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Physical Science Class Monday March 10, 2014 Unit 7: Waves, Sound, and Light Lesson 1: Waves Lesson 2: Electromagnetic Waves Lesson 3: Light Waves.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Science Class Monday March 10, 2014 Unit 7: Waves, Sound, and Light Lesson 1: Waves Lesson 2: Electromagnetic Waves Lesson 3: Light Waves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Science Class Monday March 10, 2014 Unit 7: Waves, Sound, and Light Lesson 1: Waves Lesson 2: Electromagnetic Waves Lesson 3: Light Waves

2 The mission of the Michigan Virtual Charter Academy is to provide an innovative, intensive academic preparation that inspires and educates students to achieve the highest levels of academic knowledge and skills. Michigan Virtual Charter Academy embraces a collaborative partnership between teachers and parents in order to empower students to reach extraordinary heights. Extraordinary results require extraordinary efforts! Through commitment hard work, consistency, and responsibility, every student will meet the challenge of mastering high expectations

3 Lesson 1: Waves Describe a mechanical waves as a disturbance that travels through a medium. Describe how energy can be transferred through a wave, and explain the relationship between energy of a wave and its frequency. Define the wavelength, amplitude, and frequency of a wave. Explain that energy moves from one place to another through heat flow, waves, or moving objects.

4 Movement of Energy What do we already know about how energy moves? Energy can also move from one place to another through waves. o Light o Sound Waves carry energy away from the energy source through space or through matter. When a wave transfers energy, matter does not move with the energy.

5 Mechanical Waves Is the water moving? YES NO Waves that require a medium to travel are called mechanical waves. polling

6 Transverse Waves A transverse wave is a wave in which the particles in the medium move perpendicularly, or at a right angle to the direction of the wave.

7 Longitudinal Waves Waves that are cause the particles in a medium to move together or apart parallel to the direction of the wave are longitudinal waves.

8 Surface Wave Water particles move in two directions, resulting in a circular motion. This type of wave is called a surface wave.

9 1 Crest 2 Amplitude 3 Leading Edge 4 Rest Position 5 Trailing Edge 6 Trough

10 The distance between two consecutive crests or troughs is called what?

11 What is the frequency? Frequency is expressed as cycles per second, or hertz (Hz).


13 Lesson 2: Electromagnetic Waves I can compare electromagnetic waves with mechanical waves. I can explain that human eyes respond to a narrow range of wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum (red through violet) called visible light. I can recognize that the sun's radiation consists of a wide range of wavelengths, mainly visible light and infrared and ultraviolet radiation.

14 The transfer of energy in a type of wave called an electromagnetic wave.

15 Electromagnetic Waves Facts Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to transfer energy….Space…. They transfer energy due to electric and magnetic fields. Light travels as a electromagnetic wave. Can pass through matter.

16 Why do we see the lightening then hear the thunder? Speed of Light

17 Radiant Energy

18 The small part of the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes can detect, visible light, is divided into seven ranges of wavelengths. Our eyes perceive these different wavelengths as colors. The colors that make up visible light are: 123 4567 White Light

19 Lesson 3: Light Waves 1) I can explain why retinal cells and plant leaves react differently to various wavelengths. 2) I can Describe white light as a mixture of different wavelengths (colors). 3) I can Explain that light travels in straight lines (when the medium is kept constant).


21 Light Waves and Matter As light waves travel, they may come in contact with matter. When they contact matter, light waves can be affected in three ways: 1) Transmitted 2) Absorbed 3) Reflected

22 1) Transmission The passing of light through an object or medium.

23 2) Reflection Process whereby light bounces back from an object at the same angle and intensity that the object received it.

24 3) Absorption The ability of light waves to be taken into an object or medium.

25 How We See Colors When white light hits an object, some wavelengths of light reflect off the surface of the object and others are absorbed by the object.

26 How Eyes Detect Light The back of our eyes has a layer of cells called the retina. This region contains many cells called photoreceptors. The photoreceptors detect different wavelength of light and send these signals to the brain.

27 Photoreceptors of the Retina

28 Checking for Understanding Buggy Clear BUGGYCLEARMUDDY I am “ok” with the content and will contact my teacher if I need additional help after doing the online lessons. I understand the content.I do not understand the content and would benefit from additional help. On the following three pages you will find 3 different pictures. I want to know which picture applies to your understanding of this unit. No opt out

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