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Dr. Seuss’ The Sneeches Input Output Domain Range.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Seuss’ The Sneeches Input Output Domain Range."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dr. Seuss’ The Sneeches

3 Input Output

4 Domain Range

5 x f(x) Functional Notation

6 Examples of Functions 2 Always get a 4 1 Always get a 3 5 Always get a -1

7 Examples of Functions You Your Birthday You Your Social Security Number You Your Age Today

8 Non-Examples of Functions 5 You get out 7 or 9 Your Birthday Someone other than you Your Age Today Someone other than you

9 Finish the definition. A function is …

10 One to One Correspondence

11 A function can be …. { List of Ordered Pairs Graph Table of Values Equation Mapping Contextual Situation

12 Examples of a mapping

13 1. Is (name, shirt color) a function? Why or why not? 2. Prove your reasoning by showing the relation as ordered pairs and as a mapping.

14 3. Is (shirt color, name) a function? Why or why not? 4. Prove your reasoning by showing the relation as ordered pairs and as a mapping.

15 5. Is (name, shirt color) a function? Why or why not? 6. Prove your reasoning by showing the relation as ordered pairs and as a mapping.

16 Domain Range

17 Input values x-values Ex. (2,3) (3,7) (3,9) Output values y-values {2,3} Ex. (2,3) (3,7) (3,9) {3,7,9}




21 Directions: Using the vocabulary of domain, range, input, output, relation and function, explain how each real life experience is like a function. 1. When you pick up a phone and dial (704) 624-9453, you will get Concord Mills. When you pick up a phone and dial (704) 656-2846, you will get the Starlight Movie Theater. When you pick up a phone and dial (704) 621-6701, you will get the Ticket Master. When you pick up a phone and dial a specific number, you will get only one party.

22 2. Malachi was going to make a surprise for his mother on her birthday. On the kitchen table, he had placed flour, sugar, vanilla, chocolate chips, butter, and eggs. Vanessa wanted to surprise their mother, too. On the kitchen counter, Vanessa assembled spaghetti sauce, noodles, ricotta cheese, oregano, and mozzarella cheese. While each of them was making a surprise for their mother, they each were creating a different surprise. Malachi could not use Vanessa’s ingredients to make his surprise, nor could Vanessa use Malachi’s ingredients to make her surprise.

23 3. Suki babysat three nights last week. One night she babysat 3 hours and earned $45. The next night she babysat 2 hours and earned $30. On the third night she babysat five hours and earned $75. She knows if she can babysit for 10 hours she will earn $150.

24 Mrs. Cline, Ms. Jones, and Ms. Ward teach math only. Mr. Brashear teaches math and science.

25 This is a function…this isn’t a function 1.We will get into 4 groups. Each group will have a set of cards. 2.Take 10 minutes and put the cards into two groups. One group of functions and one group that isn’t functions. Be able to justify why each card is in it’s specific group. 3.Copy your groups into your notebook. Be sure you label your groups in your notebook. 4.Don’t label your groups. 5.I will come around and take a picture of your groups categories. 6.When directed, take your electronic device and take a picture of another groups categories. 7.When you get back to your group, look at 2 other groups categories. Evaluate two other groups’ responses. Which cards to you agree with, which ones do you disagree with.

26 Evaluating a function When you go back and think about the You’re Toast Dude work. The situation was the production cost was $1400 and it cost $4 per toaster. You were asked to write a function rule C(x) that would represent the cost of production. What was your rule C(x)? You were also asked to find out how much it would cost to produce 100 toasters. What was the cost? How did you did you do this? What is the production cost for producing 250 toasters?

27 Functional Notation





32 Operations with Functions

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