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------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 06860 Record number 06860-5 JCB call number H598 V411h Image title [Women of Peru] Place.

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1 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 06860 Record number 06860-5 JCB call number H598 V411h Image title [Women of Peru] Place image published [Venice] Image publisher [Sessa] Image date 1598 Image function plate; verso leaf 491 Technique woodcut Image dimension height 15.3 cm. Image dimension width 9.5 cm. Page dimension height 18.1 cm. Page dimension width 11.7 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Native American women from Peru. Clothed in a dress of striped woven cotton with a wide belt of striped cotton around her waist, one woman holds a drop spindle in one hand and makes yarn. Another woman wearing a cloak stands in the background. Source creator Vecellio, Cesare, ca. 1521-1601 Source Title [De gli habiti antichi et moderni] Habiti antichi et moderni di tutto il mondo Source place of publication In Venetia [Venice] Source publisher Appresso i Sessa Source date.1598 notes The text decribes the striped and multi-colored material used to clothe the women.Vecellio's popular book on costumes included not only the dress of his native Venice, but clothing from ancient times and from the Americas along with social commentary about the illustrated people and their attire. The woodcuts for this book were created by Christoph Krieger.Image title taken from text. Time Period 1492-1600 References (May 2009) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1884. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Clothing and dress--Peru Subject headings Indians of South America--Peru

2 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 70-33 Record number 70-33-2 JCB call number E685 D861tr Image title [Native American and chocolate] Place image published [Lyon] Image publisher [Jean Girin & Barthélémy Rivière] Image date 1685 Image function plate; following p. 304 Technique engraving Image dimension height 12.9 cm. Image dimension width 7.3 cm. Page dimension height 15.9 cm. Page dimension width 8.7 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages French Description [top] A native American is shown with feathered headdress, garments, and ornaments. He holds a bow, and arrow, and a war club. At his feet is a chocolate pot, cup, and stirrer. [bottom] Branch from a cacao tree showing fruit and leaves. Includes vanilla bean pods. Source creator Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre, 1622-1687 Source Title [De l'usage du caphé, du thé, et du chocolate.] Traitez nouveaux & curieux du café, du thé et du chocolate Source place of publication [A Lyon] Source publisher [Chez Iean Girin & B. Riviere] Source date 1685 notes An enlarged edition of author's De l'usage du caphé, du thé, et du chocolate, Lyon, 1671, compiled from various authors. Title page missing in this copy.The scientific name of cacao is Theobroma cacao. The vanilla plant is an orchid that grows as a vine and is native to Mexico. The Nahuatl name tlilxochitl means black flower (referring to the pod). Time Period 1651-1700 Visual categories Emblems (Allegorical pictures) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1969. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Flora and fauna Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of Mexico Subject headings Cacao

3 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 05724 Record number 05724-7 JCB call number E686 M253d Image title die Stadt Pomejok Place image published [Frankfurt am Main] Image publisher [Jean David Zunner] Image date 1686 Image function plate; vol. 5, fig. 16, following p. 172 Technique engraving Image dimension height 14.8 cm. Image dimension width 11.1 cm. Page dimension height 20.2 cm. Page dimension width 14.2 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description View of a native American settlement surrounded by a palisade. A ruler or king sits on a bench above his people in an inset. Includes dwellings, fire, vessel, and feathered headdress. Source creator Manesson-Mallet, Allain, 1630?-1706? Source Title Description de l'univers, contenant les differents systemes du monde, les cartes generales & particulieres de la geographie ancienne & moderne... Tome cinquième Source place of publication Francfourt sur le Main [Frankfurt am Main] Source publisher Chez Jean David Zunner Source date 1686 notes Text discusses the Indians of Virginia and the town of Pomeiooc and is derived from Theodor de Bry, America, part 1, plates 21, 22, & 29, and from the map of Virginia in John Smith, The generall historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, London, 1624.Image title above image. Time Period 1651-1700 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1874. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America--Virginia

4 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 09379 Record number 09379-1 JCB call number H719 G322v Image title [Map of the wanderings of the ancient Mexicans] Place image published [Paris] Image publisher [Etienne Ganeau] Image date 1719 Image function fold-out plate; vol. 6, following p. 38 Technique engraving Image dimension height 30 cm. Image dimension width 40.1 cm. Page dimension height 33.3 cm. Page dimension width 41.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages French, Nahuatl Description Conceptual map of the wanderings of the Mexicans on their search for a homeland. Significant places on their journey are given French and Nahuatl names and symbols. Includes location of Tenochtitlán marked by a cactus, Chapultépec [Hill of the Grasshopper], Chaco, Xaltzpozaulican, etc. Also includes native Americans or Mexicans, speaking bird, body parts, tzompantli or skull rack, and symbols of plants including maize and fruit trees. Source creator Gemelli Careri, Giovanni Francesco, 1651-1725 Source Title [Giro du mondo. French] Voyage du tour du monde... Tome sixieme Source place of publication A Paris Source publisher Chez Etienne Ganeau, Libraire rue S. Jacques, aux Armes de Dombes, vis-à-vis la Fontaine S. Severin Source date.1719 notes Text states that image is a copy drawn by Charles Siguenza of an original drawn by native Americans.The Mexicans were told to search for a place that would be shown to them by the presence of an eagle standing on a cactus growing out of a rock. This place is Tenochtitlán or the present-day Mexico City. An abridged translation, variously attributed to Eustache Le Noble (1643-1711) and to L.F. Dubois de Saint-Gelais. Cf. 08792-2, A collection of voyages and travels, London, 1704, which includes Gemelli Careri's voyage.Gemelli Careri was a world traveler who went around the world starting with the Holy Land and ending in Mexico. His five-year journey which began in 1693 ended by taking the silver fleet back to Spain from Cuba. Time Period 1701-1750 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1970. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Geography, maps, city views and plans Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Aztecs--Kings and rulers--Mythology Subject headings Indians of Mexico Subject headings Mexico--History--To 1519

5 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 04626 Record number 04626-3 JCB call number E723 C414e / 2-SIZE Image title Ceremonie Religieuse des Habitans de l'Isle Espagnolle. Creator 1 Bernard Picart Creator 1 dates 1673-1733 Creator 1 role sculp. dir. Place image published [Amsterdam] Image publisher [J. F. Bernard] Image date 1721 Image function plate; pt. 1, following p. 142 Technique engraving Image dimension height 31.6 cm. Image dimension width 20.8 cm. Page dimension height 39.4 cm. Page dimension width 24.6 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages French Description Religious ceremony of the native Americans of Hispaniola, present-day Haiti and Dominican Republic. Men and women dance before an idol with five heads. Includes musical instruments such as drums and people vomiting before temple made of reed. Also includes other idols or devils, feathered headdresses and garments, and beads. Source Title Ceremonies et coutumes religieuses des peuples idolatres... Tome premier Source place of publication A Amsterdam Source publisher Chez J. F. Bernard Source date M.DCCXXIII. [1723] notes Text describes how the zemis or devils of the natives of Hispaniola speak to the priests. Published under the general editorship of the Amsterdam bookseller, Jean Frédéric Bernard. Time Period 1701-1750 References exhibitions Landis, D.C. Literature of the Encounter, no. 31, Fig. III.8. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Caribbean Islands Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of the West Indies--Social life and customs Subject headings Indians of the West Indies--Religion

6 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 04626 Record number 04626-5 JCB call number E723 C414e / 2-SIZE Image title Maniere dont les prêtres Caribes souflent le Courage. Creator 1 Bernard Picart Creator 1 dates 1673-1733 Creator 1 role del. Place image published [Amsterdam] Image publisher [J. F. Bernard] Image date 1721 Image function plate; pt. 1, following p. 174 Technique engraving Image dimension height 31.1 cm. Image dimension width 20.5 cm. Page dimension height 39.4 cm. Page dimension width 24.6 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages French Description Native Americans dance in a dwelling preparatory to war. Priest in feathered garments and headresses blow smoke from pipes on the faces of the dancers. Includes interior of council house, bows, quivers or arrows, feathered ornaments, necklaces, feathered headdresses, and religious objects or rattles. Source Title Ceremonies et coutumes religieuses des peuples idolatres... Tome premier Source place of publication A Amsterdam Source publisher Chez J. F. Bernard Source date M.DCCXXIII. [1723] notes Text describes the people of New Granada, or Cumana in present-day Venezuela. Published under the general editorship of the Amsterdam bookseller, Jean Frédéric Bernard. Time Period 1701-1750 Subject matter conjurer, sorcerer, shaman References exhibitions Landis, D.C. Literature of the Encounter,no. 31, Fig. III.8. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of South America--Wars Subject headings Indians of South America--Social life and customs

7 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 04626 Record number 04626-4 JCB call number E723 C414e / 2-SIZE Image title [top] Le Mercure des Mexicains adoré à Cholula sous le nom de Quetzalcouatl. [bottom] Divinité qui préside à la chasse. Creator 1 Bernard Picart Creator 1 dates 1673-1733 Creator 1 role Delineavit Place image published [Amsterdam] Image publisher [J. F. Bernard] Image date 1722 Image function plate; pt. 1, following p. 156 Technique engraving Image dimension height [top] 15.1 cm. [bottom] 15 cm. Image dimension width [top] 20.8 cm. [bottom] 20.9 cm. Page dimension height 39.4 cm. Page dimension width 24.6 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages French Description [top] Native Americans offer blood sacrifices to the statue of the deity, Quetzalcoatl. Priests offer birds and practice self-mutilation (cutting ear and piercing tongue at fire before the deity). [bottom] Native Americans hunt bear and deer or stags. In the background natives offer their catch to a statue of a deity. Includes feathered headdresses, whips, cage, bows and arrows, war club, and net. Source Title Ceremonies et coutumes religieuses des peuples idolatres... Tome premier Source place of publication A Amsterdam Source publisher Chez J. F. Bernard Source date M.DCCXXIII. [1723] notes Quetzalcoatl, whose name means feathered "quetzal" serpent, was the Aztec god of creation. Published under the general editorship of the Amsterdam bookseller, Jean Frédéric Bernard. Time Period 1701-1750 Subject matter conjurer, sorcerer, shaman References exhibitions Landis, D.C. Literature of the Encounter,no. 31, Fig. III.8. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of Mexico--Religion Subject headings Indians of Mexico--Hunting

8 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 02597 Record number 02597-5 JCB call number E752 L442g Image title [Iroquois dancing] Place image published [Erfurt] Image publisher [Joh. David Jungnicol] Image date 1752 Image function fold-out plate; vol. 2, following p. 42 Technique engraving Image dimension height 13.6 cm. Image dimension width 16.6 cm. Page dimension height 17.5 cm. Page dimension width 19.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description In a timber building, native American men and women dance in a circle while a woman drums. They are observed by two European men. Two native American women prepare food (?) next to the building. Includes dwellings and dogs. Source creator Le Beau, Claude Source Title [Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau. German] Geschichte des Herrn C. Le Beau, Advocat im Parlament. Oder Merckwürdige und neue Reise zu denen Wilden des nordlichen Theils von America.... Anderer Theil.... Source place of publication Erfurt Source publisher druckts und verlegts Joh. David Jungnicol. Source date 1752 notes Claude Le Beau was the son of a good family who was transported as a prisoner, probably for the crime of libertinism, to Canada. The ship on which he sailed, the Eléphant, was wrecked on September 1, 1729, at Cape Brûle, about 30 miles from Quebec. The crew and passengers were saved. In 1731 he was condemned to death for running away and was hanged and garroted in effigy. Nevertheless, he reached Boston and sailed from there to Holland where his adventures were first published in 1738. His book was denigrated as a novel, but it is valuable for its descriptions of native American life and habits.This dance, done by both sexes to celebrate a feast of salmon, was observed by the author, Le Beau, and a Jesuit who lived nearby, Cirene. Accompanying text describes festival costume of the Iroquois.Cf. 01578-1 for an earlier version published in Amsterdam, 1738. Time Period 1751-1800 References (Jan. 2009) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1851. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America--Rites and ceremonies Subject headings Indian dance--North America

9 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 06-222 Record number 06-222-13 JCB call number D760 W927d Image title Pizarro entertain'd on Shore by a Peruvian lady. Place image published [London] Image publisher [J. Newbery] Image date 1760 Image function plate; vol. 3, following p. 38 Technique engraving Image dimension height 9.5 cm. Image dimension width 6 cm. Page dimension height 13.2 cm. Page dimension width 7.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Pizarro and his men sit at a table set in an arbor. A native American woman in a throne-like chair is host. Includes plates of food and native Americans blowing horns. Source Title The world displayed; or, A curious collection of voyages and travels, selected from the writers of all nations.... vol. III. Source place of publication London Source publisher Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun, in St. Paul's Church-Yard Source date 1760 notes Looking for gold, Pizarro and his men sailed along the west coast of South America until they came to Payta which they named Santa Cruz. There they landed and were entertained in some splendor by a native American woman.Volume three contains an account of the conquest of Peru and the settlement of Brazil by the Portuguese. Time Period 1751-1800 Provenance/Donor Former collection William Holbech; acquired as a gift from the estate of Frederick Lippitt. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Incas Subject headings Indians of South America--Peru Subject headings Pizarro, Francisco, ca. 1475-1541 Subject headings Peru--History--Conquest, 1522-1548

10 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 03205 Record number 03205-6 JCB call number J767 C891h Image title Umiak of Vrouwenboot. Creator 1 Jan Swertner Creator 1 dates 1746-1813 Creator 1 role sculp. Place image published [Haarlem & Amsterdam] Image publisher [C.H. Bohn & H. de Wit] Image date 1766 Image function fold-out plate 8; vol. 1, following p. 168 Technique engraving Image dimension height 13.6 cm. Image dimension width 15.1 cm. Page dimension height 20.4 cm. Page dimension width 25.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Dutch Description Five Inuit women row and steer a large boat with a sail that also holds two infant children. Also includes two kayaks. Source creator Cranz, David, 1723-1777 Source Title [Historie von Grönland. Dutch] Historie van Groenland behelzende eene nauwkeurige beschrijvinge van 's lands ligging, gesteldheid, en natuurlijke zeldzaamheden... bij de straate Davis... [I. deel] Source place of publication Te Haarlem Source publisher bij C.H. Bohn, [te] Amsterdam bij H. de Wit, boekverkoopers. Source date 1767 notes The umiak or oomiak is a large, broad boat used by Inuit women to transport their families and possessions. It is made of wood or bone and animal skin.David Cranz, a German historian and missionary, spent 14 months in Greenland in 1761-62. Time Period 1751-1800 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1866. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Arctic Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Inuit--Boats--Greenland Subject headings Inuit--Transportation Subject headings Inuit--Women Subject headings Umiaks

11 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08008 Record number 08008-5 JCB call number D789 D621v / 1-SIZE Image title [Eskimo lip ornament, ladle, and shell] Creator 1 Collings & W. Lewin Creator 1 role del. Creator 2 P. Mazell Creator 2 role Sculp. Place image published [London] Image publisher Capt. Dixon [George Dixon] Image date 1789 Image function plate; following p. 208 Technique engraving Image dimension height 18.1 cm. (platemark) Image dimension width 23.3 cm. (platemark) Page dimension height 26.9 cm. Page dimension width 20.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages English, Latin Description Lip ornament (lip plate or labret) worn by the women of Queen Charlotte Islands with a ladle from the same location. The handle of the horn ladle is carved in the shape of an animal's head. Also shown is a shell. Source creator Beresford, William, fl. 1788 Source Title A voyage round the world; but more particularly to the north-west coast of America: performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon.... Source place of publication London Source publisher Geo. Goulding, Haydn's head, no. 6, James Street, Covent Garden. Source date 1789 notes The shell is from the animal Anomia venosa Solander, a brachiopod.The Queen Charlotte islands are an archipelago off present-day British Columbia, Canada. They were named by Dixon for the wife of King George III.Beresford was supercargo on the Queen Charlotte, the ship of which Dixon was captain. Dixon edited Beresford's letters and added the maps and the navigational and natural history information. The goal of the voyage was to establish a fur trade along the northwest coast for King George's Sound Company in which Dixon was a partner.Engraver may be Peter Mazell, active 1761-1797. Draughtsman is probably William Lewin, active 1764-1782, died ca. 1795. Collings may be Samuel Collings, active 1784-1789.Image placed horizontally on page. Time Period 1751-1800 Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Flora and fauna Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Queen Charlotte Islands (B.C.)--Antiquities Subject headings Eskimos--Implements

12 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 32735 Record number 32735-2 JCB call number D796 M483v Image title Callicum e Maquilla, Capi dell'Imboccatura del Nootka. Place image published [Florence] Image publisher [Giovacchino Pagani] Image date 1796 Image function plate; vol. 2, following p. 32 Technique engraving Image dimension height 14.8 cm. Image dimension width 10.3 cm. Page dimension height 18 cm. Page dimension width 12.1 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Italian Description Two native American (Eskimo) chiefs shake hands while standing on a shore. Includes ship, boats, cloth, fur or skin clothing,and bracelets. Source creator Meares, John, 1756?-1809 Source Title [Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789 from China to the northwest coast of America. Italian] Viaggi dalla China alla costa nord- ovest d'America fatti negli anni 1788 e 1789 / dal capitano G. Meares. Prima traduzione italiana... tomo secondo Source place of publication Firenze [Florence] Source publisher A spese di Giovacchino Pagani Source date 1796 notes Maquilla or Muquinna was the name of a series of chiefs, but this one seems to have led his people from 1778 to 1795. He and his Nootka native Americans had their summer village at Yuquot, at the mouth of Nootka Sound. Meares claimed that Maquilla sold him land for a trading post.John Meares made two trips to northwestern North America, one in 1786-1787 and the other in 1788-1789, both with false papers in the hope of trading for furs on lands claimed by Spain. His activities nearly sparked a war with Spain. He was also accused by his more respectable fellow mariners of having aggrandized his accomplishments.Cf. 35386-1 Meares, Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the North West coast of America, London, 1790 for an earlier version. Time Period 1751-1800 References (Jan. 2009) Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject Area Portraits Subject headings Eskimos

13 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 34094 Record number 34094-4 JCB call number D798 V223v / 1-SIZE Image title Cheslakee's Village in Johnstone's Straits. Creator 1 William Alexander Creator 1 dates 1767-1816 Creator 1 role del. Creator 2 John Sykes Creator 2 dates 1773-1858 Creator 2 role Sketch taken on the Spot by Creator 3 John Landseer Creator 3 dates 1769-1852 Creator 3 role sculp. Place image published London Image publisher J. Edwards... & G. Robinson... Image date 1798 Image function plate; vol. 1, following p. 346 Technique engraving Image dimension height 15.7 cm. Image dimension width 23.3 cm. Page dimension height 31 cm. Page dimension width 24 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description View of native American settlement in Johnstone Strait northeast from present-day Vancouver Island. Many of the dwellings are painted. Includes boats or canoes drawn up on shore. Source creator Vancouver, George, 1757-1798 Source Title A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world... Vol. I Source place of publication London Source publisher Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row; and J. Edwards, Pall-Mall Source date 1798 notes Text describes a Kwakiutl village which is here called by the name of the chief of that village, Cheslakee. Vancouver explored the coast of present-day British Columbia, proving that there was no Northwest Passage at that latitude, and was instrumental in negotiations with the Spanish on possession of Nootka. Image placed horizontally on page. Time Period 1751-1800 References; (Jan. 2006) Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1871 Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Geography, maps, city views and plans Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America Subject headings Eskimos--First contact with Europeans

14 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 03420 Record number 03420-8 JCB call number D818 O66g / 1-SIZE Image title Uskee Male and Female with their Child. Creator 1 S. Koenig Creator 1 role del. Creator 2 Frederick Christian Lewis I Creator 2 dates 1779-1856 Creator 2 role Sculp. Place image published [London] Image publisher Baldwin, Cradock & Joy Image date 1818 Image function plate 7; following p. 84 Technique etching, aquatint Image dimension height 17.3 cm. Image dimension width 14.3 cm. Page dimension height 27.8 cm. Page dimension width 20.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Native American [Inuit] man and woman stand holding staffs. The woman carries a child on her back. Also includes dog as well as native Americans pulling a boat or kayak to shore and carrying a kayak. Source creator O'Reilly, Bernard Source Title Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the North-west Passage to the Pacific Ocean, illustrated in a voyage to Davis's Strait, during the summer of 1817.... Source place of publication London Source publisher Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 47, Paternoster-Row. Source date 1818 notes This voyage was made by the whaling ship Thomas with O'Reilly serving as ship's surgeon. O'Reilly claims to have discovered the Linnaean Island Chain and is confident of the discovery of a northwest passage. Although O'Reilly made many of the observations in the book, it is believed that large parts of the text were plagiarised from the lectures of Professor von Giesecke.Title page states that the plates are taken from drawings done by the author on the spot. Time Period 1801-1850 Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Arctic Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Inuit--Clothing

15 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 02296 Record number 02296-10 JCB call number D824 P265j / 1-SIZE Image title An Eskimaux Watching a Seal-Hole. Creator 1 George Francis Lyon Creator 1 dates 1795-1832 Creator 1 role Drawn by Creator 2 Edward Francis Finden Creator 2 dates 1791-1857 Creator 2 role Engraved by Place image published London Image publisher John Murray Image date 1824 Image function plate; vol. 2, following p. 172 Technique steel engraving, aquatint Image dimension height 14.4 cm. Image dimension width 20.4 cm. Page dimension height 27.1 cm. Page dimension width 20.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description A native American [Inuit] sits on the ice shielded from the wind by blocks of snow as he waits near a seal hole. Includes spear. Source creator Parry, William Edward, Sir, 1790-1855 Source Title Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; performed in the years 1821- 22-23, in his Majesty's ships Fury and Hecla, under the orders of William Edward Parry,... Source place of publication London Source publisher John Murray, Publisher to the Admiralty, and Board of Longitude. Source date MDCCCXXIV. [1824] notes Parry noted the Inuit dependence on hunting rather than food stores in the winter. Members of the expedition carefully observed native American hunting methods.William Parry's first independent expedition to find a northwest passage left in 1819 to try to meet John Franklin coming over land. His ships were the first British ones to enter the Arctic Archipelago, and he was the first to reach 110o W longitude. He stayed on Melville Island (named for Viscount Melville) until August 1, 1820, sailed a little farther south and west, then returned to England. He proved that it was possible to winter over in the Arctic and showed that one would have to navigate through an archipelago to find a northwest passage. The second expedition left in April of 1821; two winters were passed in the Arctic and much knowledge of the Inuit was gained, but ice blocked any discovery of a passage.Image placed horizontally on page. Time Period 1801-1850 Subject matter Eskimo Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1874. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Arctic Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Inuit--Hunting

16 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 02296 Record number 02296-11 JCB call number D824 P265j / 1-SIZE Image title Eskimaux. Listening at a Seal-hole. In the act of Striking a Seal. Creator 1 George Francis Lyon Creator 1 dates 1795-1832 Creator 1 role Drawn by Creator 2 Edward Francis Finden Creator 2 dates 1791-1857 Creator 2 role Engraved by Place image published London Image publisher John Murray Image date 1824 Image function plate; vol. 2, following p. 172 Technique steel engraving, aquatint Image dimension height 14.4 cm. Image dimension width 20.4 cm. Page dimension height 27.1 cm. Page dimension width 20.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Native Americans [Inuit] dressed in furs or skins and carrying spears on ropes watch at holes in the ice. Includes sea birds and sledge. Source creator Parry, William Edward, Sir, 1790-1855 Source Title Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; performed in the years 1821- 22-23, in his Majesty's ships Fury and Hecla, under the orders of William Edward Parry,... Source place of publication London Source publisher John Murray, Publisher to the Admiralty, and Board of Longitude. Source date MDCCCXXIV. [1824] notes Parry noted the Inuit dependence on hunting rather than food stores in the winter. Members of the expedition carefully observed native American hunting methods.William Parry's first independent expedition to find a northwest passage left in 1819 to try to meet John Franklin coming over land. His ships were the first British ones to enter the Arctic Archipelago, and he was the first to reach 110o W longitude. He stayed on Melville Island (named for Viscount Melville) until August 1, 1820, sailed a little farther south and west, then returned to England. He proved that it was possible to winter over in the Arctic and showed that one would have to navigate through an archipelago to find a northwest passage. The second expedition left in April of 1821; two winters were passed in the Arctic and much knowledge of the Inuit was gained, but ice blocked any discovery of a passage.Image placed horizontally on page. Time Period 1801-1850 Subject matter Eskimo Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1874. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Arctic Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Inuit--Hunting

17 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 02296 Record number 02296-33 JCB call number D824 P265j / 1-SIZE Image title Eskimaux Children Dancing. Igloolik, 1823. Creator 1 George Francis Lyon Creator 1 dates 1795-1832 Creator 1 role Drawn by Creator 2 Edward Francis Finden Creator 2 dates 1791-1857 Creator 2 role Engraved by Place image published London Image publisher John Murray Image date 1824 Image function plate; vol. 2, following p. 530 Technique steel engraving, aquatint Image dimension height 13.7 cm. Image dimension width 24.5 cm. Page dimension height 27.1 cm. Page dimension width 20.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Two Inuit children wearing fur clothing dance while another watches. The oldest child plays a drum. Source creator Parry, William Edward, Sir, 1790-1855 Source Title Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; performed in the years 1821- 22-23, in his Majesty's ships Fury and Hecla, under the orders of William Edward Parry,... Source place of publication London Source publisher John Murray, Publisher to the Admiralty, and Board of Longitude. Source date MDCCCXXIV. [1824] notes Text describes the toys of Inuit children.William Parry's first independent expedition to find a northwest passage left in 1819 to try to meet John Franklin coming over land. His ships were the first British ones to enter the Arctic Archipelago, and he was the first to reach 110o W longitude. He stayed on Melville Island (named for Viscount Melville) until August 1, 1820, sailed a little farther south and west, then returned to England. He proved that it was possible to winter over in the Arctic and showed that one would have to navigate through an archipelago to find a northwest passage. The second expedition left in April of 1821; two winters were passed in the Arctic and much knowledge of the Inuit was gained, but ice blocked any discovery of a passage.Image placed horizontally on page. Time Period 1801-1850 Subject matter Eskimo Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1874. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Arctic Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Inuit children

18 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 17183 Record number 17183-2 JCB call number J525 F912u / 1-SIZE Image title [Brazilian natives hunting] Place image published [Strasbourg] Image publisher [Johannes Grieninger] Image date [1525] Image function illustration; leaf XXII [22] verso Technique woodcut, hand coloring Image dimension height 10.5 cm. Image dimension width 14.3 cm. Page dimension height 28.8 cm. Page dimension width 19.4 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Two native American men turn to look at two unicorns who approach them. Includes shield, spear, bow and necklaces of teeth [?]. Source creator Fries, Lorenz, ca. 1490-1531 Source Title Uslegung der Mercarthen oder Cartha marina... Source place of publication Getruckt zü Strassburg [Strasbourg] Source publisher von Johannes Grieninger, vnd vollendet vff vnser Lieben Frawen Abent der Geburt. Source date [1525] notes Text notes the beauty of the parrots of Brazil, the great age of its inhabitants, and the presence of gold.Fries was trained as a medical doctor. After settling in Strasbourg around 1519 he became an associate of the Strasbourg printer and publisher Johann Grüninger, an associate of the St. Die group of scholars formed by, among others, Walter Lud, Martin Ringmann and Martin Waldseemuller. This book was designed to accompany: Carta marina, the author's version of the Waldseemüller marine chart.Publication statement from colophon.Cf. #07418-2 for a later version. Time Period 1492-1600 References (Oct. 2007) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1936. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Brazil Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Flora and fauna Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of South America--Hunting--Brazil Subject headings Unicorns

19 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 17183 Record number 17183-1 JCB call number J525 F912u / 1-SIZE Image title [Cannibals on a Caribbean island] Place image published [Strasbourg] Image publisher [Johannes Grieninger] Image date [1525] Image function illustration; leaf XVI [16] recto Technique woodcut, hand coloring Image dimension height 10.5 cm. Image dimension width 14.4 cm. Page dimension height 28.8 cm. Page dimension width 19.4 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Dog-headed cannibals butcher people on a kind of butcher's block. One dog-headed man leads a llama[?] with a victim tied to it. Built environment includes dwelling. Source creator Fries, Lorenz, ca. 1490-1531 Source Title Uslegung der Mercarthen oder Cartha marina... Source place of publication Getruckt zü Strassburg [Strasbourg] Source publisher von Johannes Grieninger, vnd vollendet vff vnser Lieben Frawen Abent der Geburt. Source date [1525] notes Text notes that the people of these islands discovered by Columbus were naked and decorated themselves with parrot feathers. They lived in dwellings of wood covered with palm branches.The idea that cannibals were somehow related to dogs may have come from Columbus' entry in his log: "All the people I have encountered up until this time greatly fear the people of Caniba of Canima... The Indians with me continued to show great fear... insisting that the people of Bohío had only one eye and a face of a dog, and they fear being eaten."Fries was trained as a medical doctor. After settling in Strasbourg around 1519 he became an associate of the Strasbourg printer and publisher Johann Grüninger, an associate of the St. Die group of scholars formed by, among others, Walter Lud, Martin Ringmann and Martin Waldseemuller.This book was designed to accompany: Carta marina, the author's version of the Waldseemüller marine chart.Publication statement from colophon.Cf. #07418-1 for a later version. Time Period 1492-1600 References; (Oct. 2007) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1936. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Caribbean Islands Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Cannibalism Subject headings Indians of the West Indies

20 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 06-132 Record number 06-132-1 JCB call number E551 C421l Image title Figure des Brisilians Place image published [Rouen] Image publisher [Robert Le Hoy, Robert and Jean Dugord] Image date [1551] Image function plate; verso leaf [K2] & recto leaf [K3] Technique woodcut Image dimension height 17.7 cm Image dimension width 26.2 cm. [both pages] Page dimension height 20.8 cm. Page dimension width 30.7 cm. [both pages] Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Scenes from the lives of native Americans from Brazil. Includes scenes of hunting, warfare, dancing, building, and other scenes of daily life. Also includes hammock, dwellings, palisades, settlement burning, bows, arrows, canoes or boats, and shields. Source Title Cest la deduction du sumptueux ordre, plasantz spectacles et magnifiques theatres dresses, et exhibes par les citoiens de Rouen... Source place of publication On les vend a Rouen Source publisher Chez Robert Le Hoy Robert & Iehan dictz du Gord tenantz leur boutique, au portail des libraires Source date 1551 notes Written to celebrate the triumphal visit of Henri II and Catherine de Medici in 1550 to Rouen, this book includes scenes from the lives of Brazilian Indians (Tupinamba). Fifty Brazilians were brought to Rouen to enact the scene illustrated here. Time Period 1492-1600 References (June 2006) Provenance/Donor Acquired in 2006. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Brazil Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of South America--Brazil

21 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 03373 Record number 03373-3 JCB call number J557 S776w1 [R] Image title [Wie geschicte sie sein wild thirer und sische zu schieffen mit pfeilen.] Place image published [Marburg] Image publisher [Andres Kolben] Image date [1557] Image function illustration; pt. 2, caput VIII Technique woodcut Image dimension height 10.7 cm. Image dimension width 11 cm. Page dimension height 18.7 cm. Page dimension width 14 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Native Americans fish with bow and arrow. Some men dive for fish. Source creator Staden, Hans, 16th cent. Source Title [Warhaftige Historia und Beschreibung] Warhaftige Historia vnd Beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der Wilden Nacketen grimmigen menschenfressen Leuthen in der Newenwelt America gelegen Source place of publication Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg] Source publisher Bei Andres Kolben off fastnacht Source date [1557] notes Hans Staden was a German soldier who traveled twice to Brazil on Portuguese ships. On his second trip he was shipwrecked and captured by the Tupinamba, a cannibalistic Brazilian tribe, in 1552. Image title taken from chapter title. Time Period 1492-1600 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1866. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Commentary Add a comment geographic area Brazil Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of South America--Brazil

22 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 0656 Record number 0656-1 JCB call number E558 T416sp Image title [Superstition des Sauuages à faire ce brunage] Place image published [Paris] Image publisher [Maurice de la Porte] Image date [1558] Image function illustration; verso of leaf 46 Technique woodcut Image dimension height 8.7 cm. Image dimension width 10.7 cm. Page dimension height 20.3 cm. Page dimension width 15.3 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages French Description Preparation of an intoxicating brew among native Americans. Source creator Thevet, André, 1502-1590 Source Title [Les singularitez de la France Antarctique] Les singularitez de la France Antarctique autrement nommée Amerique Source place of publication A Paris Source publisher Chez les heritiers de Maurice de la Porte, au Clos Bruneau, à l'ensiegne S. Claude Source date 1558 notes Text describes women chewing a mash and spitting it into pots to make "wine." The native Americans of Brazil were known to make a drink of roots which was produced by women who chewed the roots; their saliva caused the beverage to ferment. Thevet, a Franciscan monk, traveled to Brazil with Nicolas Durand, chevalier de Villegagnon, stayed only ten weeks, and wrote Les singularitez from his own observations and those of others. Title is from marginal gloss. Time Period 1492-1600 References exhibitions Slive, D.J. A Harvest Gathered, Item 29; Schäffer, D. Portuguese exploration, Fig. 10 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1846. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Commentary Add a comment geographic area Brazil Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Brazil--Description and travel Subject headings Indians of South America

23 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08915 Record number 08915-26 JCB call number J590 B915v GVG 2.1 / 2-SIZE (copy 2) Image title Wie sie ire äcker bauwen und beseen. Place image published [Frankfurt am Main] Image publisher [Johann Feyerabend for Theodor de Bry] Image date [1591] Image function illustration; pt. 2, plate XXI Technique engraving, hand coloring Image dimension height 14.7 cm. Image dimension width 21.2 cm. Page dimension height 32.5 cm. Page dimension width 22.5 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Native American men till the earth and women plant seeds. Includes baskets of seeds, hoes, and planting sticks. Source Title [America. Pt 2. German] Der ander Theil der newlich erfundenen Landtschafft Americae, von dreyen Schiffahrten, so die Frantzosen in Floridam... gethan... Source place of publication Franckfort am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main] Source publisher bey Johann Feyerabendt, in Verlegung Dieterich von Bry Source date 1591 notes The text describes how native American men farm using hoes made of fish bones. This work was published by Theodor de Bry from manuscript notes and drawings made by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, an illustrator and explorer, who sailed with René de Laudonnière on the 1564 Huguenot expedition to Florida. Laudonnière set up Fort Caroline on the St. John's River in 1564, but the settlement was destroyed by the Spanish army under Pedro Menendez de Aviles. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 2. German. Time Period 1492-1600 References Alexander, M. ed. Discovering the New World, p. 12-16 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1865. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America--Agriculture Subject headings Indians of North America--Florida Subject headings Florida--History--Huguenot colony, 1562-1565

24 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08915 Record number 08915-28 JCB call number J590 B915v GVG 2.1 / 2-SIZE (copy 2) Image title Wie sie ir Wildpret Fisch und andere järliche Speisz einbringen. Place image published [Frankfurt am Main] Image publisher [Johann Feyerabend for Theodor de Bry] Image date [1591] Image function illustration; pt. 2, plate XXIII Technique engraving, hand coloring Image dimension height 15.2 cm. Image dimension width 21.1 cm. Page dimension height 32.5 cm. Page dimension width 22.5 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Native Americans carry baskets filled with fish, alligators, other meat or game, and vegetables. Source Title [America. Pt 2. German] Der ander Theil der newlich erfundenen Landtschafft Americae, von dreyen Schiffahrten, so die Frantzosen in Floridam... gethan... Source place of publication Franckfort am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main] Source publisher bey Johann Feyerabendt, in Verlegung Dieterich von Bry Source date 1591 notes The text describes how the hermaphrodites who were used for carrying burdens by native Americans brought all kinds of game, fish, and even crocodiles to storehouses. This work was published by Theodor de Bry from manuscript notes and drawings made by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, an illustrator and explorer, who sailed with René de Laudonnière on the 1564 Huguenot expedition to Florida. Laudonnière set up Fort Caroline on the St. John's River in 1564, but the settlement was destroyed by the Spanish army under Pedro Menendez de Aviles. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 2. German. Time Period 1492-1600 References Alexander, M. ed. Discovering the New World, p. 12-16 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1865. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America--Florida Subject headings Indians of North America--Food Subject headings Florida--History--Huguenot colony, 1562-1565

25 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08915 Record number 08915-29 JCB call number J590 B915v GVG 2.1 / 2-SIZE (copy 2) Image title Wie sie ire Fisch Wildpret und andern järlichen Vorraht an Speise sengen oder dörren. Place image published [Frankfurt am Main] Image publisher [Johann Feyerabend for Theodor de Bry] Image date [1591] Image function illustration; pt. 2, plate XXIV Technique engraving, hand coloring Image dimension height 15.4 cm. Image dimension width 21 cm. Page dimension height 32.5 cm. Page dimension width 22.5 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Native Americans dry fish and game such as alligators, snakes, and small deer on a grill over a fire. Includes a fan. Source Title [America. Pt 2. German] Der ander Theil der newlich erfundenen Landtschafft Americae, von dreyen Schiffahrten, so die Frantzosen in Floridam... gethan... Source place of publication Franckfort am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main] Source publisher bey Johann Feyerabendt, in Verlegung Dieterich von Bry Source date 1591 notes This work was published by Theodor de Bry from manuscript notes and drawings made by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, an illustrator and explorer, who sailed with René de Laudonnière on the 1564 Huguenot expedition to Florida. Laudonnière set up Fort Caroline on the St. John's River in 1564, but the settlement was destroyed by the Spanish army under Pedro Menendez de Aviles. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 2. German. Time Period 1492-1600 References Alexander, M. ed. Discovering the New World, p. 12-16 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1865. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America--Florida Subject headings Indians of North America--Food Subject headings Florida--History--Huguenot colony, 1562-1565

26 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08915 Record number 08915-31 JCB call number J590 B915v GVG 2.1 / 2-SIZE (copy 2) Image title Wie sie die Crocodilen schiessen. Place image published [Frankfurt am Main] Image publisher [Johann Feyerabend for Theodor de Bry] Image date [1591] Image function illustration; pt. 2, plate XXVI Technique engraving, hand coloring Image dimension height 15.6 cm. Image dimension width 21.9 cm. Page dimension height 32.5 cm. Page dimension width 22.5 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Native Americans drive a pole into an alligator or crocodile's throat while in the background others shoot the animal with arrows or beat it with clubs. Includes a hut. Source Title [America. Pt 2. German] Der ander Theil der newlich erfundenen Landtschafft Americae, von dreyen Schiffahrten, so die Frantzosen in Floridam... gethan... Source place of publication Franckfort am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main] Source publisher bey Johann Feyerabendt, in Verlegung Dieterich von Bry Source date 1591 notes The text describes the small hut built with slits and holes where a watchman waits for the alligator to forage for food. At that point others arrive and drive a small tree into the alligator's mouth. Then they turn it over and shoot and beat it on its soft underbelly until it dies. This work was published by Theodor de Bry from manuscript notes and drawings made by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, an illustrator and explorer, who sailed with René de Laudonnière on the 1564 Huguenot expedition to Florida. Laudonnière set up Fort Caroline on the St. John's River in 1564, but the settlement was destroyed by the Spanish army under Pedro Menendez de Aviles. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 2. German. Time Period 1492-1600 References Alexander, M. ed. Discovering the New World, p. 12-16 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1865. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America--Florida Subject headings Indians of North America--Hunting Subject headings Florida--History--Huguenot colony, 1562-1565

27 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08915 Record number 08915-33 JCB call number J590 B915v GVG 2.1 / 2-SIZE (copy 2) Image title Wie sie ire Gasterenen halten. Place image published [Frankfurt am Main] Image publisher [Johann Feyerabend for Theodor de Bry] Image date [1591] Image function illustration; pt. 2, plate XXVIII Technique engraving, hand coloring Image dimension height 15.2 cm. Image dimension width 21.4 cm. Page dimension height 32.5 cm. Page dimension width 22.5 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Native Americans prepare for a feast. Men pour grain into a pot on a fire while women sort the food on the ground. Plates lie to be washed next to a hole in which water has been placed. A man grinds herbs on a stone in the background. Includes baskets, cooking vessles, and a fan. Source Title [America. Pt 2. German] Der ander Theil der newlich erfundenen Landtschafft Americae, von dreyen Schiffahrten, so die Frantzosen in Floridam... gethan... Source place of publication Franckfort am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main] Source publisher bey Johann Feyerabendt, in Verlegung Dieterich von Bry Source date 1591 notes The text describes how the natives prepare for a feast, and it lauds their moderation in eating. This work was published by Theodor de Bry from manuscript notes and drawings made by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, an illustrator and explorer, who sailed with René de Laudonnière on the 1564 Huguenot expedition to Florida. Laudonnière set up Fort Caroline on the St. John's River in 1564, but the settlement was destroyed by the Spanish army under Pedro Menendez de Aviles. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 2. German. Time Period 1492-1600 References Alexander, M. ed. Discovering the New World, p. 12-16 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1865. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America--Florida Subject headings Florida--History--Huguenot colony, 1562-1565

28 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08915 Record number 08915-34 JCB call number J590 B915v GVG 2.1 / 2-SIZE (copy 2) Image title Wie die auss Florida von wichtigen Sachen sich berahtschlagen. Place image published [Frankfurt am Main] Image publisher [Johann Feyerabend for Theodor de Bry] Image date [1591] Image function illustration; pt. 2, plate XXIX Technique engraving, hand coloring Image dimension height 15 cm. Image dimension width 21.3 cm. Page dimension height 32.5 cm. Page dimension width 22.5 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Observed by Frenchmen, native Americans sit in council. The men sit on wooden benches and drink from shells, some vomit, while women prepare the drink in vessels in the foreground. Includes strainers and guns or muskets. Source Title [America. Pt 2. German] Der ander Theil der newlich erfundenen Landtschafft Americae, von dreyen Schiffahrten, so die Frantzosen in Floridam... gethan... Source place of publication Franckfort am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main] Source publisher bey Johann Feyerabendt, in Verlegung Dieterich von Bry Source date 1591 notes The text describes how the natives deliberate on important matters. The king or chief is seated on a special seat while around him the other men listen to everyone's opinions. The women make a special beverage which is passed around to all the men who have proven themselves in battle. Some men cannot keep it down, and they are not given any difficult task or military responsibility. This work was published by Theodor de Bry from manuscript notes and drawings made by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, an illustrator and explorer, who sailed with René de Laudonnière on the 1564 Huguenot expedition to Florida. Laudonnière set up Fort Caroline on the St. John's River in 1564, but the settlement was destroyed by the Spanish army under Pedro Menendez de Aviles. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 2. German. Time Period 1492-1600 References Alexander, M. ed. Discovering the New World, p. 12-16 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1865. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America--Florida Subject headings Indian councils Subject headings Florida--History--Huguenot colony, 1562-1565

29 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08915 Record number 08915-44 JCB call number J590 B915v GVG 2.1 / 2-SIZE (copy 2) Image title Wie der König und die Königin sich zu erlustiren spassiren gehen. Creator 1 ` Place image published [Frankfurt am Main] Image publisher [Johann Feyerabend for Theodor de Bry] Image date [1591] Image function illustration; pt. 2, plate XXXIX Technique engraving, hand coloring Image dimension height 15.3 cm. Image dimension width 21.5 cm. Page dimension height 32.5 cm. Page dimension width 22.5 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Native American chief or king and his wife or queen walk followed by attendants who fan them or carry baskets. Source Title [America. Pt 2. German] Der ander Theil der newlich erfundenen Landtschafft Americae, von dreyen Schiffahrten, so die Frantzosen in Floridam... gethan... Source place of publication Franckfort am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main] Source publisher bey Johann Feyerabendt, in Verlegung Dieterich von Bry Source date 1591 notes The text describes the chief or king walking with his first wife and also describes how they are tattooed and otherwise decorated. The women wear clothes made out of Spanish moss, outline their lips in blue paint, and file their fingernails to sharp points. This work was published by Theodor de Bry from manuscript notes and drawings made by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, an illustrator and explorer, who sailed with René de Laudonnière on the 1564 Huguenot expedition to Florida. Laudonnière set up Fort Caroline on the St. John's River in 1564, but the settlement was destroyed by the Spanish army under Pedro Menendez de Aviles. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 2. German. Time Period 1492-1600 References Alexander, M. ed. Discovering the New World, p. 12-16 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1865. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Indians of North America--Social life and customs Subject headings Indians of North America--Florida Subject headings Florida--History--Huguenot colony, 1562-1565

30 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 35269 Record number 35269-9 JCB call number G746 E29b Image title [Inuit summer and winter dwellings] Place image published [Delft] Image publisher [Reinier Boitet] Image date [1746] Image function plate; following p. 94 Technique engraving Image dimension height 16.8 cm. Image dimension width 10.9 cm. Page dimension height 21 cm. Page dimension width 14.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Description Dwellings of the native American Inuit. The winter houses are made of sod or stone and have windows on one side; a cutaway version of the winter house is also shown. The summer dwellings are made of skin or boats turned over. Inuit in boats and using harpoons hunt birds on the water, and there are piles of dead birds on shore. Source creator Egede, Hans, 1686-1758 Source Title [Gamle Grønlands nye perlustration. Dutch] Beschryving van Oud-Groenland, of eigentlyk van de zoogenaamde Straat Davis... Source place of publication Te Delft Source publisher By Reinier Boitet Source date 1746 notes In 1721 Hans Egede, with the permission of the united kingdom of Denmark-Norway, founded a trading company and a Lutheran mission near present-day Nuuk (Godthåb). He had hoped to rediscover and reestablish the original Norse colonies on Greenland. He published the first book in an Inuit language in 1742. This translation into Dutch was based on the second and longer Danish publication of this work, which appeared in 1741. Cf. Hans Egede, Det gamle Grønlands nye perlustration, Copenhagen, 1741 (#01609-9) for the original version of this image. Time Period 1701-1750 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1874. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Arctic Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Inuit--Dwellings--Greenland Subject headings Inuit--Hunting--Greenland

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