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GHSGT PREPARATION GOVERNMENT AND CIVICS. CONTENT DESCRIPTION Government/Civics (18% of the test) What is important: Philosophical foundations of the United.

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2 CONTENT DESCRIPTION Government/Civics (18% of the test) What is important: Philosophical foundations of the United States Structure and functions of government (local, state, national) Relationship between the federal government, the states and individual citizens.


4 The Declaration of Independence Based on social contract theories of British political philosopher--John Locke (1632-1704) Thomas Jefferson, author Social contract: Government’s power from the consent of the governed. Natural rights: All people are free and equal and have the right to life, liberty, property (Jefferson said pursuit of happiness).

5 Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness....”

6 Articles of Confederation Called for “League of Friendship” States had most power Weak central government Fear of tyrannical leader Central government could not: Tax Force states to do anything

7 Shays’ Rebellion Daniel Shays – Revolutionary War soldier Needed money to save farm – asked government to pay him what they had promised Attacked arsenal at Springfield to begin rebellion against government All realized national government was not strong enough to deal with crisis

8 Constitutional Convention Original purpose: amend Articles Changed to writing a new constitution Compromises: Great Compromise: representation in Congress 3/5 Compromise: issue of slavery

9 The Constitution James Madison – “father of Constitution” Could be “master builder of the Constitution” Constitution = plan for government 7 articles Influences were Baron de Montesquieu and Thomas Hobbes

10 Foundational Principles of the Constitution Rule of law (Written law restricts the government’s power) Federalism (balance of state and national government) Popular sovereignty (the government serves the people) Separation of powers (prevents the concentration and abuse of power) Checks and balances (Allows branches of government to restrain each others powers)

11 Preamble to the Constitution “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”


13 Ratification of the Constitution Debate: strong central government or state and individual rights? The Federalist Papers (authors James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay): argued for a stronger central government.

14 The Legislative Branch Article I of the Constitution Powers of Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) Law-making process (how a bill becomes a law) Other responsibilities of government: budget, federal appointments, etc.

15 How a Bill Becomes a Law

16 Legislative Branch-Congress Membership of the House of Representatives 1. Each state represented proportional to their population 2.435 total members 3. Representatives elected every 2 years Membership of the Senate 1. Each State elects two representatives 2. 100 total members 3. Senators elected for 6 year terms

17 Congressional Committees Two basic types of Committees 1. authorizing (establish policies) 2. appropriations (funding) Standing Committees (permanent) -19 in House, 17 in Senate - further divided into subcommittees (175 total) Select Committees (special issues or investigations) Joint Committees and Conference Committees -House and Senate Committees working together

18 Congressional Leadership House Speaker of the House House Majority Leader House Majority Whip House Minority Leader House Minority Whip Senate President= Vice- President (votes only as tie-breaker) President pro tempore Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader

19 Powers of Congress Expressed powers (written in Constitution) Examples: Making laws, funding, regulating trade, declaring war, impeachment Implied powers: the “Elastic Clause” Congress has power to pass laws “necessary and proper” for doing its job.

20 Checks and Balances Legislative Branch Powers Passes bills into law Over-ride Presidential veto by 2/3 vote Approval of Cabinet positions (Senate) “power of the Purse” Checks on Powers Presidential veto Judicial review

21 The Executive Branch President, Vice President, Cabinet Formal Powers: Implement law – chief executive and chief agenda setter Leader of the armed forces – commander in chief Diplomacy – representative of the nation chief of state, foreign policy leader Informal Power: Party leader

22 Checks and Balances Executive Branch Powers Approves or vetoes laws Carries out laws Appoints federal judges and officials Negotiates treaties Checks Congress can override veto Congress has power to approve spending Senate has power to approve appointments Senate approves treaties Congress can impeach

23 Impeachment Process Any member of executive or judicial branch can be impeached Two step process: Impeachment (indictment): charges passed in the House of Representatives by a simple majority Trial in the Senate: two thirds majority must vote to remove a person from office Example: President Clinton was impeached by the House but not convicted in the Senate trial.

24 The Cabinet 15 departments, including: State Department (Relations with Foreign Countries) Attorney General – Justice Department (Chief Prosecutor for the Government) Secretary of Defense – In charge of all armed forces including: Army, Navy, Air force, Marines, National Guard Homeland Security -combines several agencies such as FBI, CIA, and Immigration and Naturalization

25 Presidential Election Process Candidate announces candidacy Presidential primaries in each state to determine delegates to party convention Party conventions elect President and Vice-Presidential nominees General Election Campaign between major party candidates General Election –each state’s popular vote is converted to a winner take all electoral vote Electoral College votes based on electoral vote totals

26 The Judicial Branch Article III Main role is Interpretation of the law Judicial Review (Interpreting the Constitution) Federal court system (three levels) Supreme Court (1- 9 Justices) Circuit Court of Appeals (13 Circuits) US District Courts (94 - 1 to 4 in each state)

27 Checks and Balances Judicial Branch Powers Interprets the meaning of Constitution and laws Rules on constitutionality of laws passed by congress and actions of the Executive Branch Checks Congress and States have the power to amend the Constitution Senate has authority to refuse appointments to the federal courts Congress can impeach a federal judge

28 Important Supreme Court Decisions Marbury v. Madison – established judicial review Dred Scott v. Sandford – slaves were not citizens Plessy v. Ferguson – “separate but equal” Brown v. Board of Education – overturned Plessy Roe v. Wade – made abortions legal Bakke v. Regents – affirmative action is “reverse discrimination” Bush v. Gore – ended recount in 2000 election

29 Citizens Rights - The Bill of Rights 1. Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition 2. Right to bear arms 3. No quartering of troops without permission 4. No search and seizure without a warrant 5. Rights of the accused to remain silent 6. Right to a speedy trial 7. Right to a jury trial in civil cases 8. Rights to reasonable bail, fines and punishments 9. Powers reserved to the people 10. Powers reserved to the states

30 Other Key Amendments 14 th -Equal protection under the law for all persons born in the United States 15 th -Gave African American males voting rights 17 th –Direct election of Senators 19 th –Gave women voting rights 24 th –Abolished the poll tax 26 th –Extended voting rights to 18 year olds


32 The Federal System of Government Delegated Powers Maintain army and navy Establish postal system Set standards for measurements Regulate trade between states and other countries Declare War Concurrent Powers Impose Taxes Establish Courts Establish Banks Borrow money Provide for the general Welfare Reserved Powers Establish local Governments Establish Schools Regulate state commerce Regulate Marriage Establish and regulate corporations Powers of the Federal Government Powers of the State Governments Powers Shared by Federal and State

33 Responsibilities of Citizenship Participating in the community Respecting the property and views of others Paying taxes Obeying the law Voting Serving on a jury Registering for military duty Keeping informed on current issues

34 Political Parties Democratic Party (established in 1828) -promote strong central government that support the rights of the poor and minorities - more taxes for wealthy Republican Party (established in 1854) - support smaller central government with more state and local control - less taxes for wealthy and businesses

35 KEY TERMS Articles of ConfederationShays’ RebellionFederalists Anti-FederalistsAlexander HamiltonJames Madison Great Compromise3/5 CompromiseSeparation of powers Limited governmentChecks and balancesBill of Rights

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