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The Primary Framework for literacy Manchester Literacy Subject Leaders 3+2 day course Day 3.

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Presentation on theme: "The Primary Framework for literacy Manchester Literacy Subject Leaders 3+2 day course Day 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Primary Framework for literacy Manchester Literacy Subject Leaders 3+2 day course Day 3

2 Programme Day 3 09:00 Discussions from interim task 09:45 Context of the planning model 10:30 Break 10:45 Phases of the planning model 12:15 Lunch 13:00 Phases of the planning model cont’d 14:30 Break 14:45 Implications for subject leaders 15:30 Interim task 16:00 Close

3 Aims of Day 3: To: Reflect on the interim task Experience a block of work as a learner Understand the phases of the planning model /teaching sequence Ensure excellence and enjoyment is inherent within the teaching sequence Consider how this impacts on your school situation in terms of learning and teaching Decide which thematic workshop you will book onto for day 3

4 The Key Messages Improving reading Encouraging flexibility Structuring learning Raising expectations Making more effective use of assessment Broadening and strengthening pedagogy.

5 Gap tasks 1 How did you find the online framework? What was useful /not useful on the subject leader DVD/ Keys to learning DVD?

6 Gap tasks 2 Consider the teaching and learning around phonics in your school. Look at the reading comprehension papers and consider how you may wish to use this to develop the teaching of reading in your school. Are expectations of writing the same in all subjects?

7 Gap tasks 3 Actions you have taken with SMT? Issues/ ideas arising from your data analysis? Any plans you have for timetabling the frameworks? Will you start with literacy or maths? Have your priorities changed or developed?

8 Developments in Planning Based on findings from the work of Eve Bearne, and action research by practitioners Developing practice from coverage within fixed time frames to more flexible learning sequences based on AfL Planning model underpins the role of the renewed framework in raising standards

9 Developing the Model Planning model developed through action research with leading practitioners from around the country Planning in phases of learning within meaningful contexts found to have a significant impact on standards in writing – in 71.5% of the sample, writing levels had improved by one third of a level or above in the course of one term. Main findings were summarised in the UKLA/PNS publication ‘Raising boys’ achievement in writing’

10 Underpinning Principles Learning and Teaching: Firmly based on AfL Has a clear outcome and purpose Works through a sequence of phases to support learning Provides time for children to explore and respond to texts Provides time for children to experience and engage in the writing process Provides time for children to plan collaboratively and as individuals Speaking and listening is integral to the learning Utilises modelled, shared, guided and supported approaches to scaffold learning

11 Planning Phases

12 Reflection Reflect on the six key messages from the renewed framework in the light of this session

13 Break

14 Three levels of thinking Learner Teacher leader

15 Phases of the planning model: The principles in context

16 Preparing the ground - motivation Use of image to generate interest / questions Can be introduced on Friday in preparation for Monday Focus on and promote literate vocabulary

17 Shared reading – reading like a reader Read aloud – modelling use of the voice Freeze frame Thought tracking Relationship mapping Focus on, and promote literate vocabulary, linked to characters

18 Immersion in the text – reading like a reader Read lots of texts—previous texts / class novels / short stories / some cold extracts / taped stories / good examples of children’s writing Discussion Mind mapping

19 Shared reading -- Reading like a reader Imagining the scene Visualisation Feelings Pictures in the mind

20 Lunch

21 Reading like a writer – LANGUAGE in the LANDSCAPE Sketch the scene Add vocabulary Moods and thoughts Concrete poetry Focus on and promote literate vocabulary

22 Shared reading – reading like a reader Prediction What do you think will happen next? What do you want to happen next?

23 Listen to the ‘tune’ of the sentence Innovate / remodel the sentence Writing – sentence work

24 Read aloud – modelling use of the voice Freeze frame Thought tracking Relationship mapping Has it changed? Why? Questions for the author Reading like a reader

25 Supported composition Shared writing Demonstration / scribing / supported composition High quality Oral rehearsal Not accepting the first sentence Purpose and audience Editing

26 Independent writing Different scenes Purpose and audience Model Swapping stories Highlighting good words/ sentences (peer assessment) Redrafting

27 Resources to Support Planning The following resources are available as part of the renewed framework: Guidance on planning Speaking and listening materials Exemplified units Individual planning journey (a practitioner’s account of how the model was used to support planning) Interactive planning tool

28 Guidance on planning your own units Cover speaking, listening, reading and writing Aim at end of year expectations and beyond Embed regular word and sentence level or plan to teach it alongside in a coherent and progressive way Build the teaching sequence from reading into writing and developing comprehension

29 Guidance on planning your own units Have appropriate use of ICT to develop key aspects of learning and assessment opportunities Consider literacy links across the wider curriculum Have a variety of learning opportunities that engage pupils and is related to their experiences Identify those groups with particular needs and plan for them accordingly

30 Reflection on task Did you feel supported as a learner? What was the balance of speaking listening, reading and writing? How could this model support you to improve writing in your school?

31 Break

32 Implications as Subject leaders How do you know writing is being taught effectively in your school? Does planning match the outcome achieved by the children? How is the planning model different from what already exists? How will it improve the process of writing? What exists in your school at the moment? What do you know about units of work in your school? What will you do with what you have learned today?

33 Reflection Reflect on the six key messages from the renewed framework in the light of this session

34 Gap task Consider with SMT which of the key messages is most relevant to the needs of your school Look at the guidance on literacy planning section (subject leader DVD – head teacher booklet page 73) Consider how securely the teaching sequence for writing is established and how this is evidenced in pupil outcomes – what implications are there for school leaders? Book a place on your chosen thematic day according to your school priority

35 Recommendations September 06 – July 07 should be used for the leadership of the school to determine priorities and become familiar with the materials Put aside a minimum of 6 staff meetings, or sessions at INSET days over the academic year September 07 – July 08 Be clear as a school whether you will focus first on literacy or mathematics you will need the same amount of time for each

36 Renewed literacy Framework training programme 06-07 Preparation and planning for implementation Spring 07 Day 1 – 4 of five day course Day 1 and 3 central training Day 3 TA briefings and 4 school based development and planning Summer 07 Day 5 of five day course These will be workshops around key themes that you can select according to your schools priority Autumn 07 Spring 08 ½ day subject leader briefing following on from the day 5 workshops

37 CPD Themes literacy THEMES PDM1 generic PDM2 Pace and progression: PDM3 Strengthening pedagogy: PDM4 generic Developing phonics and reading (CLLD) Introduction to the renewed frameworks CLLD exploring progression through a strand The simple view of reading Review and evaluation of the impact on pupil progress Improving Writing Walk through the strands in the new framework that support writing shaping the curriculum, writing, speaking and listening Enhancing literacy exploring units of work and assessment for learning Personalising learning

38 Literacy:Four improvement themes Communication language and literacy development Supporting underachieving pupils Enhancing LiteracyImproving Writing Five key messages Encouraging flexibility Structuring learning Raising expectations Effective assessment Broadening pedagogy Renewed framework 12 strands for literacy School based CPD package for INSET PDM1 - Generic Intro to the framework PDM2 PDM3 These concentrate on pace and progression and pedagogy in relation to one of the four improvement themes PDM4 Generic Evaluation

39 Day 5 workshops Course ref ThemeDateVenue RFL5 Developing phonics and reading 21 st May Stadium RFL7 Enhancing literacy24th May Stadium RFL8 Improving writing17 th May Galleon/Waterside hotel

40 Evaluation and close

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