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For Loops & Arrays. my_rect_pink_mc.width = 40 my_rect_pink_mc.alpha =.5 trace my_rect_pink_mc.x= 20 my_rect_pink_mc.y= 20 for (var i:int = 0; i < 250;

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Presentation on theme: "For Loops & Arrays. my_rect_pink_mc.width = 40 my_rect_pink_mc.alpha =.5 trace my_rect_pink_mc.x= 20 my_rect_pink_mc.y= 20 for (var i:int = 0; i < 250;"— Presentation transcript:

1 For Loops & Arrays

2 my_rect_pink_mc.width = 40 my_rect_pink_mc.alpha =.5 trace my_rect_pink_mc.x= 20 my_rect_pink_mc.y= 20 for (var i:int = 0; i < 250; i++) { trace (i + ' this is the current loop')}function moveMe(evt:Event):void {//trace ('i am moving....'); star_fish.rotation += 10 if ( star_fish.hitTestObject(myFishy_mc )) {trace ('I was it')}stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, followMouse); 20 for (var i:int = 0; i < 250; i++) trace If(event.keyCode == 7){myFishy_mc.x -= 5;} function moveFish(thisFish:MovieClip,targetLocH:Number):void import;import; import flash.ui.Keyboard; package {import flash.display.Sprite;public class FishClass extends Sprite{public function FishClass()20 for (var i:int = 0; i < 250; i++) { trace (i + ' this is the current loop' ){ this.addEventListner (MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, scaleMeDown)} private function scaleMeUp (event:MouseEvent):void if (star_fish.hitTestObject(myFishy_mc)){trace ('I was it') }}{this.scaleX = 1.5;this.scaleY = 1.5;}private function scaleMeDown ( event:MouseEvent):void{this.scaleX = 1; my_rect_pink_mc.width = 40 my_rect_pink_mc.alpha =.5 my_rect_pink_mc.x= 20 this.scaleY = 1;}}} addEventListner

3 to perform repetitive tasks, we use a loop a loop is type of statement that causes a block of code to be repeated

4 Repeat Loops How to read this? var i:int; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { trace( i); } the statements to repeat are listed between the brackets: { } the keyword for starts the loop the comparison (i < 5) indicates when to quit repeating the loop the loop stops repeating when x is equal to 5 no longer less than 5 to make the loop count to 500, simply change 5 to 500

5 Repeat Loops How to read this? for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { trace( i); } for (initialize; compare; update) { Statements }

6 Repeat Loops How to read this? for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { trace( i); } Initialize Variable staring a 0 Action to carry out CompareUpdate…….

7 Arrays What is an Array? an array is a list of data values Means not having to make lots and lots of variables fruit1 = "oranges"; // A single string value fruit2 = "apples"; // Another string value this code creates an array to store both values: var fruitList = ["oranges", "apples"];

8 Arrays What is an Array? this code creates an array to store both values: var fruitList = ["oranges", "apples"]; array constructor: new Array("item1", "item2") in ActionScript, arrays can contain any kind of data shoppingList = ["oranges", 5, "apples", 2];

9 Arrays shoppingList = ["oranges", 5, "apples", 2]; each item stored in an array is called an element each element's position in the array is its index indices start at 0 for example, here are the indices for shoppingList: 0: "oranges" 1: 5 2: "apples" 3: 2 the number of elements in an array is called its length for example, the shoppingList's length is 4

10 Arrays to set an element's value, use this syntax: theArray[theElementIndex] = theValue; for example: // Make an array var cities = ["Toronto", "Montreal", "Vancouver", "Tokyo"]; // cities is now: ["Toronto", "Montreal", "Vancouver", "Tokyo"] // Set the value of the array's first element // cities becomes ["London", "Montreal", "Vancouver", "Tokyo"] cities[0] = "London";

11 Arrays & For Loops var myArray:Array = new Array("a", "b", "c"); var i:int; for (i = 0; i < (myArray.length); i++) { trace(myArray[i]); } Will print into the output window a b c

12 CODE 101- SYNTAX Live Demo

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