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Vijay Kharadi IAS District Development Officer, Surat (Gujarat State)

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1 Vijay Kharadi IAS District Development Officer, Surat (Gujarat State)
Soil Health Card Vijay Kharadi IAS District Development Officer, Surat (Gujarat State)

2 District Profile Surat : Rich, Metro and diamond city ????
Population(rural) : 16 lakhs(approx.) Total land : 4,32,698 ha Cultivable : 3,27,296 ha Farmers : 1,40,002 Crops : Sugarcane, Paddy,Pigeon pea,Soybean,Sorghum,Pulses

3 Agro-climatic zone SOUTH GUJARAT ZONE II SURAT Avg 1373 mm

4 Map of Surat District (AES)
Deep to medium black Hilly and highly undulating fine texture, highly erosive Coastal plain, deep, fine texture, salt affected Leveled, deep, fine textured

5 Total Geographical area : 432697 ha.


7 What is Soil Health? Means State of complete physical, chemical and biological wellness of soil. To sustain biological productivity, maintain environmental quality and promote plant and animal health. In the context of agriculture, it may refer to its ability to sustain and improve productivity. A healthy soil would ensure proper retention and release of water and nutrients, promote and sustain root growth, maintain soil biotic habitat; and responds to manage and resist degradation of soil.

8 Nutrients

9 Objectives of Soil Health Card Programme
To create thorough awareness among farming community regarding the soil health so they encash maximum productivity from minimum resources. Food basket. Recommend NPK Reclamation of saline or alkaline soil on the basis of soil analysis. integrated management of nutrients . To prepare soil fertility maps.

10 Soil Health Card – A New initiative
Soil Health Card programme was introduced in year in Gujarat. At present Soil health card contains information on EC, pH, Organic carbon, Phosphorus and Potassium which is very vital for judicious fertilizer application. Soil health card also contains the NPK and Micro nutrient recommendation for major Kharif , Rabi and Summer crops.

11 Soil Health Card-Procedure
Soil collection Local person SSC/HSC pass Selection by local officer One day training 15 Rs. per sample Soil analysis Centrally outsourced Agriculture Department APMC Sugar co-operatives(6) Science Colleges Private Company SHC Distribution Data entry printing Preparation and distribution of SHC by agency

12 Soil Health Card Programme:Special Efforts
Soil collection from each and every land holder. 2 round of soil health card . Surat has successfully completed the target. (1.49 lakhs health cardsdistributed against target of 1.39 lakhs) IEC: krushi rath ,krishi mela, farmer-scientist interaction,farmer shibir. Prepared village wise fertility map and exhibit at Village Panchayat and Village Library. Established and Strengthened Soil testing laboratories in the District (10 laboratories).

13 Analysis Capacity per annum
Soil health card-Infrastructure Sr. No.  Department / Agency TOTAL UNIT Analysis Capacity per annum 1. Agriculture Department 1 10000 2. APMC 3. Sugar co-operatives 6 60000 4. Scince Colleges 5000 5. Private Company 3000 10 98,000 At Present 10 Micronutrient soil testing units are functional with 0.98 lakh annual analyzing capacity

14 Soil health card(2011-12 to 2014-15) , 2015-16 (Dt
Soil health card( to ) , (Dt. : As on ) Distribution Sr. no. District NO. Of Farmer SHC Distri. in Distri. in SHC Distri. in (up to ) Total 1 Surat 140002 27193 42635 24749 54915 149492

15 Celebration of World Soil Day on 5th December

16 Celebration of World Soil Day on 5th December 2015

17 Celebration of World Soil Day on 5th December 2015

18 Celebration of World Soil Day on 5th December 2015 (Distribution of soil health card,Fertility map & Liquid Biofertilizer)

19 Soil sample analysis in STL Bardoli

20 Soil Testing Laboratory at Cooperative Sugar factory Bardoli, Surat

21 Campaign of ‘Soil health card’ as a major theme during celebration of The Republic day (Krushi Vikash Year )

22 Fertility map at Village Panchayat
Village Agriculture Library exhibiting soil fertility map

23 Soil Health Card Awareness Activity In Farmer Training Shibir & Krushi Mahotshav Programme

24 Meeting With Cooperative Sugar factory officer
National mission for sustainable agriculture soil health management Female famer training Programme at FTC Bardoli : 50 Female farmer Dt. 5,6/2/2016 Meeting With Cooperative Sugar factory officer

25 Fertility map

26 Increased productivity of Major Crops Sugarcane, Mango, Paddy

27 Area and Productivity of Major crops
Sr. No. Crop Area (ha) Productivity (kg/ha) 1. Sugar cane 101400 72 (ton) 94346  92 (ton) 2. Paddy 54600 2750 39500 3927 3. Sorghum 22300 1317 8100 1771 4. Pigeon pea 11800 1569 8300 1575 5. Soybean 9557 839 9830 930

28 What Next…. Road Ahead Promote soil health based cropping system and crop diversification. Establishment of soil testing laboratories at block level and provide soil testing kit (developed by ICAR) to the Higher Secondary Science schools, Science colleges, and co-operative societies. Improvement in soil health through promotion of establishment of composting and vermi-composting plant. Promoting micro irrigation system. Promotion of organic farming to improve soil health. Strengthening and establishment of bio fertilizer units.


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