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MRS NEALMRS NEAL.  Married to Mr. Neal-Retired Air Force pilot  Two boys Kaleb a Sophomore, Kobe a Freshman  One puppy- Stella, an energetic Golden.

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Presentation on theme: "MRS NEALMRS NEAL.  Married to Mr. Neal-Retired Air Force pilot  Two boys Kaleb a Sophomore, Kobe a Freshman  One puppy- Stella, an energetic Golden."— Presentation transcript:


2  Married to Mr. Neal-Retired Air Force pilot  Two boys Kaleb a Sophomore, Kobe a Freshman  One puppy- Stella, an energetic Golden Doodle  Eighth year at DCC  I love teaching, yoga, long walks, coffee, and shopping

3 Email-  Mrs. Neal’s Web page  Alert Messages

4  Planners  Students will copy their daily homework and any upcoming events  No parent / teacher signature required – student’s responsibility  Homework  1 page of math everyday  2 hours of reading weekly – Record in Planner 40 Book Challenge  1-2 pages of word work, science, and/or social studies weekly  Writing-1 assignment weekly  Resource Folders  Purple folder  Review graded papers  Return Hole punched papers for portfolios

5  Students may bring a healthy snack everyday  We typically eat snack between 9:45 and 10:00  No nuts in the classroom  Weekly schedule  Discoveries Tennis shoes on Tues. and library books on Wed.

6  Positive Reinforcement  Class Dojo  Group Points  STORM stars  Consequences  Verbal warning  Teacher Chooses  Parent phone call  Conference with Mr. Lester

7  Math4Today  Spiral Review  S.T.A.N.D. O.U.T. math  Math fact timed tests  Hands-On Equations  Algebra  Math’s Mate  Due every Tuesday  Problem solving  Mountain Math  Scoot Pad-web-based individualized practice  EnVision math-Math Workshop  Text books  Nightly homework  Notebooks

8  Rotations  Small, guided reading groups  Trade Books  Chapter Books  Wonders  Whole group  Vocabulary  Comprehension  Word Work  Lexia-web-based  Individualized reading curriculum  Students practice and learn foundational reading skills  Scoot Pad

9  Wonders  Writer’s Workshop  Mountain Language  Word Work

10  Scientific Method  4 th grade topics  Energy  Space  Regions/Geography  Colorado History  Economics/Government  Ecosystems  Unit Previews/Reflections  Please complete the reflections sheet after each planner and return it to school

11  PARCC – Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers  March and April  Reading, math and writing  CMAS- Colorado Measures of Academic Success: Science and Social Studies  April?  Social Studies  Wonders fluency and comprehension  3 benchmark times per year  Progress monitoring for Individual Literacy Plans (ILPs)  STAR – computer based leveled testing  A screening tool- it is not a diagnostic assessment. It is a tool for helping to identify students who need interventions and monitoring their progress as they receive interventions  After all students have completed their fall testing, I will send home a score sheet with explanations

12  Weekly assessments  Math 4 Today quizzes – Fridays  EnVision math tests – sporadically  STAND OUT timed tests – Wed. and Fridays  Wonders reading tests – sporadically  Daily Language Quizzes- Fridays

13  Standards Based  Not Averaged  4.0 (E) Demonstrates understanding of more complex/advanced concepts & skills  3.0 (ME) Demonstrates understanding of target concepts & skills  2.0 (PRG) Demonstrates understanding of simpler concepts & skills  1.0 (BEL) With help, demonstrates partial understanding of score 2.0 and 3.0 concepts & skills  0.0 (BEL) Even with help, demonstrates no understanding of score 2.0 or 3.0 concepts & skills  NE Teacher has not taught the concepts & skills and/or has taught some of the concepts & skills, but has not yet evaluated them

14  Classroom volunteers  Start mid-September  Field Trip Volunteers-To be determined at the time of the field trip  Must see Mrs. Ravetti before volunteering in the classroom or on field trips

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