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Biomolecules. Monomers and polymers Monomer: one part or building block of a polymer Polymer: many monomers joined together by bonds. monomers Polymers.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomolecules. Monomers and polymers Monomer: one part or building block of a polymer Polymer: many monomers joined together by bonds. monomers Polymers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomolecules

2 Monomers and polymers Monomer: one part or building block of a polymer Polymer: many monomers joined together by bonds. monomers Polymers

3 Macromolecules: Macro means large or big Molecule is the smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of the substance and is composed of two or more atoms. Macromolecules are often referred to as organic molecules

4 There are 4 main types of Biomolecules Carbohydrates (sugars) Lipids (fats) Proteins Nucleic Acids Protein Carbohydrates Nucleic Acids Lipids

5 Carbohydrate Function Function: to store and release energy Provide the least amount of energy, but they are easiest to break down. (4 cal/gram) The energy is stored in the bonds between the carbons with the help of enzymes, the energy is released from the bonds.

6 CarbohydrateExamples Examples: bread, pasta, sugar, veggies, potatoes, crackers, cereal, fruit, high fructose corn syrup…..

7 Carbohydrate Structure One sugar = a monosaccharide

8 Carbohydrates are classified into 3 groups: 1. Monosaccharides= Simple sugars = one sugar ◦ Examples: glucose, galactose, fructose ◦ Note: carbons are shown here but may not be in future images- carbons are at the intersections of two or more lines

9 Carbohydrates are classified into 3 groups: 2. Disaccharides= simple sugars= two sugars ◦ Examples: sucrose (table sugar), maltose, lactose

10 Dehydrolysis: The process by which water is taken away to create a disaccharide out of two monomers is called dehydrolysis.

11 Hydrolysis: The process by which water is added to create a disaccharide apart into two monosaccharides is called hydrolysis.

12 Carbohydrates are classified into 3 groups: 3. Polysaccharides= complex carbohydrates= many sugars ◦ Examples: starch and cellulose ◦ We call cellulose fiber, and although we cannot digest it, it is an important part of our diet.

13 Cellulose makes up cell walls in plants

14 Lipids (Fats): Function: to store and release energy Energy: Provide the greatest amount of energy but they are the hardest to break down (9 cal/gram). The energy is stored in the bonds between the carbons. With the help of enzymes, the energy is released from the bonds.

15 Lipid Examples: Avocados, butter, olives, lard, mayonaise, oils, fats, waxes…

16 Lipid Structure Monomer= one glycerol and 3 fatty acids

17 Lipid Structure The “R” group in the fatty acids: “R” “R”epresents different numbers of carbon/hydrogen chains. Therefore some fatty acids are short and some are very long; some are bent and some are straight.

18 Lipid Structure Some lipids form rings such as cholesterol, steroids, and some hormones. Cholesterol

19 Lipid Structure Lipids are classified into groups depending on how many double bonds are found in the fatty acids.

20 Saturated Fats all single bonds- no double ◦ Animal fats- bacon grease, lard, butter ◦ Solid at room temperature

21 Monounsaturated Fats Have one double bond Plant or fish fats- vegetable oil, cod liver oil Liquid at room temperature

22 Polyunsaturated Fats Have more than one double bond Liquid at room temperature Found in nuts, leafy greens, and fish

23 Trans fats Are poly and monounsaturated fats in which the double bonds are converted to single bonds Is this good or bad? (hint-look at the pictures  )

24 Phospholipids Have one glycerol and 2 fatty acids and one phosphate group They are a major component of cell membranes! Hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic tails

25 Phospholipids

26 Proteins/ polypeptide Functions: Provide structural support to living organisms (skin, muscles, feathers). Perform chemical reactions (called enzymes) Defend body against foreign substances Involved in almost all cell functions Provide energy over long periods of time Energy: 4 cal/gram

27 Proteins or polypeptides Examples Fish, milk, steak/beef, beans, tofu, pork, chicken, nuts, legumes (like soy beans)

28 Protein Structure Monomers: called amino acids Amino acids are made up of amino groups, carboxyl groups, a carbon & hydrogen, and an “R” group. The R 2 -R 20 represents the 20 different amino acids

29 Protein Structure Proteins are instrumental in almost everything organisms do. They are the most structurally sophisticated molecules known- but they are all made from the same 20 amino acids arranged in different orders.

30 Forming Polypeptide Chains Amino acids are combined together through a dehydrolysis reaction (water is lost), resulting in a C-N bond. This bond is called a peptide bond. Therefore, when many amino acids are combined together it is called a polypeptide chain (protein).

31 Forming Polypeptide Chains

32 Proteins are more than just chains… They are the result of a polypeptide chain that’s bent into a certain structure. A string of yarn is not a sweater until its woven into the shape of a sweater. If you unbend a protein, you ruin its ability to function. Unbending a protein is called denaturation

33 Nucleic Acids Function: transmit heredity or genetic information Energy: Only some nucleic acids such ATP (adenosine triphosphate) provide energy

34 Nucleic Acid Examples DNA, RNA, tRNA, mRNA, ATP, AMP

35 Nucleic Acid Structure Monomer: a nucleotide is made of a sugar, phosphate, and a nitrogenous base.

36 Nucleotides & Nitrogenous Bases The nucleotides that are involved with transmitting genetic info are named according to the base that is in the molecule Examples: Guanine, cytosine, adenine, thymine, (and uracil in RNA)

37 Nucleotides & Nitrogenous Bases When these nucleotides are linked together to form a nucleic acid such as DNA it looks like this:

38 Summary

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