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R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY FY 16 DHS / FEMA Preparedness Grants Kick-off Meeting March 29 and April 1, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY FY 16 DHS / FEMA Preparedness Grants Kick-off Meeting March 29 and April 1, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY FY 16 DHS / FEMA Preparedness Grants Kick-off Meeting March 29 and April 1, 2016

2 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs Agenda – Opening remarks / overview – Eligibility – EMPG, SHSP, and HMEP programs – Core capabilities / priorities – How to apply – Application review process – Project Management – Environmental and Historical Preservation (EHP) – Technical Assistance – Grant administration – From the Director – Contact information – Questions and answers 2

3 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Eligibility “The building, sustainment, and delivery of the FEMA core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community, inclusive of children, individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs, diverse communities, and people with limited English proficiency.” -From the Notice of Funding Opportunity 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 3

4 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Preparedness Grants Overview To build, sustain, and deliver core capabilities to achieve the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient Nation Gaps are identified during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process and assessed in the State Preparedness Report (SPR) Funding sustains current capability levels and fills identified gaps in Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and Exercise activities in order to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism or catastrophic events 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 4

5 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY EMPG FY 16 Overview Total Federal Funding Allocated to RI: $3,306,975 – These funds are used at RIEMA for staffing, State EOC, warehouse, mobile command center, preparedness conference, training, and exercise State and Local Assistance (SLA) program allocation: $500,000 – Used to support local emergency management efforts including personnel, EOCs, capability enhancement. 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 5

6 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY EMPG FY 16 Milestones Applications Due: 5/13/2016 Period of Performance Start: 10/1/2016 Period of Performance End: 9/30/2017 50/50 – Match Required (hard or soft match) 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 6

7 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY SHSP FY 16 Overview Total Federal Funding Allocated to RI: $3,734,500 Grant Pass Through requirement of 80%: $2,987,600 – LETPA (Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities) - 25% minimum: $933,625 No cost share / match Supports efforts such as Fusion Center, CBRNE/WMD response teams, planning, training, critical infrastructure protection, cybersecurity, continuity of operations, and target hardening 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 7

8 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY SHSP FY 16 Milestones Applications Due:5/13/2016 Period of Performance Start: 10/1/2016 Period of Performance End: 12/31/2017 Extensions are available upon request only if: – Progress has been shown, project reporting is current – A contractual agreement exceeds grant period – You can demonstrate that project will be completed 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 8

9 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY HMEP FY 16 Overview Write emergency plans to protect the public from chemical accidents Provide citizens and local governments with information about hazardous chemicals and accidental releases of chemicals in their communities Develop, improve, implement, and exercise emergency plans required under Emergency Planning and Community Right-to- Know Act (EPCRA) 301 and 303 Flow study, hazard assessments and gap analysis to determine safety risks Conduct emergency response drills and exercises associated with those plans Delivery of comprehensive preparedness and response training including training to meet specialized needs 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 9

10 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY HMEP FY 16 Overview (cont.) Federal Funding Allocated to RI: $ 111,915 Training allocation (60%):$ 63,098 Planning allocation (40%): $ 48,817 State/local cost share : $ 27,979 Total available: $ 139,894 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 10

11 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY HMEP FY 16 Milestones Applications Due: 5/13/16 Period of Performance Start:10/1/2015 Period of Performance End:9/30/2016 A one year extension for RIEMA is anticipated (to 9/30/2017) 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 11

12 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs National Preparedness Goal: 32 Core Capabilities 12

13 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Our State Priorities as derived from the THIRA process: Access Control and Identity Verification Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities Threats and Hazards Identification Long-term Vulnerability Reduction Operational Coordination (Fusion Center) Cybersecurity Planning Infrastructure Systems On-scene Security and Protection Operational Communications 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 13

14 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Application 1) Descriptive project narrative that identifies: – Organization – Responsibility/jurisdiction – Gap to be addressed by project – Core capability – Project management milestones – Why this cannot be done without federal funds 2) Detailed Budget Worksheet – Must align with narrative – Fully break out any expected costs – Take the time to do it correctly – Be sure to identify source of cost share/match 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 14

15 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs Project Management Initiate – Develop preliminary project scope Plan – Schedule development, EHP, cost estimating, planning purchases or contracts Execute – Manage project, quality assurance, information distribution, select vendors Control – Performance reporting, monitoring, scope control, cost control, manage stakeholders Close – Reimbursement, close project, close contract, final reporting Project Milestones A task of zero duration that shows an important achievement in a project. Milestones are a way of knowing how the project is advancing if you are not familiar with the tasks being executed. 15

16 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) DHS/FEMA is required to consider the effects of its actions on the environment and/or historic properties including but not limited to construction of communication towers, modification or renovation of existing buildings, structures and facilities, or new construction including replacement of facilities involves the submission of a detailed project description that explains the goals and objectives of the proposed project along with supporting documentation documentation required includes GPS coordinates, ground level and overhead photographs (screenshot from web-based map program), and detailed drawings any project with construction or installation related work must undergo EHP review – from mounting television monitors on walls to installation of a generator 16

17 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs Technical Assistance Available RIEMA Communications networks Critical Infrastructure Protection Cybersecurity assessments Planning for all hazards EHP Compilation Training and Exercise Risk assessments Floodplain management and mitigation FEMA Technical Assistance Catalog 17

18 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Applications for all programs are due 5/13/2016 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 18

19 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Application Review – RIEMA & Partners A Collaborative & Transparent Process All applications will be reviewed and scored by: Representatives of Interoperable Communications Committee Representatives of RI Association of Emergency Managers Representatives of Senior Advisory Committee (SAC) RIEMA Grants Division RIEMA Director 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 19

20 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Detailed Budget Worksheet Break out and indicate line item expenditures to justify the amount of money requested Be detailed - items in narrative and budget must match Take the time to fill it out correctly 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 20

21 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Grant Progress Report Due quarterly – April 15 – July 15 – November 15 – January 15 Narrative box is used to describe progress on grant project This is helpful to show activity if funds have not been expended 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 21

22 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Grant Reimbursement Request Must be submitted as cover sheet for any reimbursement request Use narrative box to describe grant activity related to request For match grants, use box at bottom of page “PO#” at top for internal use 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 22

23 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs Grant Reimbursement Request A copy of the invoice is required – purchase order or packing slip are not adequate Include proof of payment – copy of check – if a credit card is used, provide the statement proving that it has been paid Include copies of quotes, bids, RFPs, or sole source justification Demonstrate match, if required – activity logs, sign-in sheets – letter certifying value of in-kind efforts 23

24 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs Equipment and inventory Equipment is tangible property valued over $5,000 Must be labelled that it was purchased with Homeland Security grant funds Inventory report form must be submitted with reimbursement request Tracked by grant funding source, serial number, location where kept Federal permission required to change disposition if value is still over $5,000 Information Bulletin No. 407: Use of Grant Funds for Controlled Equipment 24

25 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY From the Director…. “Move the Needle” 1.Federal level-funding is a win; don’t count on increased amounts (FY17 Cuts) 2.Resources are limited, competition is high 3.Not all projects can be funded, even great ones 4.No partially-funded projects 5.Past funding does not guarantee future funding 6.If you have closed a gap, you could be a victim of your own success (see # 5) 7.If the funding disappears next cycle, what is your plan to sustain what you have? (see # 1) 8.Ensure that your applications for funding align with the THIRA! 25

26 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY From the Director…. “Grant Glideslope” 1.RISCON 2.0; The Verizon Model 2.Team Funding? Flat Fee Likely 3.Multi-year Project? Chances are Slim 4.Vehicles? Connect the requirement to THIRA 5.Construction? No 6.Planning? We love Planning! 7.Critical Infrastructure? Absolutely! 8.Equipment? Yes, but not bright shiny objects! 9.Exercises? Yes, but de-conflicted with RIEMA 10.Training? Yes, but multi-community 11.People? Yes, but no new additions 12.Things that Float? OSPAR 26

27 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY From the Director…. “P is for Performance” 1.EMPG Funding Remains Stable: For Now 2.Readiness: There is no State Readiness without Local Readiness! 3.FEMA Requirements: a)NIMS Training b)Independent Study (IS) 100, IS 200, IS 700, and IS 800 c)Shall complete either the Independent Study courses identified in the Professional Development Series or the National Emergency Management Basic Academy d)Shall participate in no fewer than 3 exercises in a 12-month period 4.State Requirements: a)80% of your application can be Sustainment b)20% must be a tangible Readiness Project 5.Match: 50/50 27

28 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency 645 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920 24-hour Phone: (401) 946-9996 Fax: (401) 944-1891 More information at: Michael Hogan (401) 462-7063 Samantha Deluca (401)462-7182 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 28

29 R HODE I SLAND E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A GENCY Questions? 2016 Preparedness Grant Programs 29

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