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Presentation on theme: " The National Global Change Landscape in Norway Erik Framstad, NINA Norway’s Global Change Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Global Change Landscape in Norway Erik Framstad, NINA Norway’s Global Change Committee

2 Norway’s National Committee on Global Change research  Advisory body for Research Council of Norway on Global Change-related research  Support Research Council in coordination and dissemination of GC and IIASA activities in Norway  8 member committee appointed for 2009-2012

3 Aims of National GC Committee  Increase visibility of GC programmes and IIASA for Norwegian research institutions to enhance participation  Stimulate integration of GC topics in Norwegian research and policy  Participate in development of international GC programmes and provide input to IIASA’s thematic priorities

4 Main funding mechanisms of the Research Council  Large, broad thematic programmes  on climate, oceans/coastal areas, environment, energy, nature-based industries etc  Smaller, regional programmes  incl. cooperation with China, India, Latin America etc  Non-thematic, free programmes  Centres of excellence: free or thematic  Strategic thematic research of institutes

5 Survey of GC activities in Norway  Conducted 2010  Overview of GC programmes (& IIASA topics)  organisational structure, funding and contacts  thematic coherence with Norwegian research programmes  Survey of participation and experience gained by Norwegian researchers involved in GC programmes (& IIASA)

6 Thematic coherence: Global Change in Norwegian research  Generally good thematic coherence, few gaps in main thematic programmes  Broad themes, difficult to assess specific focus  Varies in national vs global perspectives  Climate research, marine science more global  Limited direct involvement in GC programmes  A few specific GC topics not covered in main programmes may be funded by  Regional programmes  Non-thematic, free programmes  Centres of Excellence, Institute Strategic Research

7 Specific linkages to thematic programmes GC progr.Norwegian progr.Common themes IGBPOceans & coastal areas, Norklima, Environment 2015, Renergi Effects of climate change on biogeochemical cycles in atmosphere, ocean, on marine productivity, LULCC DiversitasEnvironment 2015, Oceans & coastal areas, Norklima Biodiversity and ecosystem responses to climate change, land use change and other drivers, thresholds, indicators, ecosystem services, socio-economic aspects, sustainability IHDPEnvironment 2015, Norklima, NorGlobal, CLIMIT? Human dimensions, interactions of humans & GEC; governance, GEC & security, resource use, development, poverty WCRPNorklimaClimate change observations and modelling, scenarios ESSPEnvironment 2015, Renergi, NaturIndustry Global carbon cycle; Food security & GEC; water cycle;

8 Norwegian participation in GC programmes  10-20 Norwegian researchers have been involved in each GC programme  many more for DIVERSITAS  Level of participation varies  National committees  Chairing sub-programmes  Collaborative projects  Workshops, conferences  IPOs  IHDP: GECHS at Univ. of Oslo (previous)  IGBP: IMBER at IMR  WCRP: CliC at NP

9 Norwegian participants in GC programmes No. of people No. of institutionsInstitutions IGBP146UiO, UiB, NTNU, UiT, NILU, IMR Diversitas>50> 20UiO, UiB, NTNU, UiT, UMB, FNI, NP, NIVA, NINA, NILU, Cicero, SSB, Met, IMR, Genøk, BiotechAdv, UNEP/GRID, RCN, DN, MD + IHDP1810UiO, UiB, NTNU, UiT, UMB, NILU, IMR, NP, PRIO, FNI WCRP115UiB, Met, NP, IMR, NR ESSP44UiO, UiB, IMR, Cicero GC National Committee 77UiO, Met, NIVA, NINA, IMR, NP, Cicero GC expert panel 86UiO, UiB, NTNU, UMB, Cicero

10 Positive experience  Scientifically motivating  Stimulates networking  Insight into international research  Global and cross-disciplinary focus  Facilitates development of new projects

11 Negative experience  Lack of information about opportunities and mechanisms on how to get involved  Lack of funding, travel grants  Lack of knowledge and recognition of importance of involvement in GC programmes in home institution  Economic loss for home institution (especially institutes) without full funding

12 Some Global Change research challenges for Norway  Increase GC focus in national research programmes  Thematic overlap & Specific linkages  Increase awareness of GC among Norwegian scientists  Provide better funding opportunities (grants etc) for involvement in GC programmes and activities

13 State of GC research in Norway  Thematically relevant and globally integrated  Climate research/climate system  effects on ecosystems & society more local  Marine & polar research  Partially relevant & integrated  Socio-economic aspects  Thematically relevant, but mainly local/regional  Terrestrial ecosystems & climate change  Land use & land cover change (LULCC)  Biodiversity


15 GC Committee members  Anne Lyche Solheim, NIVA, chair  Knut Alfsen, Cicero, co-chair  Karen O’Brien, Univ. of Oslo  Ole Arve Misund, IMR  Cecilie Mauritzen, Norwegian Meteorological institute  Erik Framstad, NINA  Kevin Noone, Stockholm resilience centre, Stockholm University  Alf Håkon Hoel, University of Tromsø & Norwegian Polar Institute

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