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Farm Hill Elementary School Increasing Enrollment – June 2013 – 331 students Spot Redistricting in April 2013 – Increase of 12 students from Macdonough.

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Presentation on theme: "Farm Hill Elementary School Increasing Enrollment – June 2013 – 331 students Spot Redistricting in April 2013 – Increase of 12 students from Macdonough."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farm Hill Elementary School Increasing Enrollment – June 2013 – 331 students Spot Redistricting in April 2013 – Increase of 12 students from Macdonough – April 30, 2015 – 379 students

2 With the increase in enrollment… – Increase # of grade level sections Additional teachers needed each year – Additional space needed – Student support needs increase Academic, emotional, physical, social and mental health needs – Student support services increase to address student needs – Currently: Full time Pupil Services assignments at Farm Hill – 1 social worker – 1 school psychologist – 1 speech teacher – 5 special education teachers – 2 behavior technicians – 1 full time school psychology intern – 5 Reading Interventionists and 1 Elementary Instructional Support Teacher (EIST) share one small classroom. Provide reading intervention support to groups of students.

3 With the increase in enrollment… – Limited space: 11 adults (8 Pupil Services and 3 ACES staff) in 4 offices and 1 kitchenette/closet OT/PT share ½ of gym teacher’s office – Services provided in hallway and/or gym teacher’s office when available. No OT/PT room. One office is shared by staff as group counseling/social skills groups/testing area on a rotating basis to ensure student privacy. Conference room in main office is also used as a student meeting place and testing/evaluation site. Sensory area/room needed for students with various needs – no sensory room.

4 With the increase in enrollment… 2015-2016 – Anticipated classrooms: – Kindergarten - 4 sections – 1 st grade - 4 sections – 2 nd grade – 4 sections – 3 rd grade - 3 sections – 4 th grade – 3 sections – 5 th grade – 3 sections – 21 general education classrooms – Plus current ICM self-contained classroom – Full time bilingual teacher

5 2015-2016 - Status Quo 1.Music classroom will become the fourth 2 nd grade classroom (in 4 th / 5 th grade wing) 2.Convert computer lab into music classroom – Additional lap top carts needed Or 1.Keep computer lab 2.Music teacher on a cart (5 days) 3.Band classes in hallway and cafeteria (2 days each week)

6 2015-2016 - Status Quo Increase in student needs – lack of room Increase demand on one school nurse. – # of student health needs – restraint and seclusion – nurse must be present CHC School Based Health Center need exists for Farm Hill (currently CHC at Macdonough, Bielefield, Keigwin, WWMS and MHS) – no room/office Increase demand on office secretary. Parking space need increases with additional families – – 41 parking spaces – 70 BOE staff members work at Farm Hill – Plus 3-4 Kids Korner staff (before and after school) – High level of frustration at dismissal time – Bus loop does not increase parking spaces.

7 2015-2016 - Status Quo Ongoing needs Shortage of space to support students – Sped Education classroom – Bilingual/ELL classroom – Sensory needs room – EIST/Interventionist Room (6 teachers in this room) Staffing – Teachers – Pupil Services – ACES – Bilingual teacher – Nursing – Office 2016-2017 needs ??

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