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More, more, more … - habit or addiction? profesor Takacs Reka Disciplina: limba engleza IntelTeach Turda Iunie 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "More, more, more … - habit or addiction? profesor Takacs Reka Disciplina: limba engleza IntelTeach Turda Iunie 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 More, more, more … - habit or addiction? profesor Takacs Reka Disciplina: limba engleza IntelTeach Turda Iunie 2010

2 HOW DO OUR EVERYDAY HABITS HELP TO BETTER UNDERSTAND OURSELVES? Brosura Prezentare unitate (materia) Prezentare proiect pentru elevi

3 KEY-QUESTIONS Unit questions Does shopping make us happier? What is important for a happy life? Content questions How can you express obligation in English? What quantifiers can you name for „more than necessary” and „the necessary quantity”? When can you say that a habit becomes addiction? How can you write a good discursive essay? What money-collocations do you know? Exemplu din perspectiva elevuluixemplu din perspectiva elevului Plan_unitate

4 Wiki Sarcini de lucru wiki adresa wiki: http://learnenglishrt.wikispaces.com Sarcina 1 - Deadline: 18th May 2010 1. Search the Internet for materials describing symptoms of a habit when it is about to turn into an addiction. 2. Select 5 symptoms and include them into a presentation illustrated with suggestive images. Very important! After each lesson, you will have to fill in a copy of the Reflexive journal plus complete the “Learnt” column of your innitial K-W-L diagram!!

5 Wiki Deadline: 21st May 2010 1. Write down examples of how you can use TOO and ENOUGH in various contexts. 2. Design a gapped exercise for your classmates, where you need to insert TOO or ENOUGH to complete the sentence. Make sure your context is explicit enough!!! Deadline: 25th May 2010 Write down 3 things related to the topic of "What makes you happy?" Ask the same question to 2 members of your family and take notes from their answers.

6 Wiki Deadline: 29th May 2010 Look for ways of expressing obligation, lack of obligation and prohibition in English. Deadline: 1st June 2010 Answer the following questions: 1. What is the structure of a discursive composition? 2. What linkers can you use in a discursive composition? 3. How can you check if you have written a good discursive composition?

7 Wiki Deadline: 4th June 2010 In your groups, you will have to design a presentation (slideshow, brochure, leaflet, booklet) on the topic of Assistance in case of addiction. Your presentation will have to include: a suggestive title definition and characteristics/ signs of addictive behaviour types of addiction a set of advice useful addresses for help / support bibliography

8 Wiki You will have to cope with the following restrictions: for PowerPoint presentation: between 7-12 slides, a maximum of 5 ideas/ slide, a maximum of 4 images / pictures and DO NOT overuse animation / special effects!! for other forms of presentation: a maximum of 6 pages and 4 images, character size: titles - 14, text - 12, normal (1-line) spacing your presentations should also contain: your names, class, school name

9 Wiki DON’T FORGET!! Final assessment of the unit - 11th June 2010 Your final mark will be made up of: your presentation (25%) the final assessment test (25%) your portfolio on wiki plus the printed tasks (20%) your groupwork / activity inside the group (15%) peer-evaluation (15%) Evaluare initiala Evaluare formativa Evaluare sumativa

10 Evaluation Time-line Evaluare iniţială graficul K-W-L brainstorming Chestionar verificare abilitati de utilizare a tehnologiei Evaluare formativă jurnal de reflectie fise de lucru lista de verificare a progresului lista de verificare a gandirii critice autoevaluare pe etape interevaluare (peer-feedback) Evaluare finală test de evaluare peer-feedback grila de evaluare criteriala a colaborarii in grup jurnal de reflectie

11 Resources Programa scolara la limba engleza pentru liceu tehnologic cls. a XI- a, MECT manual - Intel®Teach – Instruirea in societatea cunoasterii (Cariera didactica in societatea cunoasterii adaptata la regiunea NV), SIVECO Romania, 2009

12 Bibliography Manual:Richard Acklam and Araminta Crace, Going for Gold –Upper-Intermediate, Longman, 2009 David Nunan, Task-Based language Teaching, CUP, 2004 ns/a/symptomslist.htm ns/a/defaddiction.htm ctions.html

13 Thank you for your attention!

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