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 We will travel over 1,000 miles this fall, and perform at competitions, parades, football games, pep rallies, and concerts.

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2  We will travel over 1,000 miles this fall, and perform at competitions, parades, football games, pep rallies, and concerts.

3  We will host our very own band competition….THE 7 th Annual MONARCH INVITATIONAL

4 The band travels to GREAT destinations. In the past years, we’ve performed in: New York City Atlanta, GA Universal Studios Orlando (Twice) The 2011 Champs Sports Bowl (Orlando) We are looking at an overnight trip this year!

5 We have had alumni in the bands at these college/universities: ◦ NC State ◦ Appalachian State ◦ Western Carolina ◦ Wake Forest ◦ East Carolina ◦ Colorado State ◦ UNC – Charlotte ◦ West Virginia State ◦ Elizabeth City State ◦ NC A&T ◦ NC Central ◦ Livingstone College ◦ Winston – Salem State

6  We currently have several alumni studying to be music educators. › One served this year as a staff coordinator for the 350+ member Pride of the Mountains Marching Band at Western Carolina University › One of our graduates recently performed with the UNC-W Wind Orchestra at the NCMEA Conference › Several of our students have moved on and are involved in teaching music All WERE MARCHING MONARCHS.

7 I can’t learn how to march and play? ◦ You don’t have to have ANY prior knowledge of marching while playing. It’s our job to teach you…don’t worry! I play sports, or am involved in other things? ◦ You can (and SHOULD) still march in the band. It is a class during the day, but we are also looking for student volunteers to help in the fall. This year, all band students will take the marching band class, either to participate competitively or as a “band assistant”

8 For Marchers  2 Band Shirts = $20  Marching Shoes = $35.00  3 Pairs of Gloves = $10.00  Additional Instructors = $100  Uniform Dry Cleaning = $25  Summer Camp Meals = $15  Overnight Trip Fee = $70  Fee per Student = $275  Onslow County Schools charges $10 for students enrolled in band (this fee is not included above) For ColorGuard  Uniform = $140  Shoes = $35  Gloves = $15  Shirts = $20  Warmups = $50  Flags/Equipment = $40  Instructors = $60  Fee per Student = $360

9  YOU CAN!  We have several fundraisers to assist with the cost of marching band  Participating in these fundraisers could potentially reduce your cost to $0 Fundraisers  Summer/Fall Car Wash Sponsorships  Family and Friends  Krispy Kreme Cards  Fruit Sales  Monarch Invitational  Area Business Sponsorships

10  The band is a great big family at NHS. You’ll be glad to have Seniors as your friends when school opens in August. It’s like having 100 big brothers and sisters.  Your band classes fill an important role in the process of earning credit towards graduation. You need a “group” of like- subject electives. Band will take care of that!

11  Band camp happens before school starts in the summer.  Depending on the type of camp, the schedule for the day may change.  This is an important time. The students will learn all that they need to know for the season, and will learn the first half of the competition show.  Band camp is mandatory for all students.

12  The 2016 season begins tonight. Here is an overview of the schedule: › Now-August: Sell sponsorships, learn music › Drill Camp: May 2 - 5 (3:30pm-5:00pm) › Band Camp Week 1: Aug. 1 - 5 (8am-5pm) › Band Camp Week 2: August 8 - 12 (8am-8:00pm)

13  A detailed schedule will be posted to CHARMS over the summer. Here’s an overview: › Football Games: We play at 5-6 home regular season games, and at selected away games. If (when) the team makes the playoffs, we will also travel to these games. (September-November) › Competitions: The band will travel to 3 or 4 competitions. These occur on Saturdays from the end of September through the beginning of November.

14  Parades: The band will march in the Jacksonville Holiday Parade  Concert: The band performs a holiday concert in December  Pep Rally: The band performs at the NHS Homecoming Pep Rally.

15  Charms is an online system that contains: › Band Calendar › Financial information / receipts › Volunteer signups › Forms › Student Music › Student Drill Please fill out the form and turn it in tonight, your account will be created in the next few weeks.

16  You are a BAND BOOSTER! › All parents/guardians of a Monarch band student are automatically members of our support organization (The NHS Band Boosters). The group meets once per month and plans fundraisers and coordinates volunteers. › There are leadership opportunities available for next year. This information will come to you via email.

17  WE NEED MANY VOLUNTEERS IN THE FALL!!! › The ability of the band to travel and perform relies heavily on adult volunteers. Each competition Saturday there are 15-25 adults that go with the band. With a LARGE senior class graduating this year, we need some new adults to get involved!! › We need:  Trailer drivers  U-Haul drivers  Bus chaperones  Props builders  Props performance crew  Pit percussion crew WE WILL ALSO NEED 100 OR MORE VOLUNTEERS ON OCTOBER 1 FOR THE BAND COMPETITION.

18  Onslow County Schools requires that any adult serving in the supervisory capacity of students is fingerprinted and background checked through their system. This is provided at no cost to you, and is valid through the duration that your son/daughter is in school.  Chaperones and Pit Crew parents must be fingerprinted since they serve in direct supervisory roles.  Please fill out the volunteer form in your packet tonight. I will get principal approval, and contact you for scheduling.

19  If you have any questions, I will be available tonight after the meeting.  You may also contact me at: › › (910) 455-4868

20  The 2016 Marching Monarchs competition show is………..



23 Thank you all for coming! Our next booster meeting is Tuesday, April 26 th at 6:30pm

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