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Podcasting workshop Roni Malek Science Learning Centre London

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1 Podcasting workshop Roni Malek Science Learning Centre London

2 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Outcomes At the end of the workshop you will Understand what Podcasting and suggest some educational uses Be able to find and subscribe to existing podcast feeds Be able to record audio and make simple edits Be able to upload to a server to create a podcast feed

3 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop What is Podcasting Hosting a changing set of audio (or other) files at a fixed internet location together with information allowing subscription. Podcast aggregating software can be set to automatically check for and download new files ready for when you want to listen. Yet another method of managing content online – need not be only audio. Similar to blog and news feeds (RSS = Syndication) (London Knowledge Labs, also a step by step guide) (commercial)

4 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Record class discussion for later revision/review An alternative ‘input’ for students - Student created content is motivational, constructionist, needs little preparation time (once skills are attained) Provide audio recordings with additional materials Lots of existing science content Educational uses Educational podcasting for teaching and learning Naked scientist podcast LKL site contains a list or search the Internet for thousands more

5 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop The bits you need We will focus on free (open source) software Aggregator or web browser – to link to podcast feed Juice, iTunes, Google reader, Internet Explorer, Firefox… Audio playback software or mp3 player to listen Windows media player, Real player, web browser etc Record and edit audio and output to mp3 format Audacity Upload to a host with podcast information Podifier, Jellycast (fee)

6 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Juice - (used to be ipodder) Audacity - (note for mp3 format export you will also need to install the ‘lame’ encoder) Podifier - Jellycast (£10) - webhosting (£free to …) Podium podcasting – all in one software (license) Dos and Don’ts - of-podcasting-making-a-great-podcast.htm of-podcasting-making-a-great-podcast.htm Links to the bits

7 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Juice – podcast aggregator demo Find a podcast – e.g. search for Shakespeare podcast Look for the podcast/rss icon and click Copy the URL Open your aggregator add feed option Paste in the URL and set download options You can close the aggregator and leave it to download in the background so you can play at a later time

8 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Task 1 Browser find and link Find a podcast – e.g. search for Shakespeare podcast Look for the podcast/rss icon and click Click the subscribe link – this will be added under a bookmark or favourite. You will be able to click it to see the latest updates and possibly set download options. ?? Browser vs Aggregator – What’s the difference??

9 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Task 2 Record some audio Tips to consider before starting Either or both of Record on the sansa mp3 player and transfer wav file to computer Record in Audacity

10 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Sansa mp3 player Open the package – allow 1 hour… Record - Menu button, Recorder, Play|Pause button >|| to start Repeat AB button to stop then enter (round button) to save Transfer to PC just link with the USB cable and copy the wav file. Rename the file to something sensible. Edit in Audacity or other sound editing package.

11 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Audacity Start Audacity Input level meter (top right) to monitor microphone. Use Control Panel, Sound and Audio devices for settings. Record some sound. Select and cut out the bits you don’t want. Add effects Add another track (Project|Import) Export as mp3 (Project|Edit id3 tags first for mp3 players) Audacity tips Royalty free (but not free) music Free wav and other files

12 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Task 3 - Publishing Just create your rss enclosure by typing the following code… My Program My first podcast en-us 2005 Today’s Date* 1 Todays Radio Show - Monday Here is my Monday podcast. Hope you like it. Wed, 23 Aug 2006 00:56:00 GMT *

13 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Just kidding That was the code you need to put on the website along with the files to allow the aggregators/browsers to pick them up – but you should use a program like podifier or another online web service to do this. Task 3 – really – Use the screenshots at (there is a video tutorial as well) or those on the the next slides to create your feed and upload your podcast.

14 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Podifier 1 Feed details and files (drag the files in from Windows Explorer)

15 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Podifier 2 ftp details and upload

16 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Finished? Back to the beginning – now how will people find and link to your podcast??

17 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Review Outcomes At the end of the workshop you will Understand what Podcasting and suggest some educational uses Be able to find and subscribe to existing podcast feeds Be able to record audio and make simple edits Be able to upload to a server to create a podcast feed

18 20 February 2008 Podcasting Workshop Thank you

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