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Goals of our program: Students will fully recognize and understand the significance of physical activity and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals of our program: Students will fully recognize and understand the significance of physical activity and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals of our program: Students will fully recognize and understand the significance of physical activity and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, and should have developed the skills, knowledge, interest, and desire to maintain meaningful activity for a lifetime. Also, students will develop personal and social behaviors consistent with responsible behavior in sports and in society. SOLANCO FITNESS


3 ● Solanco’s Fitness curriculum is based on the national standards for fitness. The following is a list of these national standards: ● Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. ● Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. ● Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of physical activity and fitness. ● Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. ● Standard 5: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. NASPE

4 1. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES MAY BE TAKEN TO FITNESS CLASS – ALL PHONES, IPOD,ETC. MUST REMAIN IN THE LOCKER ROOM. NO CELL PHONES MAY BE USED AT ANY TIME IN THE LOCKER ROOM. ● YOU MAY NOT TAKE PICTURES OF ANY KIND IN THE LOCKER ROOM ● 2. All students are to be in the locker room before the bell rings ● 3. Lock all possessions in the large locker room during class. No one is to be dressing in the small locker room area. Daily Procedures

5 ● 4. Remain in the locker room until a teacher dismisses you to the gym. ● 5. When you enter the gym, sit in your squad and follow your teacher’s directions. That may mean going to your squad or immediately starting your warm up. ● 6. A significant part of class will then be dedicated to improving your fitness ● 7. With approximately 6 minutes remaining in class, your teacher will dismiss you to the locker room. Walk to the locker room in an orderly manner- remember there are classrooms nearby. ● 8. Once in the locker room return your fitness clothes to your small locker, LOCK UP your belongings and remain in the locker room until the bell. Daily Procedures

6 ● Fitness make up days will be held throughout the semester after school at 2:45pm or before school at 7:00am. Your fitness teacher will announce the dates ahead of time and the dates are also posted in the locker rooms. Make up days

7 ● Students are required to wear the Solanco fitness uniform. Uniforms are available for purchase through the main office. Please see your teacher (or pick one up in the office) for an order form ● You will have a few weeks to get your uniform but you are required to have a full change of clothes for class tomorrow. ● ONE MONTH from today you will be required to be in the solanco fitness uniform for full preparation points! UNIFORMS

8 What to wear?

9 What not to wear!!!

10 ● Heart rate monitor straps are now available for purchase. You may choose to order a strap by picking up an order form in the main office or from your fitness teacher ● Cost is $6.00 per strap ● Checks should be made out to Solanco School District Heart Rate Monitor Straps

11 ● Students with parent notes will be expected to dress and participate in a modified program. If the illness or injury prevents any participation the class can be made up, otherwise it is a zero. Parent notes are only valid for one class period. ● Student with a short term doctors note will be expected to dress and participate in a modified class. If the note specifies no activity the student will be excused and assigned work in the library. ● Students with extended doctors notes may be moved to adapted fitness or take fitness class at another time. NOTES

12 ● Classes that may be made up: ● Excused absences from school ● Classes missed for school activities (athletics, field trips, etc) ● Classes that MAY NOT be made up: ● Unexcused absences ● Class period where the student chose to sit out or had no sneakers Making up Classes:

13 Circuits; 20 min run; laps on track; pacer ; mile run, etc. ● All classes on Wednesdays will focus on fitness development or assessments. A variety of activities will be used to develop or assess fitness levels, such as specific fitness tests and circuit training. Work out Wednesdays “WOW”

14 Variety of fitness assessments will take place ● Students will participate in a large number of assessments throughout the semester. These may include, but not limited to: ● Pacer ● Mile run ● 12 minute run ● 20 min run ● All Fitness Assessments will go under the “PERFORMANCE” category for grading Fitness Assessments

15 Attendance ● Late to class will follow school policy ● Six excused absences are allowed per marking period. Any more than that are recorded as zeros but may be made up. ● Unexcused absences and tardiness remain as zeros.

16 ● Marking period grade: ● 55% Participation ● Daily effort based on a 10 point rubric ● 10% Preparation ● 5 points daily grade for being dressed for class ( 25 points per week) ● 20% Performance ● Points earned on a variety of skill and fitness evaluations ● 15% Assessment ● Any written assessment of concepts covered in class, including web assignments, reading prompts, quizzes, tests, exams, etc. ● Course grade: ● 40% for each marking period ● 20% final exam Grading

17 Criteria 54320 Preparation Reports to class in full uniform. Reports to class in a change of clothes, but not uniform. Reports to class partially in uniform. Reports to class in street clothes and sneakers. Reports to class in street clothes and no sneakers. PARTICIPATION 10-987-54-20 Effort Participates to fullest potential with enthusiasm throughout the class. Participates actively.Paricipates selectively. Participates minimally even with encouragement. Refuses to participate. Self Control Consistently manifests physical and verbal self discipline. Usually manifests physical and verbal self discipline. Requires and responds to teacher monitoring behavior. Responds minimally to teacher monitoring. Refuses to respond appropriately to teacher. Safety Consitently practices safe behavior towards self and others. Usually practices safe behavior towards self and others. Practices safe behavior with encouragement. Practices some unsafe behaviors towards self and/or others. Practices unsafe behavior toward self and/or others. Following Direction Consistently pays attention and follows directions. Usually pays attention and follows directions. Pays attention and follows directions with some teacher monitoring. Pays minimal attention and has difficulty following directions. Is inattentive and off task. Cooperation Always shows respect toward teachers and peers, is consistently on task. Always shows respect toward teachers and peers, is usually on task. Usually shows respect toward teachers and peers; is usually on task. Is sometimes disrespectful and off task. Is frequently disrespectful and off task. Sportsmanship Consistently supports fellow players, is able to appropriately resolves conflicts, and demonstrates positive attitude. Usually supports fellow players, is able to appropriately resolves conflicts, and demonstrates positive attitude. Frequently supports fellow players, is able to resolve conflicts, and demonstrates positive attitude. Inconsistently supports fellow players, resolves conflicts, and demonstrates positive attitude. Rarely supports fellow players and is unable to approiately resolve conflicts, demontrates a negative attitude.

18 Locker Combo ; Locker number ; Lock Serial number ; Locker Card Name - Period - Teacher

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