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North Penn Ski & Board Club 2 nd General Membership meeting November 8, 2007 Please sign in. Attendance at all meetings is mandatory.

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Presentation on theme: "North Penn Ski & Board Club 2 nd General Membership meeting November 8, 2007 Please sign in. Attendance at all meetings is mandatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Penn Ski & Board Club 2 nd General Membership meeting November 8, 2007 Please sign in. Attendance at all meetings is mandatory.

2 Bear Creek – 12/21 Sign up on 11/28 at 2:30 in room K-1-2 $31 ticket and bus, $47 with ski rental, $52 with board rental Blue Mountain – 1/19 Sign up on 1/3 at 2:30, room to be announced. Jack Frost / Big Boulder – 2/9 Sign up on 1/29 at 2:30, room to be announced. CLUB OFFICERS… WE NEED ROOM REQUESTS FOR 1/3 and 1/29 SIGN UPS! WE NEED FIELD TRIP APPROVAL FORMS FOR 1/19 and 2/9 TRIPS! WHO’S ON IT?

3 OKEMO – January 11-13, $289 Sign up on 11/28 at 2:30 in room K-1-2 WHITEFACE – February 14-18, $509 Sign up on 1/3 at 2:30, room to be announced. STOWE – March 6-9, $419 Sign up on 1/29 at 2:30, room to be announced.

4 January 11-13, 2008 $289 includes: –2 day lift ticket –Transportation –Hotel 601 acres 113 slopes, trails, and glades Vertical drop 2,200 ft.

5 February 14-18, 2008 $509 includes: –3 day lift ticket –Transportation –Hotel –Meals Vertical drop: 3,430 ft. 72 trails 11 lifts

6 March 6-9, 2008 $419 includes: –3 day lift ticket –Meals –Transportation & Hotel Highest peak: 4,395 ft. 48 trails 11 lifts





11 Have YOU logged in yet? Info on all trips - major & local Forum topics Polls Pictures Announcements …and so much more! CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE SITE!

12 2008 LOCK IN Has been pushed back to the spring A great way to end the ski season and wrap up the year!


14 KNOW THE CODE… Always stay in control, and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects. People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them. DON’T DO THIS

15 KNOW THE CODE… Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others. Always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.

16 You must not stop where you obstruct a trail, or are not visible from above. STOP IN A SAFE PLACE. DON’T BE LIKE BOB…

17 Prior to using any lift, you must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride and unload safely. REMOVE POLE STRAPS. TURN OFF MUSIC. PAY ATTENTION. DON’T BE LIKE BOB…

18 Observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas. IF THE SIGN SAYS “SLOW” … GO SLOW! DON’T BE LIKE BOB…






24 This is our club’s most important rule. You MUST ski or ride in groups of at least two people at all times on the mountain. Each group should have a walkie-talkie (provided by the club) or a cell phone that works to contact chaperones and/or ski patrol in case of emergency.










34 In addition to a bathing suit for the hotel pool & sauna, food for the bus trip, and snacks to have in your hotel room, the most important thing to pack is warm clothing! Please plan ahead and bring appropriate clothing for all conditions! GLOVES, COAT, SWEATERS, LONG-JOHNS, GATORS, FACE MASKS, LONG SLEEVE T- SHIRTS, HAND/FOOT WARMERS, SCARVES, HATS, GOGGLES BE PREPARED TO COVER ALL SKIN!!! Overnight trips

35 …and speaking of staying warm…


37 …and speaking of fashion…



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