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Sample Passage Multiple Choice Questions Selected Response Questions Text-Dependent Question 8 th Grade PSSA English Language Arts Exam

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1 Sample Passage Multiple Choice Questions Selected Response Questions Text-Dependent Question 8 th Grade PSSA English Language Arts Exam

2 Editorial: Teens are going to extremes with texting from The Jersey Journal 1.Preview text and questions. a.What genre is the text? nonfiction, informational, editorial b.Which types of questions will you be answering? multiple choice, selected response, text-dependent analysis c.Will you be writing a response to the passage? yes 2.Read the question to which you will respond in writing. a. what type of question is it? essay, analyzing, the main argument, use evidence b. underline these key words in the question I’ll have to do some planning!

3 Read the article for the FIRST time and re-read parts as you answer the other types of questions. Multiple Choice questions – only one answer is correct Selected Response – two parts – Part One - only one answer is correct – Part Two – choose one or more answers based on your response to Part One Remember – the questions are about what the AUTHOR WROTE - not your opinion!

4 Now for the Text-Dependent Analysis Question! YaaaaaHoooooo eeeeeeeyyy!!!

5 Tackling Essay Prompts Key VerbTaskSample Question Analyze Take something apart to see how it works. Analyze the character of Zaroff in “The Most Dangerous Game.” Compare/contrast Discuss likenesses/differences. Compare = alike Contrast=different Compare and contrast Helen and Annie in The Miracle Worker. DiscussTalk about something in detail. Discuss how du Maurier builds suspense in “The Birds.” ExplainGive reasons for something.Explain why Odysseus begins his travels. Interpret Give the meaning or significance of something. Interpret the symbolism of the ibis in “The Scarlet Ibis.” SummarizeGive a brief overview of the main points. Summarize the plot of Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado.”

6 Writer’s Checklist Make sure you read the question carefully. Make sure you have read the entire passage carefully. – highlight or take notes – read the article again or parts of the article several times while writing Organize your ideas on scratch paper. Use a thought map, outline, or other graphic organizer to plan your essay.

7 Let’s read the article again and highlight or take some notes. Main argument – Teens are compromising their health and wellness by texting day and night. How author develops this argument – studies, statistics, true stories, interviews, etc. Evidence – key details, examples, quotes, facts, and/or definitions Main Idea – should refer to this, helps keep essay focused Vocabulary - precise language and domain-specific vocabulary Author’s Purpose – helps while writing; may help with the conclusion

8 Domain-specific vocabulary Domain-specific academic vocabulary consists of content-specific words that appear in textbooks and other instructional materials; for example, apex in math, escarpment in geography, and isobar in science. What are some domain specific vocabulary words in football, bowling, music, gaming?

9 Draft your Introduction 1.Begin with a “hook” or broad statement introducing the topic. (This could be a quote or interesting detail from the passage.) 2.State the title (s) of the passage (s) and the author (s). 3.Restate or rephrase the question when forming your answer or thesis statement. 4.Try to think of three main supporting ideas for your thesis.

10 A sample introductory paragraph The author of “Editorial: Teens are going to extremes with texting,” from The Jersey Journal refers to the topic of teen texting as a crisis. His or her main argument is that teens are damaging their health by texting excessively. The author develops his argument by  citing statistics that show the time spent texting would cause daily health and hygiene routines to be neglected,  explaining why teens won’t limit texting themselves, and  finally proposing that adults are the solution to the problem.

11 Make an outline or Graphic Organizer for the body of the essay There should be one paragraph for each supporting idea. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and focus on one supporting idea. The supporting idea should be backed up with at least two pieces of evidence from the passage. Try to make one piece of evidence a direct quote from the article. Make sure you explain how your evidence supports your topic sentence.







18 Write a draft using good transitions between paragraphs Avoid overused transitions. They can cheapen an otherwise well written essay! There is a list of transitions in your packet.

19 Now for the Conclusion… 1.Begin by looking at your thesis statement again. Try to rewrite it a new way. 2.Summarize the main points to add emphasis to your thesis. 3.Finish strong! This could be with a reflection, a reference to the author’s purpose or theme, a concluding thought or a call to action.

20 Then it’s done, right? I gotta go check my traps!

21 No no no! Always proofread for sentence formation, usage, grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Sometimes it’s those little details that mean the difference between success and failure!

22 Hold on to your horses there, Mounties. I know you’re rarin’ to write your essay, but there are just a few things no self- respectin’ Mountie would ever put in an essay and we need to talk about them…


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