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Illinois State University u Genetic Influences. Illinois State University Obesity and Genomics u Obesity results when body fat accumulates over time as.

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Presentation on theme: "Illinois State University u Genetic Influences. Illinois State University Obesity and Genomics u Obesity results when body fat accumulates over time as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Illinois State University u Genetic Influences

2 Illinois State University Obesity and Genomics u Obesity results when body fat accumulates over time as a result of a chronic energy imbalance (calories consumed exceed calories expended).

3 Illinois State University Obesity and Genomics u Obesity is a major health hazard worldwide and is associated with several relatively common diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and some cancers.

4 Illinois State University The “obesity epidemic” – can genes really be involved? u In recent decades, obesity has reached epidemic proportions in populations whose environments offer an abundance of calorie- rich foods and few opportunities for physical activity. u Although changes in the genetic makeup of populations occur too slowly to be responsible for this rapid rise in obesity, genes do play a role in the development of obesity.

5 Illinois State University The “obesity epidemic” – can genes really be involved? u Most likely, genes regulate how our bodies capture, store, and release energy from food. u The origin of these genes, however, might not be recent.

6 Illinois State University How might genes contribute to obesity? A “thrifty genotype” hypothesis u Any explanation of the obesity epidemic has to include both the role of genetics as well as that of the environment. u A commonly quoted genetic explanation for the rapid rise in obesity is the mismatch between today’s environment and "energy- thrifty genes" that multiplied in the past under different environmental conditions when food sources were rather unpredictable

7 Illinois State University How might genes contribute to obesity? A “thrifty genotype” hypothesis u. In other words, according to the "thrifty genotype" hypothesis, the same genes that helped our ancestors survive occasional famines are now being challenged by environments in which food is plentiful year round.

8 Illinois State University What other ways might genes influence obesity? u It has been argued that the thrifty genotype is just part of a wider spectrum of ways in which genes can favor fat accumulation in a given environment. u These ways include the drive to overeat (poor regulation of appetite and satiety); the tendency to be sedentary (physically inactive); a diminished ability to use dietary fats as fuel; and an enlarged, easily stimulated capacity to store body fat.

9 Illinois State University What other ways might genes influence obesity? u Not all people living in industrialized countries with abundant food and reduced physical activity are or will become obese; nor will all obese people have the same body fat distribution or suffer the same health issues. u This diversity occurs among groups of the same racial or ethnic background and even within families living in the same environment

10 Illinois State University What other ways might genes influence obesity? u The variation in how people respond to the same environmental conditions is an additional indication that genes play a role in the development of obesity. u This is consistent with the theory that obesity results from genetic variation interacting with shifting environmental conditions.

11 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u The indirect scientific evidence for a genetic basis for obesity comes from a variety of studies. u Mostly, this evidence includes studies of resemblance and differences among family members, twins, and adoptees

12 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u Another source of evidence includes studies that have found some genes at higher frequencies among the obese (association studies).

13 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u These investigations suggest that a sizable portion of the weight variation in adults is due to genetic factors. u However, identifying these factors has been difficult.

14 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u Regarding the direct evidence for obesity genes, the best success stories come from several cases of extreme obesity due to mutations (changes in the genetic material) of single genes (monogenic cases). u But those cases account for only a very small fraction of cases worldwide.

15 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u More recently, however, mutations in a single gene (Melanocortin 4-receptor gene, related to the control of feeding behavior) have been found to be strongly associated with a minority (perhaps 5%) of obesity cases in several populations.

16 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u Progress in identifying the multiple genes associated with the most common form of obesity has been slow but is accelerating. u As of October 2005 (the latest update of the Human Obesity Gene Map), single mutations in 11 genes were strongly implicated in 176 cases of obesity worldwide. u Additionally, 50 chromosomal locations relevant to obesity have been mapped, with potential causal genes identified in most of those regions.

17 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u Chromosomes are threadlike structures that contain the genes densely packed into the nucleus of each cell. u Also, studies using genome-wide scans have focused on 253 groups of genes related to obesity, with about one-fifth of them reported by two or more studies.

18 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u Genome is the total number of genes contained in the chromosomes. u Finally, 426 variants of 127 genes have been associated with obesity. u At least five independent studies have replicated each association in 22 of these genes.

19 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u Recently, several independent population-based studies report that a gene of unknown function (FTO, fat mass and obesity-associated gene) might be responsible for up to 22% of all cases of common obesity in the general population.

20 Illinois State University What do we know about specific genes associated with obesity? u Interestingly, this gene also shows a strong association with diabetes. u The mechanism by which this gene operates is currently under intense scientific investigation

21 Illinois State University How can public health genomics help reduce the impact of obesity in populations? u Scientists have made great advances in understanding important environmental causes of obesity as well as identifying several of the many genes that might be implicated. u Major efforts are now directed toward assessing the interactions of genes and environment in the obesity epidemic

22 Illinois State University How can public health genomics help reduce the impact of obesity in populations? u The translation of these efforts into public health practice, from a genomic point of view, will take time.

23 Illinois State University …and how can family history help? u Fortunately, there is a simple way for public health genomics to start reducing the effects of obesity in populations. u It is through the use of family history. Family history reflects genetic susceptibility and environmental exposures shared by close relatives.

24 Illinois State University …and how can family history help? u Health care practitioners can routinely collect family health history to help identify people at high risk of obesity-related disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and some forms of cancer. u Weight loss or prevention of excessive weight gains is especially important in this high-risk group.

25 Illinois State University …and how can family history help? u Any health promotion effort to reduce the adverse impact of obesity in populations may be more effective if it directs more intensive lifestyle interventions to high-risk groups (high-risk prevention strategy).

26 Illinois State University …and how can family history help? u However, such strategies should not detract from the population prevention strategy, which recommends that regardless of genetic susceptibility and environmental exposure, all people should follow a healthful diet and incorporate regular physical activity into their daily routine to help reduce the risk of obesity and its associated conditions.

27 Illinois State University Genetic Effects

28 Illinois State University Genetic Effects u A susceptibility gene is one that increases susceptibility or risk for a disease but is not necessary for disease expression.

29 Illinois State University Genetic Effects u A necessary gene is one that is sufficient to cause the disease if the deficient trait has been inherited.

30 Illinois State University Genetic Effects u Gene-gene interactions occur when one gene triggers the action in another gene to cause a trait to exist.

31 Illinois State University Genetic Effects u Gene-environment interactions occur when environmental conditions (e.g., diet, exercise) trigger the gene to bring about the trait.

32 Illinois State University Heritability u The heritability of BMI is in the range of 40-70%. u The heritability for body fat is in the range of 25-40%.

33 Illinois State University Heritability u Clear evidence for a specific maternal or paternal effect is lacking, and the common familial environmental effect is marginal.

34 Illinois State University Adipose Tissue Topography u Upper body obesity is more prevalent in males than in females, and it increases in frequency with age in males and after menopause in females.

35 Illinois State University Adipose Tissue Topography u There is a significant genetic influence on central deposition of adipose tissue.

36 Illinois State University Adipose Tissue Topography u Assuming that all transmissible effects are genetic, results suggest that heredity accounts for a maximum of 40% of the phenotype variance for various indicators of adipose tissue topography.

37 Illinois State University Muscle Composition FamilialEstimated ResemblanceHeritablity u FFMYes30% u Est. muscle Yes40% mass u NutrientYes20% partitioning

38 Illinois State University Muscle Composition FamilialEstimated ResemblanceHeritablity u Fiber typeYes6-100% u Oxidative potentialYes<50%

39 Illinois State University Bone Composition u A significant genetic effect exists in determining the length of individual long bones (~92%).

40 Illinois State University Summary u In the last decade or so, genetic epidemiology research has shown that body fat and adipose tissue topography phenotypes are generally characterized by the contribution of a multi-factorial transmitted component as well as a major recessive gene effect.

41 Illinois State University Summary u A major gene effect has been detected for FFM. u Corresponding analyses are apparently lacking for skeletal characteristics and physique components.

42 Illinois State University Summary u There is growing evidence that the genetic component of body composition and physique phenotypes will eventually be defined in terms of a series of contributing and interacting genes.

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