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POWER. Academic Discipline and Profession Criteria of a Discipline: A branch of learning A particular focus of attention A unique body of knowledge A.

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2 Academic Discipline and Profession

3 Criteria of a Discipline: A branch of learning A particular focus of attention A unique body of knowledge A particular mode of inquiry History and public recognition Conceptual structure Accurate language Research: A Search for the “Truth”

4 Conceptual Structure

5 History of Sport

6 Accurate Language H2O CO2 AU CL % Sport

7 Sociology A discipline that describes and explains human social organizations. It tries to understand human behavior. Objectives of a discipline (value free- scientific approach): 1. Describe 2. Explain 3. Predict

8 Research Methods ( Nixon, 2008) Method Experiment ( control over variables, hypotheses) Social survey ( Collect large data sets, inferences about cause and effect) Field study ( rich data, social patterns) Qualitative- Quantitative Quantitative Both Qualitative

9 Sociology: Analysis Micro Level (small groups): teams, clubs, fraternities: topics include; leadership, management theory, group theory. Macro Level -institutions: how we act in any given situation: Status (social position- class) Roles (behavior expectations)

10 Theory: Tool of Science Offers a conceptual scheme Summarizes facts into generalizations Predicts facts and points to gaps in our knowledge

11 Characteristics of a Profession Activities that are beneficial to “mankind” Demands intensive training and education Structured to control its membership Maintain a code of ethics or standards of conduct Centered around an organized association

12 P.E., Sociology, and Sociology of Sport: Points of Intersection (Sage,1997) Rise of Physical Education: North America Hetherington(1910) : New Physical Education- emphasis on education. Wood and Hetherington, “social development”: games and sport impact on social living (ie. Education through the physical)

13 Sage, 1997 Social and Educational Theories Adopted by Physical Educators. Schools: Place where students learn norms, values and customs of American culture. Study of Sociology of Sport by Physical Educators ( mid 1960-70’s). Henry (1964): “ Physical Education : An Academic Discipline” argued there is a scholarly field of knowledge to P.E.( history, psychology, sociology, physiology).

14 Sage, 1997 Sport Sociology in Physical Education publications: International Review for the Sociology of Sport Quest Sociology of Sport Journal Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

15 Sociology of Sport: Academic Discipline?! Sport Sociology- The Early Years! (prior to 1960’s). 25 years of the International Review For the Sociology of Sport (Heinemann & Preuss,1990). IRSS founded in 1966 (605 authors,36 countries- 30% socialist countries, 30% Western Europe, 30% USA). Review from 1966- 1989

16 IRSS Trends IRSS dominated by male authors Trend for multiple authors: 2,3,4 75% of the articles are based on systematically obtained and evaluated data. Interviews : prefer method form of research. Since 1986, more content analysis, documents, secondary data. 86% Theory based

17 Towards a Sociology Of Physical Activity: Kinesiology Silos and Bunkers Common Agendas in the Field (Newell,2007) Education, sport and health Research: motor development. Psychology of Sport, Sport Management,etc. Physical Activity Categories: exercise, sport

18 Body of Knowledge: Kinesiology Inter discipline Knowledge Physical Activity Lifespan DevelopmentProfessions of Physical Activity Newell, 2007

19 Applied Research

20 Discussion: Applied Research Sport Sociology Sport Psychology Sport Management Athletic Coaching Education Athletic Training Physical Education Teacher Education

21 Summary Academic Discipline vs. Profession Macro and Micro Level of Analysis Sociology Sociology of Physical Activity Applied Research

22 Resources Sociology of Sport Journal Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Quest Journal of Sport Behavior Journal of Sport and Social Issues Review of Sport and Leisure JOHPERD

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