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Writing Essays. Consolidation of Power in Russia, 1918 1918 Consolidation of Power.

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1 Writing Essays

2 Consolidation of Power in Russia, 1918 1918 Consolidation of Power

3 Introductions Explain title and what you intend to show Explain title and what you intend to show ‘A map of the area to be explored’ ‘A map of the area to be explored’ Provide necessary background / context Provide necessary background / context Arouse the reader’s interest Arouse the reader’s interest Explain your approach Explain your approach Define key terms Define key terms Don’t give away your conclusion Don’t give away your conclusion ‘This essay will explore / examine / evaluate….’ ‘This essay will explore / examine / evaluate….’

4 1918 Consolidation of Power INTRODUCTION

5 Contextualise, Define and Interest The year 1917 was a dramatic year in the history of Russia. It saw two revolutions, the ending of the Romanov dynasty and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. However, from the start, the Bolsheviks’ position was precarious and their hold on power far from secure. They would have to fight to consolidate the power that they had won in October. The year 1917 was a dramatic year in the history of Russia. It saw two revolutions, the ending of the Romanov dynasty and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. However, from the start, the Bolsheviks’ position was precarious and their hold on power far from secure. They would have to fight to consolidate the power that they had won in October.

6 Explain your approach This essay will examine the means by which the Bolsheviks were able to consolidate their power in 1918. It will do so by considering their passing of decrees, use of terror, dismissal of democracy, and peace treaty with Germany. This essay will examine the means by which the Bolsheviks were able to consolidate their power in 1918. It will do so by considering their passing of decrees, use of terror, dismissal of democracy, and peace treaty with Germany.

7 1918 Introduction The year 1917 was a dramatic year in the history of Russia. It saw two revolutions, the ending of the Romanov dynasty and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. However, from the start, the Bolsheviks’ position was precarious and their hold on power far from secure. They would have to fight to consolidate the power that they had won in October. This essay will examine the means by which the Bolsheviks were able to consolidate their power in 1918. It will do so by considering their passing of decrees, use of terror, dismissal of democracy, and peace treaty with Germany. The year 1917 was a dramatic year in the history of Russia. It saw two revolutions, the ending of the Romanov dynasty and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. However, from the start, the Bolsheviks’ position was precarious and their hold on power far from secure. They would have to fight to consolidate the power that they had won in October. This essay will examine the means by which the Bolsheviks were able to consolidate their power in 1918. It will do so by considering their passing of decrees, use of terror, dismissal of democracy, and peace treaty with Germany.

8 Analytical Paragraphs S TATEMENT – make a reasonably general remark relevant to the question. S TATEMENT – make a reasonably general remark relevant to the question. E VIDENCE – provide topic-specific detail, e.g. dates, people, events, ideas, organisations, places, data, etc. E VIDENCE – provide topic-specific detail, e.g. dates, people, events, ideas, organisations, places, data, etc. A nalysis – explore the significance of the evidence and examine alternatives. A nalysis – explore the significance of the evidence and examine alternatives. C onclusion – make an interim summary linked firmly to the question. C onclusion – make an interim summary linked firmly to the question.

9 The Consolidation of Power in 1918 Developing Answers

10 STATEMENT Lenin was able to consolidate the power of the Bolsheviks by signing a peace with Germany to end Russia’s involvement in WWI.

11 EVIDENCE The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed in March 1918 and contained serious implications for Russia. In total she lost 60m people, 30% of farmland, 25% of railway lines and 75% of iron ore and coal reserves. These facts led many both inside and outside the party to criticise Lenin’s actions. Not least amongst the detractors was Leon Trotsky.

12 ANALYSIS However, Lenin calculated that the Treaty with Germany would be short-lived since the Allied victory in the West was almost assured after the USA had joined the War in 1917. The Treaty also enabled Lenin to focus on his external enemies which, in 1918, posed a significant threat to the stability of his regime. In the longer-term, though, the Treaty posed problems for the Bolsheviks as the Allies broadly supported and funded their enemies, the ‘Whites’ throughout the Civil War.

13 CONCLUSION Overall, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk solved more problems that it created and enabled the Bolsheviks to survive the crisis year of 1918.

14 PARAGRAPH Lenin was able to consolidate the power of the Bolsheviks by signing a peace with Germany to end Russia’s involvement in WWI. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed in March 1918 and contained serious implications for Russia. In total she lost 60m people, 30% of farmland, 25% of railway lines and 75% of iron ore and coal reserves. These facts led many both inside and outside the party to criticise Lenin’s actions. Not least amongst the detractors was Leon Trotsky. However, Lenin calculated that the Treaty with Germany would be short-lived since the Allied victory in the West was almost assured after the USA had joined the War in 1917. The Treaty also enabled Lenin to focus on his external enemies which, in 1918, posed a significant threat to the stability of his regime. In the longer-term, though, the Treaty posed problems for the Bolsheviks as the Allies broadly supported and funded their enemies, the ‘Whites’ throughout the Civil War. Overall, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk solved more problems that it created and enabled the Bolsheviks to survive the crisis year of 1918.

15 The Civil War Developing Answers

16 STATEMENT The Bolsheviks were able to win the Civil War as they possessed a more effective and highly-trained fighting force.

17 EVIDENCE Leon Trotsky had been appointed Commissar for War in 1917 and had been given Lenin’s absolute confidence in creating the Red Army in the same year. Trotsky re- imposed ranks and discipline and attached political commissars to every division. Punishments for disobeying orders were harsh and those who were captured or seen to be of ‘questionable’ background were used for backbreaking labour.

18 ANALYSIS Although, the role of the Red Army was key in victory, their success couldn’t have been guaranteed without a number of other factors also advantaging the Bolsheviks. For instance they were in possession of the key industrial producing centres of Russia and controlled the railway lines. This meant that the Bolsheviks could produce more weapons and deploy troops more effectively. The Bolsheviks were also helped by the weaknesses of the ‘Whites’ who were dispersed across a wide area making communication difficult, and who lacked common war aims.

19 CONCLUSION Therefore, the Red Army’s contribution to ‘Red’ victory in the Civil War needs to be seen in a wider context to explain fully the reasons for the Bolsheviks’ victory.

20 PARAGRAPH The Bolsheviks were able to win the Civil War as they possessed a more effective and highly-trained fighting force. Leon Trotsky had been appointed Commissar for War in 1917 and had been given Lenin’s absolute confidence in creating the Red Army in the same year. Trotsky re-imposed ranks and discipline and attached political commissars to every division. Punishments for disobeying orders were harsh and those who were captured or seen to be of ‘questionable’ background were used for backbreaking labour. Although, the role of the Red Army was key in victory, their success couldn’t have been guaranteed without a number of other factors also advantaging the Bolsheviks. For instance they were in possession of the key industrial producing centres of Russia and controlled the railway lines. This meant that the Bolsheviks could produce more weapons and deploy troops more effectively. The Bolsheviks were also helped by the weaknesses of the ‘Whites’ who were dispersed across a wide area making communication difficult, and who lacked common war aims. Therefore, the Red Army’s contribution to ‘Red’ victory in the Civil War needs to be seen in a wider context to explain fully the reasons for the Bolsheviks’ victory.

21 Paragraph Transitions One paragraph needs to flow from another in order to arrive at a ‘substantial conclusion’ One paragraph needs to flow from another in order to arrive at a ‘substantial conclusion’ Think of your essay as building a house, you wouldn’t do this by building lots of foundations Think of your essay as building a house, you wouldn’t do this by building lots of foundations To do this use similar words / expressions at the start of a new paragraph to the ones you’ve used at the end of the last one. To do this use similar words / expressions at the start of a new paragraph to the ones you’ve used at the end of the last one. Links points by pointing out how one factor is related to another. Links points by pointing out how one factor is related to another.

22 Conclusions Finish strongly; dramatically; memorably Finish strongly; dramatically; memorably Should follow inevitably from title, introduction and main body Should follow inevitably from title, introduction and main body Should have finality about it Should have finality about it Sum up in a new / fresh manner all of your interims conclusions (i.e. SEAC) Sum up in a new / fresh manner all of your interims conclusions (i.e. SEAC) Give something definite to think about. Do not just ‘tail off’ or ‘sit on fence’ Give something definite to think about. Do not just ‘tail off’ or ‘sit on fence’ Add something new by looking into future – set the reader a new, important question to think about that is firmly linked to your argument Add something new by looking into future – set the reader a new, important question to think about that is firmly linked to your argument ‘This essay has examined / argued / evaluated….’ ‘This essay has examined / argued / evaluated….’

23 1918 Consolidation of Power CONCLUSION

24 Sum Up This essay has argued that the Bolsheviks were able to consolidate their position in 1918 due to their single- minded pursuit of power. They passed decrees that built support and saw off enemies; they crushed opponents through the ruthless pursuit of terror; and were prepared to do whatever it took including the ending of democracy and a surrender to Germany so long as it meant they remained in power. In many ways, it can be argued that they abandoned their essential values, but Lenin calculated that this was necessary in the context of 1918 Russia. This essay has argued that the Bolsheviks were able to consolidate their position in 1918 due to their single- minded pursuit of power. They passed decrees that built support and saw off enemies; they crushed opponents through the ruthless pursuit of terror; and were prepared to do whatever it took including the ending of democracy and a surrender to Germany so long as it meant they remained in power. In many ways, it can be argued that they abandoned their essential values, but Lenin calculated that this was necessary in the context of 1918 Russia.

25 Add something new However, at the end of 1918, the Bolsheviks’ position was far from secure. To confirm their position as the government as Russia, the Bolsheviks would have to fight a civil war, withstand pressure from foreign interventionists and transform the Russian economy out of all recognition. However, at the end of 1918, the Bolsheviks’ position was far from secure. To confirm their position as the government as Russia, the Bolsheviks would have to fight a civil war, withstand pressure from foreign interventionists and transform the Russian economy out of all recognition.

26 1918 Conclusion This essay has argued that the Bolsheviks were able to consolidate their position in 1918 due to their single-minded pursuit of power. They passed decrees that built support and saw off enemies; they crushed opponents through the ruthless pursuit of terror; and were prepared to do whatever it took including the ending of democracy and a surrender to Germany so long as it meant they remained in power. In many ways, it can be argued that they abandoned their essential values, but Lenin calculated that this was necessary in the context of 1918 Russia. However, at the end of 1918, the Bolsheviks’ position was far from secure. To confirm their position as the government as Russia, the Bolsheviks would have to fight a civil war, withstand pressure from foreign interventionists and transform the Russian economy out of all recognition. This essay has argued that the Bolsheviks were able to consolidate their position in 1918 due to their single-minded pursuit of power. They passed decrees that built support and saw off enemies; they crushed opponents through the ruthless pursuit of terror; and were prepared to do whatever it took including the ending of democracy and a surrender to Germany so long as it meant they remained in power. In many ways, it can be argued that they abandoned their essential values, but Lenin calculated that this was necessary in the context of 1918 Russia. However, at the end of 1918, the Bolsheviks’ position was far from secure. To confirm their position as the government as Russia, the Bolsheviks would have to fight a civil war, withstand pressure from foreign interventionists and transform the Russian economy out of all recognition.

27 Other Points to Consider NEVER use 1 st person (I; me; my) NEVER use 1 st person (I; me; my) Paragraphs should be 1/3 – ½ side long Paragraphs should be 1/3 – ½ side long Always stick to question Always stick to question Be clear what the question is asking before you start Be clear what the question is asking before you start Don’t ‘tell stories’ Don’t ‘tell stories’ Don’t use unnecessary superlatives (sounds like you have nothing of interest to say) Don’t use unnecessary superlatives (sounds like you have nothing of interest to say) Keep it formal Keep it formal Balance doesn’t mean ‘sitting on the fence’ Balance doesn’t mean ‘sitting on the fence’

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