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Origins of Yoga Principle meaning of yoga is “ oneness ” or “ union ” Belief that the individual is part of universal whole Belief that body and breath.

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Presentation on theme: "Origins of Yoga Principle meaning of yoga is “ oneness ” or “ union ” Belief that the individual is part of universal whole Belief that body and breath."— Presentation transcript:



3 Origins of Yoga Principle meaning of yoga is “ oneness ” or “ union ” Belief that the individual is part of universal whole Belief that body and breath are connected with mind Developed in India Exercise related to yoga is called “ Hatha ” yoga and originated approximately 1,000 years ago

4 Objectives of Yoga Help people cope with stress Control breathing and hold steady body poses Be more relaxed Ease pain Help with poor posture Cultivate stillness, calm in person ’ s life Creates harmony by balancing both sides of the body

5 Key Elements of Yoga Proper breathing Proper exercise Proper relaxation Proper diet Positive thinking and meditation

6 Benefits of Yoga Designed to ease tensed muscles Tones internal organs Improves joint and ligament flexibility Enhances breathing capability Focuses mind and corrects posture Builds strong muscles Encourages good circulation

7 Schools of Yoga Hatha Yoga –Practiced in the west –Exert control over body and mind Raja Yoga –Depicted as meditative states Karma Yoga –Based on being quiet Bhakti Yoga –Known for devotion and spirituality Jnana Yoga –Practiced in groups and looks at the analytical approach to life Mantra Yoga –Raise consciousness by chanting, aloud or to oneself

8 Asanas The steady poses or exercises of yoga

9 Yoga Asanas Aim of proper exercise is to improve flexibility and strength Each posture is performed slowly in fluid movements No quick, jerky moves

10 Proper Breathing Concentrate on exhalation rather than inhalation Cleanse lungs of stale air and eliminate toxins from the body Focuses on nasal breathing techniques

11 Breathing Techniques Very important to yoga Focus on how lungs work Abdominal breathing Sitting properly Full Yogic breathing Single nostril breathing Alternate nostril breathing

12 Yoga - What You Need Mat Towel Open spaced without furniture Room comfortably heated Free from disturbances Remove jewelry, glasses, etc. Comfortable clothes, no shoes/socks

13 Prayer Pose Arch Back Bend over Leg back Push up Lower chest to the floor Arch your chest Inverted V Lunge forward Forehead to knees Stretch back Return to start Repeat with other side

14 Salutation to the Sun Prayer Pose

15 Salutation to the Sun Arch Back

16 Salutation to the Sun Forward Bend

17 Salutation to the Sun Leg Back Lunge

18 Salutation to the Sun Push Up

19 Salutation to the Sun Lower chest to floor

20 Salutation to the Sun Arch your chest Cobra

21 Salutation to the Sun Inverted V Downward Dog

22 Salutation to the Sun Lunge forward

23 Salutation to the Sun Bend forward Forehead to knees

24 Salutation to the Sun –Stretch back

25 Salutation to the Sun Return to start with the Prayer Pose Then go to Mountain Pose

26 Common Yoga Asanas Child Benefits –Rejuvenates the body –Completely refreshes back and spine –Massages inner organs –Promotes a sense of security and nurturing

27 Common Yoga Asanas Proud Warrior Benefits –Improves flexibility –Strengthens feet, ankles, knees, and legs –Elongates spine –Opens the hip area –Increases endurance and stamina


29 Downward Dog Benefits –Aligns the spinal column –Releases tension in the shoulders –Stretches and lengthens the hamstrings –Lengthens and increases flexibility in the Achilles tendons

30 The Cat Visualize a cat - arching and stretching its back Benefits are for the back and abdominal muscles

31 Kneeling Lunge Benefits –Relieves lower back pain and sciatica –Strengthens thighs and legs –Relieves anxiety and tension –Increases energy and mental clarity

32 Cobra Benefits –Tones the back and buttocks –Expands the rib cage, chest and abdomen –Firms the throat –Replenishes the lower back and pelvis with a fresh supply of blood and increases circulation

33 The Tree Benefits –Improves the posture and elongages the spine –Strengthens the knees and ankles –Helps with balance and centering

34 The Boat Benefits –Strengthens the arms and back muscles –Brings a fresh supply of blood to the lower organs –Rejuvenates the body


36 The Plank Benefits –Improves balance –Strengthens the arms, back, and legs –Increases stamina –Helps with concentration

37 The Fish Benefits –Opens the chest, alleviates respiratory problems –Compensates for forward-bending activities –Corrects rounded shoulders –Relieves stress and regulates moods

38 The Plow Strengthens nervous system Improves circulation Releases tension from shoulders Decreases insomnia Breath rhythmically Do not twist head or neck

39 The Bridge Helps release tension Strengthens neck and spine Increases lung capacity

40 The Camel Opens chest and releases shoulders Stretch in thighs, abdomen and rib muscles Helps people with sciatica - the inflamed nerve that runs from hip down back of leg

41 The Crow Stretches arms, wrists, shoulders, increasing flexibility Strengthens arms, wrists, and shoulders Increases breathing capacity Develops mental focus and concentration Improves awareness and mental poise Promotes inner balance










51 The End

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