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Crystal Device Technology 18 rue Alain Savary 25000 BESANCON - FRANCE Tel : +33 3 81 25 53 52 Fax : +33 3 81 25 53 51

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Presentation on theme: "Crystal Device Technology 18 rue Alain Savary 25000 BESANCON - FRANCE Tel : +33 3 81 25 53 52 Fax : +33 3 81 25 53 51"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crystal Device Technology 18 rue Alain Savary 25000 BESANCON - FRANCE Tel : +33 3 81 25 53 52 Fax : +33 3 81 25 53 51 E-mail : Our future lies into the intelligence of materials…. Ferroelectric development – Innovative micro components

2 Marc BOUVROT-PARRATTE – CEO WS ICAN – 11-10-2012 C ONFIDENTIAL  Franche-Comté : historical know-how in watchmaking and microtechniques (close to Switzerland)  TEMIS Innovation:  Microtechniques Centre  Incubator  Technological Centre - MIMENTO (1000m²)  University of Franche-Comté  FEMTO-ST Institute – Regional Research Laboratory “The Franche Comté region is the cradle of microtechniques. Professions dealing with smallness and precision have long been part of its history and genes. Let’s not forget that this is where the watch was born.“  FEMTO-ST Spin-off Created in May 2011  4 employees  Applications fields  Optic (micromodulation, LASER, Imaging…)  Piezo (Sensors, actuators, Energy Harvesting…)  Technological facilities (Clean room processes…) H ISTORY AND C ONTEXT C RYSTAL D EVICE 2 / 8

3 Marc BOUVROT-PARRATTE – CEO WS ICAN – 11-10-2012 C ONFIDENTIAL O UR MISSIONS  Bring technical solutions adapted to our customers Due to our particularly efficient welding process to fix active materials on passive substrate (Glass or Silicon) with a perfect flatness control  Develop and produce tailored microcomponents prototypes From the bulk material to the final packaged prototype  High coefficients materials processing Our technology leads to produce high coefficients ferroelectics based micro components with a size improvement by a factor of 40.  Cleanroom facilities for ferroelectrics We are able to take in charge several steps of clean room processes (Mask creation, photolithography, surface treatment, material processing…) 3 / 8

4 Marc BOUVROT-PARRATTE – CEO WS ICAN – 11-10-2012 C ONFIDENTIAL H IGH EO COEFFICIENTS MATERIALS PROCESSING 1.Simplified working structure 2.Considerable emprovements of:  size (factor of 40)  electrical consumption (factor of 10) 3.Collective production (50 per cm²) 4.Reduction of production cost A DVANTAGES 4 / 8

5 Marc BOUVROT-PARRATTE – CEO WS ICAN – 11-10-2012 C ONFIDENTIAL E XAMPLES OF COMPONENTS ( PATENTED ) Micro ModulatorsMultichannels integrationOptical micro switch Frequency (GHz) 0.01 0.1 1 10 Modulation transfert function. 1O dB Shortly expected prototype  Very low form factor  Phase/Intensity modulation  Low V π (<< 5 V expected)  High extinction ratio (30dB)  GHz bandwidth Possibility of high density multichannel : ~ 16/chip  mm 3 microchip  Micro machining technology  Giant EO crystals Example of Crystal Device multichanel (4) prototype Waveguide option - 1 to N basic layout 1 N WD M (0,1) Polarizer Analyzer MicroMod Beam Splitter Photo- détectors 5 / 8

6 Marc BOUVROT-PARRATTE – CEO WS ICAN – 11-10-2012 C ONFIDENTIAL M ULTICHANNELS INTEGRATED PHASE MODULATOR  Capacitive structure  birefringent interferometer  Silicon or Glass substrate  PM Fibre  Input polarizer  <10mm-long EO crystal Example of integrated 12 channels modulator 10mm 6 / 8

7 Marc BOUVROT-PARRATTE – CEO WS ICAN – 11-10-2012 C ONFIDENTIAL M ULTICHANNELS INTEGRATED PHASE MODULATOR  Expected performances:  Insertion Loss < 5dB  Extinction ratio: 25-30dB  Rise time <10ns Price :  1 200€ / channel 400µm 100µm Typical structure: 7 / 8

8 Marc BOUVROT-PARRATTE – CEO WS ICAN – 11-10-2012 C ONFIDENTIAL D ISCUSSIONS Thank you for your attention 8 / 8

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