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Religion & Science keywords
Evolution – scientific theory to describe how humans were created. They evolved from small organisms millions of years ago Adam & Eve – first two humans Dominion – the belief that humans are in charge of the world and everything in it Big Bang theory – scientific theory describing how the universe came into being following a giant explosion Ex nihilo – Latin for ‘from nothing’ (to refer to how God created the world from nothing) Cosmological argument – philosophical argument that states that only God has the power to start the creation of the universe so He must have been the one who caused the Big Bang and evolution Religion & Science keywords Stewardship – the belief that humans have been given the job of looking after the world and everything in it by God Genesis story – Bible story that has the creation story in it Design argument – philosophical argument that states that because of order and regularity in the world then this proves there must have been a God who designed and created it Creationist Christians – Christians who argue scientific theories of creation are wrong Liberal Christians – Christians who accept science as well as the Bible
Creation of the world according to the Bible
night & day God created the world from nothing – ex nihilo sky The story is in the Genesis Story Day 1 Day 2 Creation of the world according to the Bible earth & plants God rested Day 3 Day 7 Day 6 Day 4 Day 5 animals and humans (Adam & Eve) sun, moon and stars fish & birds
Creation of humans according to the Bible
He made ‘man in his image’ and ‘breathed life into him’ God created Adam first and then Eve on the 6th day Creation of humans according to the Bible The breath of life is believed to be the soul which sets humans apart from animals God gave them stewardship – the job of looking after his creation God gave humans dominion – put them in charge
Creation of the world according to science
Giant explosion Scientific study of the universe = Cosmology Most popular theory = Big Bang Theory Matter scattered 1 2 Creation of the world according to science Species evolved – fish and plants, reptiles, birds, mammals and primates Matter began to stick together and formed planets 3 6 4 5 Solar systems and galaxies were formed On earth bacteria formed
Creation of humans according to science
Most popular theory = Darwin's theory of evolution bacteria multi-cellar organisms fish 1 2 3 humans evolve Creation of humans according to science 9 land plants and fungi 4 8 modern mammals 5 amphibians, insects and reptiles 6 7 mammals and birds Dinosaurs evolve
Science Versus Christianity: Liberal Christians
They would support the cosmological argument: the belief that there must have been a first cause of the universe and the first case was God. They will accept the Big Bang Theory and Evolution God made and planned the world for humans and gave them the job of looking after it They believe that the Genesis story is symbolic – it tells people why God created the world not how They believe God designed humans and that he gave them a soul to make them Science Versus Christianity: Liberal Christians They don’t believe that the Genesis story is historical fact God created the world because he loved us They argue that humans are special and have evolved as God planned it Liberal Christians accept that humans evolved from primates God is responsible for the Big bang and Evolution
Science Versus Christianity: Creationist Christians
He breathed life into them after making them in his image. This is believed to be the soul Because the Genesis story is historical fact they believe humans were created on the 6th day by God God made Adam first and then Eve He gave them dominion and stewardship The Big Bang Theory and Evolution is wrong Science Versus Christianity: Creationist Christians They believe scientific evidence like fossils etc are put there by God to test faith Creationist Christians believe the Bible and the Genesis story is a historical fact They argue it is dangerous to accept scientific theories because it questions God Creation happened as stated in Genesis
Stewardship & Dominion
Dominion – God put humans in charge of everything in the world Stewardship – humans were given the job of being stewards. They are responsible for looking after the world and everything in it Stewardship – “the earth is the Lords and everything in it.” (Psalm 24) – The earth and everything belongs to God. We should look after it Dominion – “let us make man in our image and let them rule.” (Genesis) – God gave humans responsibility as stewards but they were also put in charge to rule Animals – Christians should look after animals as stewards of the world. They should be against animal testing because animals should not be harmed Stewardship & Dominion Their responsibility is to look after the world and everything in it Environment – they should try to cut down on pollution, e.g., bikes instead of cars, recycle, etc
What sets humans apart from animals?
God made humans intelligent – animals don’t have intelligence Christians believe God gave humans the soul when he breathed life into them. Animals did not get a soul God gave humans stewardship and dominion – humans are in charge of and are responsible for animals What sets humans apart from animals? Some Christians believe that the fact humans have souls and animals don’t justifies animal research if it benefits humans Christians should look after animals as stewards of the world
Cosmological argument
The cosmological argument supports the Big Bang Theory – God started the Big Bang Also known as the First Cause Argument 1 - Things come into existence because something caused them to happen 2 - The chain of causes can be traced back to the beginning of time Domino analogy: The cosmological argument is like a row of dominos. When dominos are placed in a row they need someone to knock the first domino down to start the chain reaction. The universe also needed something to start – this was God Cosmological argument 3 - God was the first cause of the universe Aquinas: The universe had a beginning. There must have been a first cause. The first cause was God
William Paley – the watch:
The world and the universe are complex and beautiful it must have had a designer. The designer must be God Evidence: There is order and regularity in the universe, e.g., seasons, natural law, etc Everything works well together and has a purpose Aquinas: He argued that we cannot see, hear or touch God. The natural world proves that God exists. Because there is order in the world and nothing is random there must have been an intelligent designer. This must be God William Paley – the eye: Paley argued that the world and everything in it is complex. The human eye proves this – its different parts work together so that people can see. The eye was designed for seeing and shows that there was an intelligent designer = God Design Argument William Paley – the watch: He used the example of a watch to prove that God exists and designed the world. If we come across a stone on a moor we wouldn’t think of anything of it but if we came across a watch we would see its design and know there was a designer. As the watch needs a designer and maker, the world and universe has a designer and maker = God
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