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Sept. 6 2012 WARMUP 1. When doing an experiment with rockets that run on batteries; which of these safety procedures is most important? A. Wearing latex.

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Presentation on theme: "Sept. 6 2012 WARMUP 1. When doing an experiment with rockets that run on batteries; which of these safety procedures is most important? A. Wearing latex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sept. 6 2012 WARMUP 1. When doing an experiment with rockets that run on batteries; which of these safety procedures is most important? A. Wearing latex gloves to handle the batteries B. Placing the battery charger on a lab table C. Plugging in the battery charger with dry hands D. Transporting batteries in an insulated container 2. The table shows the results of an investigation that tested the effects of pH on hatching eggs of three different animal species. Which animal requires a pH of 6 or higher to hatch?


3 The Scientific Method Logical, problem-solving using step-by-step procedures.

4 question A question without an answer that compares variables. Should be what you want to find out. –Example: Does the drop height affect the bounce height of a superball? Problem Statement

5 After identifying a problem, a EDUCATED GUESS is developed. What you think the results of the experiment will show. Example: If a superball is dropped from increasing heights then the bounce heights will also increase because…(explain why) Hypothesis

6 a series of carefully planned steps of the experiment that will be followed to answer the problem and test the hypothesis. Note: An experiment can only test one independent variable at a time. Note: To ensure reliability and validity, repeated trials should be done. Procedure

7 What do you see? Did it change? Is there an odor? Did the texture change? Scientist make using their senses. Observations

8 results Observations lead to conclusions about observations

9 Look back at the last example: Example: Does the drop height affect the bounce height of a superball? What two things are changing? Drop height, bounce height These are the VARIABLES. There are two kinds of variables:

10 What Are Variables? Something that changes. There are independent variables and dependent variables.

11 (Also called Manipulated Variable)- An We manipulate, or change in the experiment Example: Does the drop height affect the bounce height of a superball? Independent Variable in example: Drop heights used (we change them on purpose) Independent Variable

12 (Also called Responding Variable) _________________________Variable- the factor or outcome to be measured in the experiment.  Variable we are trying to find out (data you are collecting) Example: Does the drop height affect the bounce height of a superball? Dependent Variable in example: bounce heights (We don’t know them before we start.) Dependent

13 ________________________ are factors that stay the same during the experiment. Example: Does the drop height affect the bounce height of a superball? One constant in example: superball (Does not change during the experiment - same ball would be used) A standard used for comparison is a Constant control

14 are collected during the experiment through numeric measurements and observations. Observations Graphs Drawings Pictures Charts Tables And so on…. Data/Results

15 After analyzing data, a scientist makes a _______________which is valid only after multiple experiments supports Answers the problem Explains what the data shows (data should support conclusion) States if the hypothesis was supported or rejected Conclusion

16 Why Do We Use Graphs? Graphs help us. Let’s Review: visualize numerical data There are several different types of graphs:

17 are used to show a comparison of multiple objects. BAR GRAPHS

18 are used to compare the parts of a whole. Pie Graphs

19 are used to the show the relationship between variables. Many times line graphs show change over time. Line Graphs

20 Draw this on your notes and label DRY MIX X-axis Y-axis Manipulated Variable also called Independent Variable Dependent Variable also called Responding Variable


22 1. The Independent Variable is: a.Temperature b.Time c.Solubility 2. The Dependent Variable is: a. Temperature b. Time c. Solubility

23 3. The variable that changes depending on some other factors A.Independent Variable B.Dependent Variable C.Controlled Variable

24 4. A variable that does not change for the duration of an experiment. A. Independent Variable B. Dependent Variable C. Controlled Variable

25 5. What you think the results of the experiment will show. A.Problem B.Hypothesis C.Conclusion D.Data

26 6. An is an opinion, or conclusion, based on observed facts. A.Observation B.Inference C.Data D.Conclusion

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