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Back to Basics Lesson 9 – Stage positions and imagination.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to Basics Lesson 9 – Stage positions and imagination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to Basics Lesson 9 – Stage positions and imagination

2 Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will have: By the end of the lesson pupils will have: Learnt/recapped stage positions Learnt/recapped stage positions Used 4 line scripts to create improvisations Used 4 line scripts to create improvisations Recognised that imagination and personal interpretation play a significant role in Drama Recognised that imagination and personal interpretation play a significant role in Drama

3 Warm Up - Centre Stage!


5 Imagination Your imagination is your most powerful tool in Drama A good Drama student will try to approach task, improvisations and scripts with an open mind and find interesting ways to explore them The everyday and normal do not always make very good drama – always try to think outside the box!

6 What’s in the box? In turns we are going to open an invisible box In turns we are going to open an invisible box It can contain anything that you want but you must make it clear to the audience what the thing is without actually naming it It can contain anything that you want but you must make it clear to the audience what the thing is without actually naming it Remember we are trying to use our imaginations so the weirder and wackier the better Remember we are trying to use our imaginations so the weirder and wackier the better You will need to focus on your use of facial expressions, gestures/mime and voice You will need to focus on your use of facial expressions, gestures/mime and voice

7 Interesting interpretations Use the following 4 line scripts as a basis for an improvisation Use the following 4 line scripts as a basis for an improvisation Try not to make obvious choices – go for weird and wonderful as opposed to mundane and obvious Try not to make obvious choices – go for weird and wonderful as opposed to mundane and obvious You will have 5 minutes to come up with each short scene before we watch some examples You will have 5 minutes to come up with each short scene before we watch some examples

8 Script One 1. How are you today? 2. Fine 1. Can I get you anything? 2. The usual

9 Script Two 1. It’s so small! 2. I know, I can hardly believe it 1. Did they tell you what to do with it? 2. Not really but…

10 Script Three 1. I can’t believe it 2. What 1. You know 2. Oh no, not again

11 Plenary Which were the most successful improvisations? Which were the most successful improvisations? Why were they successful? Why were they successful? Which pair were the best performers and why? Which pair were the best performers and why? One last game of stage positions (if there’s time!) One last game of stage positions (if there’s time!)

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