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OCR AS Physical Education ACQUIRING MOVEMENT SKILLS - Transfer of learning.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR AS Physical Education ACQUIRING MOVEMENT SKILLS - Transfer of learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR AS Physical Education ACQUIRING MOVEMENT SKILLS - Transfer of learning

2 Transfer of Learning – What it is “The influence that one skill has on the learning and performance of another” This is very important because practically all learning is based on some form of transfer Q: What is the link between variable practice, transfer and schema theory?

3 Varied practice = many different situations and more options to make decision on. The more transfer that can take place the easier the recall of a motor programme/ modification of a motor programme and the therefore the development of a number of scheme.

4 Transfer of Learning – How it happens 1.After the early years of childhood, we rarely learn a new skill entirely from scratch 2.New patterns of movement are transferred or arise out of previous experiences 3.This aligns with the Gestalt view of cognitive learning and also endorses the need for the performer to have a broad and expanded schema.

5 4. In infant school, emphasis must be on very basic fundamental movement skills (FMS) 5. This forms the basis of more complex motor programmes that are acquired later, e.g. hopping is the basis of side stepping in rugby Without FMS more specific motor skills can not be developed 6. Other FMS are running, throwing, balancing and catching, which transfer positively to countless other skills 7. Children develop a pool of experience or movement schema which will transfer later into more difficult motor programmes

6 5 Types of Transfer Types of transfer Positive Transfer Negative Transfer Proactive Transfer Retroactive Transfer Bi-lateral Transfer

7 Transfer, ensuring success Optimising Transfer – Effects are maximised and have a full influence on the learning and performance of movement skills Identical Elements Theory – The greater the number of components of practice that are relevant to the real situation it is more likely that positive transfer will take place Limiting Negative transfer

8 Optimising Positive Transfer and Limiting Negative Transfer

9 Past Papers June 2009 : 10mark June 2011 June 2011 : 4mark

10 June 2009


12 June 2011

13 When 1 skill helps or enhances the learning/ performance of another Newly learnt skill influence existing skills Previously learnt skill influences a current skill Transfer onto both sides of the body When 1 skill hinders the learning/performance of another

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