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Warm Up: 9-25-15 What do you think is the greatest invention of all time and why?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: 9-25-15 What do you think is the greatest invention of all time and why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: 9-25-15 What do you think is the greatest invention of all time and why?

2  The Expansion of Industry FLT: I will be able to explain the significance of the transcontinental railroad and the new inventions that helped expand industry

3 Intro to Industrial Revolution  What do you remember about the Industrial Revolution from last year? What do you remember about the Industrial Revolution from last year?  revolution/videos/the-industrial-revolition revolution/videos/the-industrial-revolition

4 Transcontinental Railroad Transcontinental Railroad Answer these video questions: 1. Who are the men working on the railroads? 2. What are the two companies that worked on the railroads? Where did they meet? 3. How is employing Chinese laborers to work on the railroads a form of racism? 4. How have railroads helped the development of the U.S. as a major industrial power?

5 Manifest Destiny  What made it all possible? What made it all possible? 

6 Round Robin - Inventors In groups of 4 or 5, you will create a poster for one of the following inventors/inventions: 1. Edwin L. Drake (p. 231) 2. Henry Bessemer (p. 231) 3. New uses for steel (p. 232) 4. Thomas Edison (p. 232) 5. Christopher Sholes (p. 233) 6. Alexander Graham Bell (p. 233)

7 Round Robin - Inventors In your group, choose: - 1 or 2 researchers - 1 or 2 writers/artists for your poster - 1 presenter Write all group members’ names and roles on the back of your poster

8 Round Robin - Inventors On your poster, include: 1. What did he discover / invent? 2. What was its significance(s)? 3. How did it change society then and now? Be sure to have a title, large visible and neat writing, and organized information

9 Warm up: 9-28-15  Why was the Transcontinental Railroad such an important development in US history?

10 Round Robin - Inventors Hang your poster around the classroom. Now: - Your presenter(s) will stay with your poster - Everyone else will rotate to other groups as they take notes from other presenters - You will return to your own presenters and teach them what you learned from other groups

11  Discovered oil beneath the earth’s surface  Started an oil boom throughout the country  Gasoline became the most important form of oil, something we still very much use today Edwin L. Drake

12  Invented the Bessemer Process in the 1850s  This cheaply and efficiently made steel out of iron  Cheap steel made it possible to manufacture many other industrial productions Henry Bessemer

13  Railroads were the most important use for steel  Farm machines transformed the plains into the food producer of the nation  Innovative construction and remarkable structures such as bridges and skyscrapers New uses for steel

14  Invented the typewriter in 1867  Print became much faster with typing instead of handwriting  Improved office work and created new jobs for women. Led to the modern keyboard Christopher Sholes

15  Invented the light bulb in 1879  Went on to found the Edison Electric Company which brought electricity to the majority of homes in America  Electricity allowed manufacturers to locate their plants wherever they wanted Thomas Edison

16  Invented the telephone in 1876  Forever changed methods of communication throughout the world  Telegraph messages could be transmitted around the world in just minutes Alexander Graham Bell

17 What did Edwin L. Drake do? Drilled the First Oil Well

18 What did the Bessemer Process do? Turned Iron into Steel cheaply and efficiently

19 What was the name of the process that turned iron into steel? Bessemer Process

20 Who drilled the first oil well? Edwin L. Drake

21 What did Thomas Edison do? Designed a longer lasting light bulb

22 Which invention allowed people to “write” more efficiently? The Typewriter

23 Who invented the longer lasting light bulb? Thomas Edison

24 Who invented the typewriter? Christopher Sholes

25 What was Alexander Graham Bell known for? Invented the Telephone

26 What were some new uses for steel? Railroads, bridges, skyscrapers, machines

27 Paragraph Response #1 Choose one of the inventions you learned about today. How has this invention changed the society and economy of the world both then and now?

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