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Grab a bell ringer!!. Code of Behavior The first week will be on the Code of Behavior You must score at least an 80 to pass YOU MUST PASS.

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Presentation on theme: "Grab a bell ringer!!. Code of Behavior The first week will be on the Code of Behavior You must score at least an 80 to pass YOU MUST PASS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grab a bell ringer!!

2 Code of Behavior The first week will be on the Code of Behavior You must score at least an 80 to pass YOU MUST PASS

3 Code of behavior books are all online

4 Lets see what you know... What is a code of behavior?

5 Why is it important that we have rules ?

6 Little caesars

7 2. Why do we have consequences (punishment) when rules are broken?

8 3. Why should Prince William County Public Schools’ students study the “Code of Behavior” at the beginning of the school year?

9 Words to Describe a good student

10 Words to describe a bad student

11 LETS SEEEEEE 1. absences 2. dress code 3. vocab


13 Extortion – the act of getting money or property by threatening violence.


15 Discrimination – Using language that degrades or humiliates a person, race, or group.


17 Harassment – Words, gestures, or physical contact that offends or threatens others.


19 Trespassing – Someone who goes onto personal property when they are not allowed


21 Bystander – Students who encourage disruption, fights and other violations.


23 Mediation – Intervention to work out problems


25 Retaliation – To get back at someone


27 Expulsion – When a student is not allowed to attend Prince William County Schools.


29 Vandalism – Destroying property on purpose.


31 Disruption – Disorderly conduct that interferes with classroom instruction


33 Plagiarism – Copying straight out of a book without giving the author credit


35 Stealing- taking someones property without his or her approval


37 Bullying- using threats, insults, gossip, teasing, pushing, tripping, and hitting to hurt another student


39 Cyber bullying- form of bullying which involves the transmission, receipt, or display of electronis messages


41 Sexual Harassment- unfairly treat or make inappropriate comments about someone because of his or her sex


43 Detention- student has to spend time before or after school with a teacher or administrator

44 You will not be allowed in school from Monday to Wednesday and all missed work must be complete! Signed______________

45 Out of School Suspension- student spends 1-5 days out of school

46 Clothing

47 gloves

48 slippers

49 Jerseys

50 jeans

51 earrings

52 beachwear

53 Garments that show the belly button

54 Oversized clothing

55 Long sleeve shirts

56 Sunglasses

57 Shirts with alcohol, drugs, or tobacco

58 Gang clothing

59 Absences

60 Involved in school activity– going on a field trip

61 Truancy– skipping school

62 Missed the bus

63 Shopping with a parent

64 Death in the family- funeral

65 Following a religious holiday

66 Stayed home to complete an assignment

67 Dr. apppointment

68 Being suspended

69 Sick- parents call in

70 Place an X next to the items that you ARE NOT ALLOWED to wear to school. Leave those that you are can wear to school blank. ______ sports jersey with sleeves ______ sunglasses ______ beachwear ______ gloves ______ blue jeans ______ oversized clothing ______ shirts with alcohol, drugs, or tobacco ______ ear rings or nose rings ______ garments that show belly button/midriff ______ long sleeve shirts ______ slippers

71 Place an E for those that are EXCUSED ABSENCES and a U for those that are UNEXCUSED ABSENCES. ______ personal illness – parent calls in ______ death in the family ______ truancy ______ religious holiday ______ missed a bus ______ shopping with a parent ______ Dr. appointment ______ involved in a school activity ______ stayed home to complete an assignment ______ being suspended

72 Scenario #1:Steve just moved to a school in Prince William County. One day he was wearing pants too low that revealed his undergarments and a blue bandana was hanging out of his back pocket. That same day, Steve was called to the principal’s office, was suspended for two days and was sent home immediately. Why was Steve called to the office? Which offenses did Steve violate? If you were the principal, should Steve have been suspended? Why or why not?

73 Scenario #2:Stephanie and Jane are in the office for fighting in the hall during a class change. When writing their statements, they both name Teresa as the source of information which led to the fight. 1.Should Teresa also have to write a statement? Why or why not? 2.Should Teresa also be held accountable for the fight? Why or why not? 3.What should the consequences be for all three students?

74 Scenario #3:Stacy was so excited! Her entire gym class had successfully passed the Rules of Soccer test, and now they were able to challenge the sixth graders to a soccer game. The winning team would get a pizza party at lunch. The game was tied 2-2 with 20 seconds to go. A sixth grader kicked a ball into the goal, but both of his feet were out of bounds. The sixth graders were screaming victory, but Stacy remembered a rule from their rules test about both feet needing to be within the boundaries for a goal to count. What should happen with the soccer game score? How are rules beneficial? Do rules always seem fair to everyone?

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