swings) Base Hits Outs RBI On Base (not hit) Examples 1 2 3 1B 3 12 4 1 6-3 Strike, ball, strike, then base hit Two balls, two strikes, then ball hit to shortstop, who threw to first baseman, who made the out
13 Common Symbols: On Base Getting on base 1B2B3BHR nn BBHP FC E-# SingleDoubleTripleHomerun Hit by pitchWalk Fielder’s choice Error 1B 6-4 1 FC Runner on base Batter hits ball to SS, who chooses to throw to 2B for the out. Batter reaches 1B safely. Not a hit Fielder’s Choice Batter reaches safely because fielder throws to another base in attempt to put out preceding runner
14 Common Symbols: Advancing Advancing 1B BB1B BB 1B BB SBPBWP 6 E6 FC ErrorAdvanced by jersey #6 Passed ball Wild pitch Stolen base Fielder’s choice 5 2Evans, Emily 9 6 5Flores, Felix 2 BB HP SAC 1 2 3 HR BB HP SAC 1 2 3 HR Example 1.Evans (#2) hits a line drive single past SS. 2.Flores (#5) hits a double to deep center field. Evans scores. Let’s practice
15 Scorekeeping Symbols: Advancing Advancing 1B BB1B BB 1B BB SBPBWP 6 E6 FC ErrorAdvanced by jersey #6 Passed ball Wild pitch Stolen base Fielder’s choice 5 2Evans, Emily 9 6 5Flores, Felix 2 BB HP SAC 1 2 3 HR BB HP SAC 1 2 3 HR Example 1.Evans (#2) hits a line drive single past SS. 2.Flores (#5) hits a double to deep center field. Evans scores. Let’s practice 1B 2B 5 5 5 5
16 Common Symbols: Outs Batter is Out Runner is Out Force out or tag out Fly out (to RF) Strike out, called Strike out, swinging Unassisted play or ground out SAC 1 F3 1 BB1B 2-4-3-4 5-4 CS 1 2 3 F9 1 K 2 K 3 5-3 2 3U 1 Infield fly Sacrifice fly or bunt Caught stealing Force out or tag out Run down 1B 6-4-3 DP 6-4-3 DP 1 2 Double play Batter hit grounder to SS, who threw to 2B, who threw to 1B. L3 Line Out (to 1B)
17 Judgment Calls: Errors Error – Use position number of the fielder responsible for the error (e.g. right fielder drops ball – E9) – How does the scorekeeper decide if a play is an error? – The test: should the fielder have made the play with ordinary effort? If yes, then score as an error. – Score as a hit if two players collide fielder steps in gopher hole sun gets in fielder’s eyes ball takes a funny hop fielder has to make a diving catch fielder runs into the fence E9 1B
18 End of Half-Inning Draw arrow pointing to next batter Draw line through unused scoreblocks for the inning Tally runs and hits – At the bottom of the inning, fill in runs and hits in spaces provided – Keep running totals in shaded columns INNING TOTALS = Unshaded Areas RUNNING TOTALS = Shaded Areas 123456 RUNS 000000 22 HITS 112303 36 ERRORS L.O.B. E.R. PLAYERS NoLast, FirstPos1234 1 11Allen, Alex 8 - 5 2 9Brown, Brandon 4 6 - 3 6Clark, Chris 3 9 6 4 7Diaz, Dante 7 5 - 5 2Evans, Emily 9 - 8 6 5Flores, Felix 2 8 7 7 12Garcia, Greg 5 3 9 8 1Hall, Hannah 6 4 1 9 10Ing, Izzy 1 7 2 1010 3Jones, Jacob - 1 3 1 4Kim, Kevin - 2 4 1212 ABSENT 8Lee, Louis 1313 K 6-3 F8 1 2 3 1 2 3 6-4 4-3 F5 K 1-3 U1 1B 2B 1B 9 6 6 K 6-3 F9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 8 2 1 3 - 4 7 3 9 9 4 5 2 5 - - 6 - - 9 7 1 - 6 5 7 8 6 8 3 Two runs scored in fourth inning Two runs total for the game
19 Substitutions – Continuous Rotation Field position changes – Can use 6 triangular spaces to note positions for 6 innings – Fill in changes one inning at a time – when manager announces subs – Check that all players and positions are accounted for every inning PLAYERS NoLast, FirstPos123456 1 11Allen, Alex 8 - 2 9Brown, Brandon 4 6 3 6Clark, Chris 3 4 7Diaz, Dante 7 5 5 2Evans, Emily 9 - 4 1 8 2 7 3 9 4 K 6-3 F8 1 1 2 3 1-3 3U 2 3 4-3 2 1B 2B 1B inning 1 2 3 4 5 6 1B 7 2 Blank spaces = ?? We won ’ t know. Could lead to mandatory play issues.
20 End of Game Check minimum playing time – Verify that every player present at game played at least 6 consecutive defensive outs. – Note issues on scoresheet, and notify manager Obtain signatures from – Both scorekeepers in scorebook Record final score on scoresheet – If the game ends before 6 innings are played, note reason (darkness, 10-run rule, etc.) FINAL SCORE 8-5 Giants Winning team
Practice – Lineups & Game Info 21 OFFICIAL BATTING ORDER TEAM: Yankees COACH:______________ NO STARTER NAME POS SUBSTITUTE 11Alex Allen8 9Brandon Brown4 6Chris Clark3 7Dante Diaz7 2Emily Evans9 5Felix Flores2 12Greg Garcia5 1Hannah Hall6 10Izzy Ing1 3Jacob Jones- 8Kevin Kimabs OFFICIAL BATTING ORDER TEAM: Giants COACH:______________ NO STARTER NAME POS SUBSTITUTE 11AJ Foyt- 48Jimmy Johnson5 18Kyle Busch6 10Danica Patrick3 7Jackie Stewart8 5Mario Andretti1 24Jeff Gordon4 43Richard Petty7 17Darrell Waltrip2 28Cale Yarborough9 3Dale Earnhardtabs Home team: Giants Visiting Team: Yankees Game on 3/7/15. First pitch at 11:05am Minor A game on NCLL Minor Field You and practice partners are scorekeepers (please decide who is home and who is away).
22 Practice Scenarios Top of 1 st Inning: Andretti pitching #11 Allen 1-watches pitch 2- swings & misses 3-hits foul ball into bushes 4-hits single past 2B #9 Brown 1-3 watches pitches 4-hits foul ball behind C 5-hits ball to 3B, who makes error #6 Clark 1-hits double deep into CF Allen scores, Brown goes to 3B #7 Diaz 1-hits ground ball to 1B, who makes the out at 1B Brown scores, Clark to 3B #2 Evans 1- watches pitch 2-swings & misses 3,4-watches pitches 5,6-hits foul 7-watches pitch #5 Flores 1-watches pitch 2-hits slow grounder to 3B, who decides not to throw anywhere Clark stays on 3B #12 Garcia 1-hits fly to LF, and fielder catches ball End of Half Inning Bottom of 1 st Inning: Ing pitching #14 Foyt 1-watches pitch 2,3 - swings & misses 4-hits single to left field #48 Johnson 1-3 watches pitches 4,5,6-hits foul ball behind C 7-hits single, Foyt to 2B #18 Busch 1- called strike 2-hits grounder to 3B, who steps on third base to force out Foyt #10 Patrick 1-3 swings & misses
Practice Scenarios (cont’d) 23 #7 Stewart 1- watches pitch 2-swings & misses 3-hits single to pitcher: Johnson to third, Busch to second #5 Andretti 1-watches pitch 2-hits double to right field: Johnson and Busch score, Stewart goes to third #24 Gordon 1-hits fly to RF, and fielder catches ball End of Half Inning Top of 2 nd Inning: Foyt replaces Petty (LF) #1 Hall 1-4 watches pitches 5-single to left field #10 Ing 1-3 watches pitches 4-6 hits foul balls 7-hits single to center field, Hall to 3 rd base #3 Jones 1-hits pop up to pitcher, who catches the ball #11 Allen 1-hits ground ball to SS, who throws the ball to the second baseman, who then throws to first in time to get the double play End of Half Inning Bottom of 2 nd Inning: Jones enters game at 1 st base, Clark moves to pitcher, Ing to bench #42 Petty 1- hits double to left field #17 Waltrip 1-3 watches pitches 4- grounds out to first base Petty advances to third base #28 Yarborough 1-hits grounder to second base, who throws to first base in time for the out Petty scores #14 Foyt 1-3 swings& misses End of Half Inning
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