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This Resolution is making me freak out, cause I don’t know what it is and I don’t know what to do and I need help and I am really freaking out and I really,

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Presentation on theme: "This Resolution is making me freak out, cause I don’t know what it is and I don’t know what to do and I need help and I am really freaking out and I really,"— Presentation transcript:

1 This Resolution is making me freak out, cause I don’t know what it is and I don’t know what to do and I need help and I am really freaking out and I really, really hate this class and I really, really hate you and…….[continued].

2 A Resolution is the way a country:  Introduces a specific problem to the UN  Explains the problem  Describes the context of the problem  And finally, what the UN should do to address the problem.  For 2016, you will write 2 resolutions, on two separate issues.  Your goal this week is to research issues on YOUR own time.

3 This is a simple checklist:  It is a typed, single-spaced page  You will have at least 4 references (some of these should come from your current event research)  It must deal with an international issue.

4 What is an international issue?  Global warming  International conflicts such as war, peacekeeping, etc—such as Syria and Afghanistan, Congo and Somalia.  Poverty and fighting global hunger  Social development: bringing clean water to developing nations  Human rights  Education  Etc.

5 What can the UN do? Under the Charter, the functions and powers of the Security Council are:  to maintain international peace and security in accordance with the principles and purposes of the United Nations;  to investigate any dispute or situation which might lead to international friction;  to recommend methods of adjusting such disputes or the terms of settlement;  to formulate plans for the establishment of a threat to peace or act of aggression and to recommend what action should be taken;  to call on Members to apply economic sanctions and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression;  to take military action against an aggressor ;

6 Resolution Introduction set the tone, seriousness and professionalism—it is important  Is this understood on a first time reading  Uses strong language, action words, both logical and emotional appeal  Clearly shows this is a UN issues: a serious issue concerning all UN members  Makes clear the issues in a clear, concise manner

7  Intro Example:  General Assembly,  The availability of fresh, safe drinking water is becoming a pressing problem in Israel and the surrounding area. Many people living in the West Bank are receiving less than the amount of water recommended for a healthy life, and Israel’s three main aquifers, which provide 67% of the nation’s fresh water, are at dangerously low levels…

8 I. Introduction :  Tragically, many women across the world live in fear of being murdered by members of their own family. Honor killings are terribly brutal cultural customs, associated with some Muslims, that involve a man murdering a female relative to defend his family honor. These murders are terribly unjust and a defiance to women's universal humanitarian rights. In an honor killing, a woman is murdered for such acts as refusing an arranged marriage, being raped, committing adultery, eloping, seeking a divorce…

9  Part I: Expresses Deep Concern (the issue)  Explains the problem that needs to be solved and why it is important to your country and the UN’s Charter and Mission.  Each line begins with preamble phrases such as “Expresses Deep Concern,” “Alarmed,” “Deeply disturbed” – these phrases should be underlined.  There should be about 4-6 points in this section of the preamble.  You need to overwhelm us with facts!!!!!!!!

10  Part I: Example  A) Expresses Deep Concern that both Tutsi and Hutu rebel groups (such as the Lord’s Resistance Army) have pillaged the eastern DRC since 1994, killing 2,700,000 people since 2004 (The main fighting began in 1998, in total more than 5.4 million people have been killed since then) these victims are killed in the most brutal fashion as many starve to death or are killed with inhumane weapons such as machetes and swords.  A) Alarmed that the sale of over 6.4 billion dollars of weaponry, including 30 Apache helicopters, 60 Black Hawk helicopters, and 114 Patriot missiles to Taiwan could bring instability to the country of China.

11  Part II. Is Aware That:  Provides the historical context of the problem. Does this issue have related issues or problems? How long has it been going on? Have there been previous resolutions on this issue (cite them) – why weren’t they effective?  Each line begins with preamble phrases such as: “Is Aware that,” “Recalling” or “Reaffirming” these phrases should be underlined.  There should be a minimum of two-four points in this section.

12  Part II Examples:  Is Aware that the UN has deployed the world’s largest UN peacekeeping force to the DRC and that this force has been trying to sort things out since 1999 but is experiencing little to no success,  Recalling previous UN efforts to eradicate cross- border terrorism in Kashmir, which include Security Council resolutions 47, 91, 209, and 307, and the foundation of the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP);

13  Part III. Recommends what action your country feels the UN should take. It is addressed to the Security Council  This section outlines what needs to be done in order to fix this problem.  Each section begins with a number and uses an operative clause to propose a solution to the problem. There are about four points in this section.  These clauses should be underlined: “Encourages,” “Urges,” “Recommends that” or “Proposes” and the final clause is your call to action (what you want other nations to do), which would begin with “Calls” or “Suggests.”

14 Part 3 what you want the UN to do depends on the situations…so you must be realistic.  You can  Ask to UN to send an investigation team  Set up a committee to evaluate something  Encourage UN members to support or condemn something/someone  Call upon the UN to give money, aid, supplies, etc.  Urge the UN to carry out aid in some social task: housing, education etc.

15  Part III. Example  A)Proposes that North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Pakistani military officials regulate areas that have high Taliban violence, especially in the northwest region near Afghanistan, and take actions accordingly;  or  A) Demand an end to all Hamas attacks and the recognition, by Hamas, of Israel as a state, in order for peace talks to take place;  or  A) Encourages the United Nations to create a committee charged with the task of ensuring the complete removal of the United States Military from the region of South Korea;

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