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Education in Korea Introduction of modern education system  1880s  1940s  1950s : introduced the first modern school system : established a modern.

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2 Education in Korea

3 Introduction of modern education system  1880s  1940s  1950s : introduced the first modern school system : established a modern education system : introduced compulsory education (Wonsan Academy 1883, Baejae Academy 1885) (single track system 6-3-3-4) (elementary education)

4 Education in Korea Organization  National Level : the Ministry of Education and HRD (the Ministry of Education) : Headed by Deputy Prime Minister : 540 employees  Local Level : Local Offices of Education (for elementary & secondary education) : Education Board : elected by members of each school council : Superintendent : serves four years

5 Education in Korea Budget  One year budget (2006) : 29.1 trillion Korean won : 5.06% of the GNP : 19.7% of total Government budget  the Biggest portion : Elementary & Secondary Education 86.2% : Higher Education 12.3%

6 Education in Korea Elementary Education Special School Civic School Elementary School School System Pre-school Education Kindergarten Secondary Education Miscellaneous School Civic High School Special Classes (Industrial Firms) Middle School Attached to Industrial Firms Middle School High School Trade High School Air&Correspondence High School Attached to Industrial Firms Higher Education College in the Company Cyber College and University Air&Correspondence University Junior College University of Education Graduate School Industrial University Technical College University 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Schooling year Age Miscellaneous School

7 Elementary and Secondary Education

8 Kindergarten  Carried out in national, public and private  545,812 children in 8,290 kindergartens (2006)  Government Project : “Supporting kindergarten tuition for children for low-income families” Since 1999  Aged 3 to 5

9 Elementary and Secondary Education Elementary Education  Free and Compulsory  Enrollment rate  Early entering into Elementary school :  3,295,043 Children in 5,733 schools (2006) 64%(1945) 5 years old  Teaching English in Elementary school since 1997 3rd grade of school        ► 98.8%(2005)

10 Elementary and Secondary Education Middle School  2,075,311 students in 2,999 middle schools (2006) 1985 :in farming and fishing areas  99% enrollment rate from elementary school  Free compulsory middle school education 2002 :nationwide High School  1,775,857 students in 2,144 high schools (2006)  99.7% enrollment rate from middle school  Kinds of high schools General, Vocational, Science, Special high schools

11 Elementary and Secondary Education Curriculum & Textbooks  7th Curriculum (Current Curriculum) devised by the Ministry of Education revised every 5 to 7 years providing basic education fostering initiative guaranteeing learner-centered education ensuring autonomy  National Curriculum (by Education Law 155).

12 Elementary and Secondary Education Curriculum & Textbooks  Textbook 1st Type : Copyrights are held by the Ministry of Education. 2nd Type : Published by private publishers & authorized by the Ministry of Education. 3rd Type : Recognized as relevant and useful by the Ministry, local education offices.

13 Elementary and Secondary Education Teachers and Teachers’ Organization  Classification of Teachers Teacher Grade l and ll ⓐ Assistant Teacher ⓑ Counselor ⓒ Librarian ⓓ Field Training Teacher ⓔ Nursing Teacher ⓕ

14 Elementary and Secondary Education Teachers and Teachers’ Organization  Teachers’ Organization Three Teachers’ Unions : Korean Teachers & Educational Workers’ Union : Korea Union of Teaching & Educational Workers : Korea Liberal Teacher’s Union Teachers’ Association : Korean Federation of Teachers Association

15 Higher Education

16 Types of Higher Educational Institutions  University  Industrial University  University of Education  Junior College  Air & Correspondence University  Technical College  College in the Company  Cyber College & University  Miscellaneous Schools Enrollment rate 82.1% (2006)  Others

17 Higher Education Junior College  2 or 3 years  13 national/public, 139 private 817,994 studentsin 152 Junior colleges (2006) ■

18 Higher Education University  4 years 2,434,112 students  43 national/public, 178 private  6 year program : medicine, oriental medicine, dentistry ■ in 221 colleges and universities (2006)

19 Lifelong Education

20 Institutionalization of lifelong Education  Air & Correspondence High school  Air & Correspondence University 5,700 students in 11 schools(1974) Established in 1972  Distance University Education 15 Universities & 2 Junior Colleges To working adolescents, laborers, housewives and etc. 273,417 students (2006) Opened March, 2001        ► 13,448 in 39 schools (2006).

21 Education in the Information Age

22 ICT Infrastructure in Schools and Classrooms  All K-12 school classrooms connected to Internet in 2000.  1 PC per 5.6 students Educational Information Services  EDUNET: National Teaching-Learning Center : Comprehensive education information service launched in 1996  Cyber Home Learning System & EBSi : Internet-based learning service to complement school education at home : To enhance self-directed learning capabilities : 5.6 million members as of 2006 : 25.6 million materials are registered.  Korea Education & Research Information Service, 1999

23 Education in the Information Age National Education Information System (NEIS)  National Education Information System : launched in 2002 to improve efficiency and transparency  Service areas : General affairs – Accounting & HR managements : School affairs – Student record : connected with MOE&HRD, offices of education and all schools  To contribute to narrowing down the digital divide in education : Provision of refurbished PCs and teacher training e-Learning Globalization since 2005  Seminars, joint research, and e-Learning consulting (17 developing countries, 2006) : Civil service - Certifications

24 Human Resources Development Policy (HRD)

25 3. Educational Policy Advisory Councils 2. National HRD Committee 1. Ministry of Education and HRD  Elevated to the Ministry headed by a Deputy Prime Minster  Oversee & coordinate policies  Ministerial Education Policy Council  Presidential Commission on Educational Innovation Council  Composed of 14 line ministries (sub-cabinet meeting)  Since 2001  Monitor and evaluate the implementation of HRD policies

26 Future of Korean Education

27 Reforming Educational System  Change current subject-centered curriculum to competency-based curriculum - Develop the Basic Competency Skills for All  Enhance and evaluate teacher’s ability - Promote autonomy and accountability in the school system

28 Future of Korean Education Reforming Educational System  Strengthen the support system to promote LLL  Enhance quality of higher education up to global level - Set up ubiquitous learning system (e-Learning) - Support LLL by financial aids (Loan, Tax Credits, ILA) - Innovate role and function of universities as new engine for sustainable economic growth - Expand cooperative system among industries, universities, and research institutes

29 Future of Korean Education Thank You

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