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Quibbletown Middle School Health and Physical Education Department.

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1 Quibbletown Middle School Health and Physical Education Department

2  Alcohol is a clear drink that is made from grains, fruits or vegetables.  Fermentation breakdown of these substances to create ethanol or “drinking alcohol”

3  Wine  Beer  Liquors

4  Fermentation source ◦ Grain, fruit or vegetable  Amount or percentage of ethanol ◦ “ABV” – Alcohol by Volume, amount of ethanol in the entire drink Beer: 2 – 12%, most common 4-6% Wine: 9-16%, most common 12-15% Liquor: 15% - 99% ◦ “Proof” – ABV x 2  Example:  Beer 6% = 12 Proof  Wine 10% = 20 Proof  Liquor 50% = 100 Proof

5  Can you find the ABV or Proof?


7  BAC ◦ Blood Alcohol Concentration

8  Alcohol is absorbed directly through the walls of the stomach and the small intestine, goes into the bloodstream, and travels throughout the body and to the brain.  Affects ALL organs in the body!  Alcohol is quickly absorbed and can be measured within 30 to 70 minutes after a person has had a drink.

9  Low BAC Level ◦ Overall improvement in mood and possible euphoria euphoria ◦ Increased self-confidence ◦ Increased sociability ◦ Shortened attention span ◦ Flushed appearance Flushed appearance ◦ Impaired judgment ◦ Impaired fine muscle coordination

10  Profound confusion  Emotional Impaired senses  Impaired speech; staggering  Dizziness often associated with nausea ("the spins")nauseathe spins  Vomiting Vomiting

11  Lapses in and out of consciousness  Unconsciousness  Memory Loss  Vomiting (death may occur due to inhalation of vomit while unconscious)  Breathing Difficulty  Decreased heart rateheart rate  Urinary incontinence Urinary incontinence

12  The number of drinks. The more you drink, the higher the BAC.  How fast you drink. When alcohol is consumed quickly, you will reach a higher BAC than when it is consumed over a longer period of time.  Your gender and body fat. Women generally have less water and more body fat per pound of body weight than men. Alcohol does not go into fat cells as easily as other cells, so more alcohol remains in the blood of women.

13  Your weight. The more you weigh, the more water is present in your body. This water dilutes the alcohol and lowers the BAC.  Food in your stomach. Absorption will be slowed if you’ve had something to eat.  Time. The ONLY thing that will lessen BAC and symptoms

14  Alcohol travels through your bloodstream and damages your brain, stomach, liver, kidneys and muscles.  Damage to your still developing body and brain

15  It is illegal to: ◦ have ANY alcohol in your body if you’re under age 21 ◦ solicit another person to purchase, sell, give, or serve you with alcohol ◦ use fake IDs in order to be sold, served, or given alcohol

16  Penalties may include: ◦ 1. Juvenile court hearing ◦ 2. Driving privileges suspended for 180 days ◦ 3. $500 fine ◦ 4. Required counseling or education programs ◦ 5. Community service or probation

17  Health Issues  Increased risk of ◦ Poor decision making ◦ sexual assault ◦ Risky sexual behavior ◦ Alcohol dependence ◦ academic failure ◦ Drug use

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