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WORKSHOP ON DEVELOPING TRAINING SYSTEM FOR PHYTOSANITARY INSPECTORS Edit Tóthné Lippai Preparation of training program - when changing of legislation -

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Presentation on theme: "WORKSHOP ON DEVELOPING TRAINING SYSTEM FOR PHYTOSANITARY INSPECTORS Edit Tóthné Lippai Preparation of training program - when changing of legislation -"— Presentation transcript:

1 WORKSHOP ON DEVELOPING TRAINING SYSTEM FOR PHYTOSANITARY INSPECTORS Edit Tóthné Lippai Preparation of training program - when changing of legislation - when founding new harmful organisms Senior referent for planning 28.03.2013.

2 Organisational issues (agenda, facilities, resources, timing) Feedback and grading Trainees, aim, objectives, subjects, methods, means Training needs assessment Identify the needs Design Deliver Evaluation TRAINING

3 1. Training needs analyses Actual Desired § Changes in the legislation Founding new pest

4 2/a. Aim of the training when legislation changes Aim: – To update the knowledge of the inspectors; – To promote better understanding the base of the legislation; – To ensure that the new legislation is introduced into the working process.

5 2/b. Aim of the training when new pest is found – To update or to enhance the knowledge of the inspectors on the specific pest; – To ensure that the information of the new pest is introduced into the working process.

6 3/a. Objectives of the training when legislation changes At the end of the course inspectors should be able to: – Explain the legislation to the customers (ie. truck driver), – Apply the legislation into their daily work (ie. using plant health movement document).

7 3/b. Objectives of the training when new pest is found At the end of the course inspectors should be able to: – aware of the importance and damage of the pest, – identify the pest, – take the necessary measures, – take samples in case of suspicious. - diagnosticians should be able to: – identify the pest, – apply the recommended methods.

8 4. Identification of the trainees What do inspectors/ diagnosticians already know about the new legislation/harmful organism? How will the training fit in with their roles and tasks? Is the relevance of the training clear to the inspectors?

9 4. Identification of the trainees How many inspectors will be involved? – Ideal size of the group? – One central or several regional trainings? – Budgetary issues… Take into consideration differences in experiences, skills and job responsibilities.

10 Group profile Make a short „profile” of your group: – Number of the participants, – Their positions (current and possible future), – Their knowledge (general, specific background), – Practical experiences, competences, – Daily work, – Personal motivation.

11 5/a. Subject of the training when legislation changes Types of requirements International standards EPPO standards Guidelines Directive Regulation Decision Recommendation National legislation

12 5/b. Subject of the training when new pest is found Background – identity (taxonomy), Geographical distribution Host plants, Biology, Detection and identification – Symptoms, – Morphology, Pathway, Economic impact, Control measures.

13 Sources of information IPPC webpage: EPPO webpage: EU legislation:

14 Efficiency of training and learning 14

15 6. Methods guidelines, handbooks, lectures, group discussions, case studies, demonstrations, practical exercises, question-answer sessions, instructional videos, role plays, E-learning. More details are coming in tomorrow’s session.

16 7. Other elements The availability : – facilities, – time and – budgets. Draw up the main responsibility as far as organising the training concerned. (who is doing what and when)

17 8. Example of a Training Outline Course Title: Participants and their backgrounds: Aims and Objectives: – The overall aim of this course is to provide the participants… – At the end of the course the participants should be able: Key subjects: Means of training and communication: Organisational issues: – Tentative programme: – Resources: – Responsibilities: – Timing:

18 Thank you!

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