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Aims Identifying Numbers in Listening Asking for and Giving Directions Understanding and Talking About Sports and Sports Interests.

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2 Aims Identifying Numbers in Listening Asking for and Giving Directions Understanding and Talking About Sports and Sports Interests

3 Warming up Lead-in question Do you often work out? How many types of exercise are there? Warm-up listening Physical Exercise (NHI, P20) Listening skills Identifying Numbers (NHI, P17)

4 Aerobic exercises Examples include walking, jogging, aerobic classes, bicycling, swimming, tennis and dancing Strength training exercises Using weights, exercise bands, other weight lifting equipment, and doing push-ups and sit- ups are examples of strength training Flexibility exercises Examples include yoga and tai chi Back

5 12345 Physical Exercise

6 Listening in Want to know more about exercise? Expert Advice on Exercise Reluctant to go outside for your exercise? How to work out at home What about a weight-loss program?What about a weight-loss program exercise to lose weight

7 The biggest mistake that I’ve seen is that _________________________________.mistake Key people indulge in exercise because they have a specific task

8 What’s your answer to that question? Now listen to the expert and compare!the expert What’s his answer? Exercise is important because our bodies were meant to move rather than to sit behind the desk and sit behind the steering wheel on a busy freeway.

9 Physical activity is not sitting on the couch. Fitness is not sitting on the couch and having a specific intent, a specific purpose. Walking, dancing, swimming, and Biking Fitness vs. Physical activity

10 Benefits of regular exercise Benefits of regular exercise include ____, ____, ____ and ____. Strengthening muscles, Avoiding osteoporosis ( 骨质疏松 ), Boosting immune system, Promoting strong mental health

11 Do you know what they mean ? Aerobic exercise is doing exercise when oxygen is the primary source of energy. Anaerobic means without oxygen. An example is a very explosive jump, or a leap or a forty-yard dash or a weight lifting. Both are needed for the development of physical fitness. AerobicAerobic vs. AnaerobicAnaerobic

12 What is Yoga? What is Pilates?

13 Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word "yoke," or "to unite," "to bring together," and that's why it has the mind, the body, the soul, and the spirit application to it. It's breathing, it's visualization, and it's the physical postures, the asanas. It's everything put together.

14 Pilates is a form of exercise, originally developed by Joseph H. Pilates many, many years ago. It was because of his illness as a boy that he wanted to gain wellness for himself. He did a lot of research and developed these series of movements and apparatuses that are now used in the Pilates method. The benefits are a decrease in back pain, increased sports performance, to some degree weight loss, and just an overall better sense of wellbeing. Back

15 What are the steps? What do you need? Music Weights Friend Routine Water Gallon jugs (optional) Sand (optional)

16 Step 1 Do body weight exercises Step 2 Jog in place Step 3 Perform jumping jacks Step 4 Make exercise fun

17 Step 5 Incorporate weight training Step 6 Invite a friend over Step 7 Get a routine Back

18 The key to a weight loss program is that _____ Reference: you burn more calories on a daily basis than you take in to lose weight. an aerobic exercise program in which you use the largest muscles in your body. riding a bike, swimming, running, walking (speed walking) and a spinning course The most efficient way to burn calories is _____ Examples include _____

19 Getting further Build Brain Power by Exercise How to keep exercising Speaking Out

20 What can working out do? What have we been knowing about the benefits of exercise? What is the new finding about? Why is it important? What do we know about the disease history of the woman expert? Exercise & Brain Power

21 Key Working out is obviously good for the body, and now there is new evidence it can boost the brainpower and fight disease as well. What we’ve known for years is that individuals who are physically active have reduced risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease. We've also known that people with mild cognitive impairment also have improved function with exercise. Exercise can help grow new nerve cells. The new nerve cells will increase a web and connect with each other. Those connections can help brain function better. There is a history of Alzheimer in her family. Back

22 What suggestions do you have in mind? Have a brief discussion with others and compare your different views. What are the steps?

23 Step 1 Put it in your Diary Step 2 Seize every opportunity for you to do some extra walking. Step 3 Include your lunch time in your exercise schedule. Step 4 Get friends and family involved and do some running, sit-ups and push-ups, some housework and gardening during the weekends. Step 5 Remember there is always time for exercising Back

24 Now you have been in this university for several weeks, so you must have known your way around. Practise asking for and giving directions based on your knowledge of the campus, your dormitory buildings and places nearby. Try to make the directions as complicated as possible. Make use of the expressions in your textbook.

25 Turn to the next few pages for some vocabulary help!

26 Aerobic exercise 有氧运动 Push-up 俯卧撑 Sit-up 仰卧起坐 Yoga 瑜珈 Tai chi 太极拳 肚皮舞: belly dance 杠铃操: Body Pump 柔道: judo 跆拳道: taekwondo 哑铃 dumb bell

27 Kick Boxing 搏击操 Hip Hop 街舞 Step 踏板操 Latin Aerobics 拉丁健美操 Kwando Aerobics 有氧搏击操 Pilates 普拉提课程 Powerflex 有氧杠铃操 Hi/Low Aerobics 有氧健身操 Spinning 动感单车 Ballet 芭蕾形体

28 Final 决赛 Semi-final 半决赛 Quarter-final 四分之一决赛 Eighth-final 八分之一决赛

29 Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤 yacht 游艇 kayak 皮船 sailing 帆船运动 jockey, polo 马球 football 足球 rugby 橄榄球 basketball 篮球 volleyball 排球 跳水 diving 马球 polo 水球 water polo

30 垒球 softball 网球 tennis 赛艇 canoe 冲浪 surfing 羽毛球 badminton 跑步 running 自行车 cycling 滑雪 skiing 体操 gymnastics 游泳 swimming

31 击剑 fencing 举重 weightlifting 棒球 baseball 篮球 basketball 排球 volleyball 乒乓球 table tennis 足球 soccer 田径 track and field 手球 handball 摔交 wrestling 拳击 boxing 射箭 toxophily 射击 shooting 柔道 judo

32 骑马 equestrian 曲棍球 hockey long jump 跳远 ( 美作 :broad jump) triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳 pole vault 撑竿跳 throw 投掷 throwing 投掷运动 putting the shot, shot put 推铅球 throwing the discus 掷铁饼 throwing the hammer 掷链锤 throwing the javelin 掷标枪

33 medley relay 混合泳 crawl 爬泳 breaststroke 蛙式 backstroke 仰式 freestyle 自由式 butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳 diving competition 跳水 water polo 水球 water skiing 水橇 rowing 划船 canoe 划艇 boat race 赛艇 tennis 网球 baseball 垒球 handball 手球 hockey 曲棍球

34 golf 高尔夫球 cricket 板球 ice hockey 冰球 horizontal bar 单杠 parallel bars 双杠 rings 吊环 side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马 weight-lifting 举重 boxing 拳击 Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤 judo 柔道 fencing 击剑 downhill race 速降滑雪赛, 滑降 slalom 障碍滑雪 ski jump 跳高滑雪 ice skating 滑冰 figure skating 花样滑冰 roller skating 滑旱冰

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