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European Sustainable Tourism Labels: A Tool to Inform and Educate Consumers Sofia Reino Project Funded by The Carnegie Trust of Universities for Scotland.

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Presentation on theme: "European Sustainable Tourism Labels: A Tool to Inform and Educate Consumers Sofia Reino Project Funded by The Carnegie Trust of Universities for Scotland."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Sustainable Tourism Labels: A Tool to Inform and Educate Consumers Sofia Reino Project Funded by The Carnegie Trust of Universities for Scotland

2 Tourism Eco-labels A set of standards of sustainable tourism practices, which are regularly assessed by an external advisor, and which enables industry benchmarking. (Font, 2001).

3 Whose efforts should come first...? Businesses’ Tourists’ Harris (2007) Manaktola & Jauhari (2007)

4 Methodology & Methods Constructivism, exploratory. Semi-structured Interviews - V ISIT Members:

5 Main Findings – Drivers of Adoption Consumers are considered the key initiator of sustainable tourism practices.... however, the level of communication of these organisations with consumers is limited.

6 Nature, Background Mostly region-specific (except Green Key) Small NGOs – max. 16 employees Fee and/or EU funded Fees from £13 (Latvian) to £2,500 (Swiss) Both rated and non-rated labels Mainly environmental concern but moving towards integrating social aspects

7 Development Process Self-developed, informed on other schemes Unsystematic procedures (except Swiss – ISO) In-house experts mainly except Latvian No consumer representation



10 Further Research -Understanding Consumers’ Motives + -Generation of more effective material

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