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Rampur Hybrid-2 A new maize Hybrid in Nepal ! DB Gurung, * KB Koirala, * MP Tripathi, * TR Rijal, *J Shrestha, * CB Kunwar, * B Bhandari, G. S. Bhandari.

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Presentation on theme: "Rampur Hybrid-2 A new maize Hybrid in Nepal ! DB Gurung, * KB Koirala, * MP Tripathi, * TR Rijal, *J Shrestha, * CB Kunwar, * B Bhandari, G. S. Bhandari."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rampur Hybrid-2 A new maize Hybrid in Nepal ! DB Gurung, * KB Koirala, * MP Tripathi, * TR Rijal, *J Shrestha, * CB Kunwar, * B Bhandari, G. S. Bhandari and ¥ cooperating Scientists/Officers !Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Singh Darbar Plaza, Kathmandu * National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal ¥ Regional/Agricultural Research Station & ABD Khumaltar, Lalitpur Draft

2 Presentation outlines Background Summary of the trials Stability analysis Performance under farmers condition Agro-morphological traits Biotic and abiotic stress tolerance Processing and organoleptic quality Recommendation domain Agronomic practices Reason for release Seed situation Proposed name

3 Background Growing population and increasing trends of poultry business-demanded more maize grains Hybrid maize with improved cultural practices can only meet the ever increasing demand Production and productivity of maize can be increased through growing hybrids that ultimately helps to reduce food and feed insecurity and improve livelihoods

4 Dependency on imported hybrid maize seed will be reduced Release of hybrids maize cultivars in the cyclic order is the best alternative for commercial maize production. Save huge amount of foreign currency collected from various sources to purchase hybrid maize seed

5 Summary of the trials conducted through NMRP, Rampur in 2005-2011

6 Stability analysis

7 Joint regression analysis of grain yield (kg ha -1 ) of RML4/NML2 maize hybrid over standard check (n=16) GenotypesMean±SEmRangebSEbt-value RML4/NML26393±5302308-92550.91240.2369*3.85 Rampur composite4675±2663262-63070.48100.1122*4.29

8 Performance of RML4/NML2 under farmers condition

9 Major agro-morphological traits of RML4/NML2 maize hybrids ParametersWinterSummer EarlyLate Days to 50% anthesis66 (63-75)103 (91-119)64 (58-68) Days to 50% silking71 (68-78)107 (95-122)67 (59-71) Plant height (cm)203 (153-225)126 (95-176)166 (153-181) Ear height (cm)113 (72-137)53 (37-80)78 (68-91) Grain yield (kg/ha)7005 (5224-8694)5579 (4395-7188)3555 (2308-4802)

10 Agro-morphological traits of RML4 and NML2 inbred lines

11 x

12 Major morphological traits of proposed hybrids and its inbred lines

13 Major traits RML4/NML2: Full-season hybrid and has yield potential of 5.2 to 11.1 t/ha. Kernel is yellow and flint type. Its erect leaves and medium plant height offers high density planting. Stem is robust and has no lodging problem. RML-4: is short and has cylindrical ears with irregular row arrangement and produces a good seed yield (about 3 tones/ha). NML-2: has medium plant height with erect leaves and glabrous leaf sheath. Pollen parent takes 69 GDU to shed pollen of seed parent when the seeds are planted at the same time.

14 Stay green trait of the leaves, Erect leaf type, Semi open tassel type Major identifying characteristics

15 Processing and organoleptic quality Processing qualityOrganoleptic test (popping) Grit (%)69Machine15.5% Flour (%)24.1Earthen pot60% Bran (%)6.9Metal pot45% Grit : flour4:1

16 Biotic stress Insects: RML4/NML2 showed nominal infestation against maize stem borer. The exits holes formed by the pests were also found minimum in this genotype. Diseases: Resistant to moderately resistant reaction against leaf blight diseases (NLB, SLB and BLSB) in natural condition Moderately susceptible reaction against NLB under artificially inoculated condition. Weeds: No specific association of weeds with this variety and does not require any special care for weed management. Crop management practices applied to other maize hybrids or OPVs is also sufficient for this variety.

17 Abiotic stress Climatic conditions: The variety prefer favorable environment Under stress condition could not perform well Its potentiality flourish under optimum condition Soil conditions: Prefers sandy loam to loam soil It does better in slightly acidic and medium texture soil

18 Recommendation domain Geographical area : East to mid-western Terai and inner Terai Moisture regime: partially irrigated and irrigated critical at 7 days before and after flowering Climatic conditions: temperature 38 0c is critical during flowering time

19 Socio-economics : Even poor farmers can afford buying hybrid seed because the net return is profitable. NitrogenPlant population SpacingGrain yield (kg/ha) Production cost Gross return Net benefit (NRs.) B:C 6055,55530 x 60809563752121425576730.90 6066,66625 x 60994563752149175854231.34 6083,33320 x 601002563752150375866231.36 12055,55530 x 60898567665134775671100.99 12066,66625 x 601069067665160350926851.37 12083,33320 x 601048067665157200895351.32 18055,55530 x 60852071578127800562220.79 18066,66625 x 601063571578159525879471.23 18083,33320 x 601110071578166500949221.33

20 Agronomic practices Fertilizer: 120:60:40 N:P 2 O 5 :K 2 O kg ha -1 along with 10 tons of farm yard manure. There is non significant differences irrespective of increasing N dose and plant densities. However, economic analysis shows higher net benefit with the increasing N & D

21 Agronomic practices Seed rate: 25 kg ha -1 Spacing: R-R: 60 cm and P-P: 20 cm (83,333plants/ha) for maximum yield and R-R: 60 cm and P-P: 25 cm (66,666 plants/ha) for economic yield Weeding: First weeding =20-25 days near 6 leaf stage and second weeding (earthing up) = 40-45 days near 12 leaf stage. Manual weeding Pre-planting= Glyphosate @ 5ml/litre (7-10 days before land preparation) and Pre- emergence = Attrazine @1.5-2 kg a.i. /ha (50% WP) within 48 hours of planting Irrigation: Knee high stage, tasseling and silking, and grain filling stages are most critical for moisture stress. Light irrigation- depends on soil moisture status

22 Ploughing: 2-3 ploughings are needed for land preparation Date of sowing: Optimum time 15 th August to15 th October, but can be grown before 15 th November

23 Reason for release Better grain quality and comparative yield to multinational hybrids Attractive grain color & quality that matches the consumer demand Uniform plant and ear height with higher grain yields potentiality up to 11.1 t ha -1 Release of hybrids in cyclic order is the best alternative to make the country self reliance on hybrid maize Reduce dependency on multi- national companies NMRP can support in technical matter to interested private sector in seed production

24 Seed supply situation

25 Proposed name Original designation/Symbolic name: RML4/NML2 Pedigree: RML4 (CA00326)/NML2 (CML430) Cross (parents): RML4/NML2 Country of Origin: Nepal

26 Acknowledgements Research team of NMRP, Rampur RARS, Parwanipur RARS, Nepalgunj ARS, Belachapi RARS, Tarahara ABD, Khumaltar




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