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MULTIPROCESSING MODULE OF PYTHON. CPYTHON  CPython is the default, most-widely used implementation of the Python programming language.  CPython - single-threaded.

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2 CPYTHON  CPython is the default, most-widely used implementation of the Python programming language.  CPython - single-threaded  Cannot coordinate processes across compute nodes  Threads can only be coordinated on a single node

3 INTRO TO MULTIPROCESSING  Multiprocessing enables to spawn multiple processes, allowing programmer to fully leverage the computing power of multiple processors.  Solution to inter-node communication barrier  Thread-like interface to multiple processes  Ability to communicate between nodes enables efficient use of multiple cores  Slower than thread communication

4  Thread is a thread of execution in a program.  Thread share the memory and state of the parent.  Process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed.  Processes share nothing but use inter-process communication mechanisms to communicate.

5 EXAMPLE Job Process

6 PROCESS  Process class is used to spawn processes by creating Process objects  Call start() function to start a new process  Call join() function to properly terminate the process. def printName(name): print 'hello', name if __name__ == '__main__': p = Process(target=printName, args=('foo', )) p.start() p.join()

7 COMMUNICATION AMONG PROCESSES  Pipe: send() recv()  Queue  Living in shared memory among processes  Semaphore and condition variables; like a gate to resource: >0 open, 0 closed

8 PIPE  Python multiprocessing library provides two classes for exchanging information between processes: Pipe and Queue.  Pipe is used between two processes and it returns a pair of connection objects which by default is duplex. def writer(conn): conn.send([5, 'foo', None]) conn.close() if __name__ == '__main__': parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() p = Process(target=writer, args=(child_conn, )) p.start() print parent_conn.recv()# will print [5, 'foo', None] p.join()

9 QUEUE  Queue is built on top of Pipe.  Used when we need to exchange objects between 2+ processes.  Use put() method to put the data.  Use get() method to get the data.

10 Example:  A reader and writer sharing a single queue  The writer sends a series of integers to the reader.  When the writer runs out of numbers, it sends 'DONE’.  The reader then knows to break out of the read loop.

11 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue import time def reader(queue): ## Read from the queue while True: msg = queue.get() #Read from the queue & do nothing if (msg == 'DONE'): break def writer(count, queue): ## Write to the queue for ii in xrange(0, count): queue.put(ii) #Write 'count' numbers into the queue queue.put('DONE')

12 if __name__=='__main__': for count in [10**4, 10**5, 10**6]: queue = Queue() # reader() reads from queue # writer() writes to queue reader_p = Process(target=reader, args=((queue),)) reader_p.daemon = True reader_p.start() #Launch reader as a process _start = time.time() writer(count, queue) #Send a lot to reader reader_p.join() # Wait for the reader to finish print "Sending %s numbers to Queue() took %s seconds" % (count, (time.time() - _start))

13 SYNCHRONIZATION PRIMITIVE (LOCK)  The synchronization primitives are used when we need share states between processes. import multiprocessing import sys global x def do_this(lock): global x lock.acquire() try: while(x < 300): x += 1 print x finally: lock.release()

14 def do_after(lock): lock.acquire() x = 450 try: while(x < 600): x += 1 print x finally: lock.release()

15 if __name__ == '__main__': x = 0 lock = multiprocessing.Lock() w = multiprocessing.Process(target=do_this, args=(lock, )) nw = multiprocessing.Process(target=do_after, args=(lock, )) w.start() nw.start() w.join() nw.join() ''' Outputs: 300 600 '''

16 SHARE STATE BETWEEN PROCESSES  Shared memory  Server process  A Manager object control a server process that holds python objects and allow other process to access/manipulate them.  The shared object gets updated in all processes when anyone modifies it.

17 # Server from multiprocessing import BaseManager class QueueManager(BaseManager): pass QueueManager.register('get_queue', callable=lambda:queue) m = QueueManager(address=(‘', 50000)) s = m.get_server() s.serve_forever()

18 # Client from multiprocessing import BaseManager class QueueManager(BaseManager): pass QueueManager.register('get_queue') m = QueueManager(address=('', 50000)) m.connect queue = m.get_queue() queue.put('Hello World')

19 POOL  Python multiprocessing library provides a Pool class to implement multiprocessing for simple concurrent program.  Distribute the work among workers.  Collect the return value as a list.  Important methods:  apply/apply_async  map/map_async.

20  Takes care of managing queue, processes, shared date/stats.  Makes it easy to implement quick/simple concurrent Python programs.

21 from multiprocessing import Pool def cube(x): return x**3 if __name__ == '__main__': pool = mp.Pool(processes=4) results = [pool.apply(cube, args=(x,)) for x \ in range(1,101)] print(results) Outputs: [1, 8, 27, 64, …, 941192, 970299, 1000000]

22 REFERENCES  Python 2.6 documentation,  PyMOTW by Doug Hellmann,

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