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Slides 1 through 8 are hidden and do not appear when you begin your slide show. This template is designed to run on a PC (Powerpoint 2007 or 2010), or.

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Presentation on theme: "Slides 1 through 8 are hidden and do not appear when you begin your slide show. This template is designed to run on a PC (Powerpoint 2007 or 2010), or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slides 1 through 8 are hidden and do not appear when you begin your slide show. This template is designed to run on a PC (Powerpoint 2007 or 2010), or a Macintosh (PowerPoint 2011 ). Those running earlier versions, i.e. PowerPoint 2003 and lower on a PC, or PowerPoint 2004 and lower on a Macintosh (OS X) are unsupported and may have compatibility issues. Keynote for a Machintosh (OS X) is also unsupported and will cause compatibility issues. This presentation has been optimized for ease of use. The only actions required for operation are typing in fields, filling selections, and placing photos in placeholders. Instructions on slides #2, #3, #4 and #5. After loading all your photos in the appropriate placeholders, remember to COMPRESS them to reduce the presentation’s file-size. Instructions are on Slide #6. If you are lost or are wondering what action is required on a particular slide, look below the slide in the Notes Pane for helpful hints and instructions. See slide #7 for notice. To begin your presentation from the beginning, press the “F5” Key on your keyboard or go to the slide you wish to start from and press the “Slide Show” button on the bottom- right toolbar at the base of the PowerPoint Window. Duplicate copies of slides 11, 14 & 19 are at the end of your presentation for quick case review during courses. Slides 1 through 8 are hidden and do not appear when you begin your slide show. This template is designed to run on a PC (Powerpoint 2007 or 2010), or a Macintosh (PowerPoint 2011 ). Those running earlier versions, i.e. PowerPoint 2003 and lower on a PC, or PowerPoint 2004 and lower on a Macintosh (OS X) are unsupported and may have compatibility issues. Keynote for a Machintosh (OS X) is also unsupported and will cause compatibility issues. This presentation has been optimized for ease of use. The only actions required for operation are typing in fields, filling selections, and placing photos in placeholders. Instructions on slides #2, #3, #4 and #5. After loading all your photos in the appropriate placeholders, remember to COMPRESS them to reduce the presentation’s file-size. Instructions are on Slide #6. If you are lost or are wondering what action is required on a particular slide, look below the slide in the Notes Pane for helpful hints and instructions. See slide #7 for notice. To begin your presentation from the beginning, press the “F5” Key on your keyboard or go to the slide you wish to start from and press the “Slide Show” button on the bottom- right toolbar at the base of the PowerPoint Window. Duplicate copies of slides 11, 14 & 19 are at the end of your presentation for quick case review during courses. 1

2 2 Text can be added simply by clicking above a line and typing.

3 3 To fill a check-box, select it… …In the “Home” tab of the toolbar, Click on the “Shape Fill” button and choose black as the fill color. Note: Once you chose a color, PowerPoint will remember it so you can just click the “paint can” icon to fill selections with black. Use this method for Risk Selections too! If you made a mistake, press “Ctrl + Z” on your keyboard or press the “Undo” button on the top-left “QuickAccess” toolbar. You can also simply re-fill the mistake with White. If you made a mistake, press “Ctrl + Z” on your keyboard or press the “Undo” button on the top-left “QuickAccess” toolbar. You can also simply re-fill the mistake with White.

4 4 On a Slide with a Photo Placeholder, click on the “Insert Photo” Button in the center of the frame Select ONE photo from your computer system and click “Insert” Your Photo will now be placed, sized and framed appropriately on the slide

5 For some photos (like mirror shots) you may need to flip and/or rotate a photo to present it accurately. 5 Select your Photo. On the “Picture Tools – Format” tab on the toolbar, click the “Align” button to access a list of options for re-orienting your photo. Choose whichever option appropriately orients your photo.

6 NOTE: It is important to perform a photo compression AFTER populating the presentation with your images. This will maintain the photo quality and reduce the presentation’s file-size. 6 Select ANY ONE photo in the presentation then select the “Picture Tools – Format” tab in the toolbar Click on the “Compress Pictures” button in the toolbar. In the Compress Pictures dialog box, make sure you UNCHECK “Apply only to this picture” to ensure every photo is compressed. Select “Screen (150 ppi)” as the quality level. Click “OK” Click on the “Compress Pictures” button in the toolbar. In the Compress Pictures dialog box, make sure you UNCHECK “Apply only to this picture” to ensure every photo is compressed. Select “Screen (150 ppi)” as the quality level. Click “OK” NOTE: After clicking “OK,” PowerPoint will compress all the photos in your presentation. However, it will NOT indicate its progress. PowerPoint WILL become unresponsive during this time. When PowerPoint completes the process, the “Compress Pictures” dialog box will automatically close.

7 Risk Assessment and Prognosis slides are DUPLICATED for a reason. Please read the instructions in the notes pane! 7

8 8 If you’re asked to present a patient photo that you’re lacking, substitute a photo from the patient’s models

9 9

10 10 Patient Name (first name only) Age Occupation Personality Type

11 11


13 NOTE: edit as appropriate (# and description), and what it means on Medical and Dental History, ie: 2: allergic reaction to latex use nitrile gloves 22: high cholesterol or taking statin drugs - Potential correlation between statins and pulp chambers calcification - Associative risk for periodontal disease. NOTE: edit as appropriate (# and description), and what it means on Medical and Dental History, ie: 2: allergic reaction to latex use nitrile gloves 22: high cholesterol or taking statin drugs - Potential correlation between statins and pulp chambers calcification - Associative risk for periodontal disease. 13

14 (Duplicate slide if necessary, or delete if not needed) 14



17 NOTE: edit as appropriate (# and description) Immediate Concern: PERSONAL HISTORY 01: Fear of Dentist GUM AND BONE 07: Gums Bleed / Painful when brushing NOTE: edit as appropriate (# and description) Immediate Concern: PERSONAL HISTORY 01: Fear of Dentist GUM AND BONE 07: Gums Bleed / Painful when brushing 17

18 TOOTH STRUCTURE 14: Cavities in past 3 years BITE AND JAW JOINT 21: Having problems with jaw joint TOOTH STRUCTURE 14: Cavities in past 3 years BITE AND JAW JOINT 21: Having problems with jaw joint 18


20 20

21 21

22 22 Attachment Loss / Chronic Periodontits (Bone Loss) Mild (AAP II) Moderate (AAP III)Severe (AAP IV) Gingivitis (AAP I) Modified by: Aggressive Periodontitis: Secondary Occlusal Traumatism: Apical Root Resorption: Abrasion: Recession: Missing Teeth (due to Perio): Site Specific Bone Loss: Horizontal Bone Loss:


24 24

25 25

26 26 Caries: Defective Restorations: Questionable Restorations: Structural Compromises: Erosion: Margin Location Concerns: Root Resorption: Other:

27 27 Completed Root Canal Acceptable: Completed Root Canal Questionable: Completed Root Canal Unacceptable: Irreversible Pulpal Pathology: Questionable Pulpal Pathology: Future Risk for Endodontic Therapy: Missing Teeth (Biomechanics): Other:


29 29

30 30 Attrition (Wear) Normal Force: Abnormal Attrition (Wear) / Excessive Force: Abfraction: Primary Occlusal Traumatism: Abnormal Neuromuscular Habits: Compromised OVD: Missing Teeth (due to Function): Other:

31 31

32 32 NormActual SNA82° (+/- 3) SNB79° (+/- 3) ANB3° (+/- 2) SN-MP32° (+/- 5) UAFH / LAFH (N-ANS / ANS-Me).8 Upper Central to SN103° (+/- 6) Lower Incisor to MP90° (+/- 5) Interincisal Angle135° (+/- 11)

33 33


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39 39 Color Developmental Disturbances Facially Related Tooth Position 1. Maxillary Incisal Edge Position 2. Maxillary Posterior Occlusal Plane 3. Mandibular Incisal Edge Position 4. Mandibular Posterior Occlusal Plane 5. Intra-arch Tooth Position (Arrangement and Form) Midline Left Right Axially Inclined Crowding / Overlap: Diastema: Rotations:



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