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PSRN Planning Maths in the environment “Children must be supported in developing their understanding of Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy in a broad.

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Presentation on theme: "PSRN Planning Maths in the environment “Children must be supported in developing their understanding of Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy in a broad."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSRN Planning Maths in the environment “Children must be supported in developing their understanding of Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy in a broad range of contexts in which they can explore, enjoy, learn, practise and talk about their developing understanding. They must be provided with opportunities to practise and extend their skills in these areas and to gain confidence and competence in their use.” EYFS 2008

2 Improving provision We wanted to increase the quantity and quality of mathematical opportunities and activities based on our EEL findings (Maths had appeared to be low on the data collected when looking at child involvement.) Having being involved in the project last year we felt we had a good understanding of what we were providing mathematically from our observations. We now wanted to move forward by introducing more “maths rich” opportunities The best way to ensure that this would continue and involve all staff was to implement a new dimension to our weekly planning for the general sessions (i.e. planning the curriculum which the children would access for the main part of their session - not just group times)

3 PSRN planning Planning for PSRN included: A “new” PSRN activity or experience Enhancing the “maths “ environment Enriching an activity or experience to provide more opportunities for PSRN e.g. adding bills, appointment sheets etc to a role play area Recording and evaluating planning by means of child observations with accompanying photographs Relaying information about the planning to all practitioners

4 Planning into practice Number trees (outside) Birthday cakes (inside) Painting (area) (outside) Delivering Christmas presents (outside) Christmas trees (inside) Enhancing garage role play (outside) Goldilocks and 3 bears (inside)

5 Number trees - numeral recognition Large numerals placed in trees. Number line to 20 and chalks placed nearby

6 Ingrid Ingrid Ingrid saw the numbers in the trees and wanted to know what they were for. She then noticed the number line on the floor. Together the adult and Ingrid matched up some of the numbers on the tree with those on the ground. Ingrid then began to draw a line alongside the number line. She tried to draw numerals 2 and 3 and talk ensued about the curve at the top of the number. She then ”wrote “ a long sentence saying “Please keep off all my numbers.” Number trees - an observation

7 Birthday cakes- numeral recognition/ counting/ etc “Chocolate dough”, bun trays /cases, candles and holders, birthday cards 1-5, Plain cards and pens, numeral cards to 12

8 Steven put bun cases in each section of a 12 tray, he put a small lump of dough in each-systematically and added a candle to each. Katy said to her friend, who was trying to fit a big lump of dough into the bun tray section, “It doesn’t fit in there it’s too big, make it little.” She then filled each section with dough and added a candle or holder in each. She sang “Happy birthday” and said “I’m gonna eat that pink one and Chloes gonna eat that blue one.” She then got a pen and plain card and drew 3 marks on it for herself. Birthday cakes – an observation

9 Painting on the ground with variety of tools- area/ size

10 Children explored how to fit a broom into a bucket to access paint, they had to choose a tray instead. Some pushed “wheelies” and rode bikes through the paint to create patterns. Maths vocabulary recorded “Full “ “Empty” (buckets and trays) “On top” “across” (pattern making) “big” “heavy” (buckets) Painting on the ground

11 Delivering Christmas presents Numeral recognition/counting to 5

12 Graham and Sahib fetched a present each from the house and put them on the mat which had a numeral 3 post on it. The adult pointed out the numeral, Graham named it, counted the 2 presents and went off to get 1 more. Attention was drawn to the other “number stations” by the adult. Graham named number 4. Several children went to get a present. Graham counted 5 parcels when they returned (having placed them in a row ). When the adult asked if we had the right number he removed one. Delivering Christmas presents

13 Christmas trees- size/ shape/symmetry 3 different sized xmas trees were presented with 3 different sized and coloured baubles. Activity later extended by adding numerals to reverse of baubles.

14 Jamie said “These big ones are supposed to go on the big tree” holding the largest baubles up. “How many on this tree?” Jamie asked. Then he counted them 1-8. Rekha said “There. Decorations” She collected all the baubles and sorted them by colour into 3 different pots. Christmas trees


16 Garage role play maths vocabulary /numerals /counting to 5 Wheels painted with numerals 1-5, authentic “test papers” from garages showing numerals, simple price list added

17 Heidi said “I’ve got 2 little wheels” Using the drill to fix to the side of a play box. She then found a wheel hub and took it to show an adult saying, ”This is a big one.” She investigated other car parts saying “This is heavy”. Lesley had just looked in the phone book. She then picked up the phone and held it out to her friend saying “It’s your number. “ Garage role play

18 Goldilocks and the 3 bears -size, concept of 3 Role play area set up with 3 different sized beds, chairs, bowls and spoons

19 “I want to be Daddy bear ‘cos I like being big.” said Bart.” “I’m Mummy bear. She’s medium.” said Jessie. Angela tried to put the large bowl into the microwave. “This bowl won’t fit ‘cos it’s too big. Goldilocks and the 3 bears

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